View Full Version : Heat... too hot for me and my computer...

08-05-12, 03:31 PM
Well, our weather here in the Pacific NorthWet has turned hot... Yesterday we hit 90 and today we're supposed to be hotter... I've shut down all of my crunching until this heat wave is over... maybe by Tuesday? Both I and my machine are too hot to do any serious thinking... :-q

08-05-12, 04:42 PM
I feel for ya. Keep cool and we'll be here when you fire that box back up. :p

08-05-12, 04:52 PM
I feel for ya. Keep cool and we'll be here when you fire that box back up. :p


Duke of Buckingham
08-05-12, 04:55 PM
Have one ice cream.


08-06-12, 01:21 AM
Yesterday we hit 90 and today we're supposed to be hotter...

Ninety shimety. It's been that way all summer throughout most of the midwest and south. If this were an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond, Ray Marone's father would surely way "Turn the A/C down a few degrees and lift up your skirt if you are warm, Nancy!"

The dark side (a.k.a. she who hold the checkbook) keeps hinting that I should down a few boxes to conserve electricity, but I keep hearing "Luke use the MxA!" (FYI, for those who didn't get that and who didn't do so well in high school science, Force = Mass x Accelleration)

Global warming. Fact or fiction? Could the Al Gore, who, in his own mind, invented the Internet, be correct?
Or, is it just our team's superior crunching power heating up the atmosphere? Let's all buy another computer to crunch with and find out!

08-06-12, 09:50 AM
Yesterday we hit 90 and today we're supposed to be hotter...

Ninety shimety. It's been that way all summer throughout most of the midwest and south. If this were an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond, Ray Marone's father would surely way "Turn the A/C down a few degrees and lift up your skirt if you are warm, Nancy!"

The dark side (a.k.a. she who hold the checkbook) keeps hinting that I should down a few boxes to conserve electricity, but I keep hearing "Luke use the MxA!" (FYI, for those who didn't get that and who didn't do so well in high school science, Force = Mass x Accelleration)

Global warming. Fact or fiction? Could the Al Gore, who, in his own mind, invented the Internet, be correct?
Or, is it just our team's superior crunching power heating up the atmosphere? Let's all buy another computer to crunch with and find out!


08-06-12, 06:28 PM
@Slicker: Touche good man, Touche!

Duke of Buckingham
08-06-12, 07:05 PM


Crazy Duke

08-06-12, 08:46 PM
I thought I was going to have to get my thermals out. We only reached the mid 90's here. That's the kind of weather we were having in February this year.

I took advantage of the warm 100 degrees on Saturday to get some car work done outside. I hate working in the cold.

08-07-12, 05:29 PM
My sister in law and a few of her friends came to visit this past week. One afternoon they were sitting outside on the back porch in the 95 degree heat and saying how nice it was. I thought they were nuts until I found out it was 114 F when the left Oklahoma so 95 F seemed cool compared to that. Back when I lived in Antigua, people would wear parkas in the evening in the winter because it would get down to 70 F at night. I guess it is all relative once you get acclimated.

08-08-12, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the icecream, Duke! :):D

08-08-12, 08:59 PM
I used to worry about the heat too. Then I got some good advise: Don't worry about it. So long as it isn't spitting out errors for your BOINC tasks, you're fine. You can't hurt it.

Duke of Buckingham
08-08-12, 09:02 PM

:pYou are welcome, better than the ice cream only my last hairstyle. And yes Z I made this hairstyle because of the heat. I had to (h)eat it.:mad:

Crazy Duke full of hairstyle.

08-08-12, 11:58 PM
Just got my latest electric bill. :-o

I'm beginning to agree that it may be too hot.

08-09-12, 12:53 AM
Just got my latest electric bill. :-o

I'm beginning to agree that it may be too hot.

What? You need a water heater in that heat? Turn it off, and crank up your GPU!

08-09-12, 07:30 AM
What? You need a water heater in that heat? Turn it off, and crank up your GPU!

It's a gas water heater. The gas bill is plenty low. I guess I could stop drying my clothes and what's a few wrinkles? Now that I think of it, I really don't need coffee either.

Duke of Buckingham
08-09-12, 07:37 AM
It's a gas water heater. The gas bill is plenty low. I guess I could stop drying my clothes and what's a few wrinkles? Now that I think of it, I really don't need coffee either.


Ice coffee maybe.

08-09-12, 09:06 AM
It's a gas water heater. The gas bill is plenty low. I guess I could stop drying my clothes and what's a few wrinkles? Now that I think of it, I really don't need coffee either.


08-09-12, 09:43 AM
Just got my latest electric bill. :-o

I'm beginning to agree that it may be too hot.

There have been only 3 days so far this summer that we didn't need the A/C on since early June. Looks like Illinois is going to get some relief this weekend though. High of only 72 today! Unfortunately, that's because the heat dome is trapped in the SW.

I've got an idea! Why don't we all chip in and puchase some property up in Alaska? We'll all ship our computers there where they will stay cool in the summer and provide heat in the winter! Any teammates live in AK that would be willing and able to monitor a super farm? ;-)

Duke of Buckingham
08-09-12, 10:18 AM

08-09-12, 12:28 PM
It's a gas water heater. The gas bill is plenty low. I guess I could stop drying my clothes and what's a few wrinkles? Now that I think of it, I really don't need coffee either.

I never need coffee--------as long as I have my BEER.:cool::cool::cool::D:D:D

08-10-12, 04:30 PM

I've got an idea! Why don't we all chip in and puchase some property up in Alaska? We'll all ship our computers there where they will stay cool in the summer and provide heat in the winter! Any teammates live in AK that would be willing and able to monitor a super farm? ;-)

Ohh, sure, blame SUSA for the polar icecaps melting. Global warming caused by Team Seti.USA. I can see Al Gore now.


Duke of Buckingham
08-10-12, 04:44 PM
I will make a video about that...

The tittle:
My computer is melting for me.

The Music:

