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12-07-10, 01:49 PM
I know it was posted before on the old forums. My MW stops uploading finished tasks. Says it hit the maximum number of redirects. DrBob had posted something about either making a change in the CC config or the ap info don't remember which. Anyone got a clue?

12-07-10, 01:54 PM
I've had "report results immediately" turned on in my cc_config file for a while, and never had a problem uploading results. Maybe that?

12-07-10, 02:04 PM
This is what is already in there.


Just started recently. Onlt 2 changes made were I started running some WCG for the Musketeers and I tried to attach to PG, but I don't have an ap info file for that. After that, MW went alzheimers on me.

12-08-10, 05:39 PM
This crap is odd. When I left work yesterday, MW was uploading and downloading as expected. Came in this morning to all wu trying to upload. Restarted BOINC and they all uploaded and downloaded new work. Checked after a while and all looked fine. Checked before I went home and all wu trying to upload again. I restarted BOINC and all went through again. Left the message tab open on my machine and shut off the monitor. Not sure if that's going to do anything. All was fine until I tried to add the PG ap and started crunching WCG for the Musketeers. Using BOINC 6.10.58 I think. Anyone seeing anything similar? I'm getting real tired of this crap.

12-08-10, 06:53 PM
This is what is already in there.


Just started recently. Onlt 2 changes made were I started running some WCG for the Musketeers and I tried to attach to PG, but I don't have an ap info file for that. After that, MW went alzheimers on me.

Change <zero_debts>1</zero_debts> to <zero_debts>0</zero_debts> or just remove that whole line.
From the BOINC Wiki: Client configuration: (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Client_configuration)

Set resource scheduling debts to zero. This lets you fix situations where client bugs have resulted in distorted debt values. Set it, run the client, then clear it (otherwise you'll start out with zero debts every time you run the client).

12-09-10, 08:30 AM
I made the change this morning. BOINC was acting real screwy. Of course MW wasn't uploading, and Collatz was doing the same. WUPROP wouldn't even connect. Every time my machine would try to contact the projects, it would reset MW work so the WU's started over every time. Made the change and tried to update a project to see what was happening and it didn't reset MW. Hopefully this fixes things. Thanks for the info.

12-09-10, 02:31 PM
Change <zero_debts>1</zero_debts> to <zero_debts>0</zero_debts> or just remove that whole line.
From the BOINC Wiki: Client configuration: (http://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/Client_configuration)

Set resource scheduling debts to zero. This lets you fix situations where client bugs have resulted in distorted debt values. Set it, run the client, then clear it (otherwise you'll start out with zero debts every time you run the client).

Looks like at least one person reads the wiki pages!

If the machine crunches 24/7 and only boot once every 6 months or more when the power goes out, leaving it set to 1 really doesn't hurt much. The same is true if you only crunch a single project at a time.

12-09-10, 03:08 PM
Not sure what is going on. Came back to all wu trying to upload. Restart BOINC and everything works for a little while and then Blahhhh!