View Full Version : Farewell to my teammates

08-28-12, 05:11 AM
My how time flies by.
It’s been a long haul and for the most part a good run but a few weeks shy of my 7th anniversary with the team it is time for me to move on. In the time I have been with SETI.USA I have tried to be a good teammate and worked to help make the team successful. Since joining this team I can proudly say that every single cobblestone I have earned on every project has gone into the team’s coffers without exception. I also served as team Admin for a time and would hope those who were members during that period would think my efforts benefited the team and my administration of our boards was done in an admirable and impartial manner. It was a privilege to serve and help the team grow during its early years, thinking back I still find what we accomplished back then amazing. I have given this a lot of thought and consideration in the past few days but do to certain recent “events” I honestly feel I no longer “fit” here. So it is with sadness and some disappointment I feel I need to move on. :(

During my time with the team I have made many friends. Many times in the past others have left without a word or goodbye, I could not do this out of respect for the friends I still have here at SETI.USA.

I wish my teammates and SETI.USA success and hope the recent change to an International team brings the revitalized success it is trying to achieve.

I’m sure I will stop in once and a while and expect to see some of you on the great interweb. Not sure where I’ll finally end up but if you want to chat once and a while I shouldn’t be hard to find.

As this is my farewell thread I would request that those who wish to start controversy or feel the need to vent accusations or make hateful remarks please do so in another thread. Thank you.

Best Regards…


08-28-12, 05:43 AM
bye bob.

Duke of Buckingham
08-28-12, 06:29 AM
That you can find what you are looking for, is my wish but mainly peace in your life and your heart.


Christopher Herr
08-28-12, 08:29 AM
Shame, we barely got to know each other!

Sad to see you leave, but a man has to do what a man got to do once in a while and find new adventures and experiences...
I hope they will be pleasant ones!

See you around, I suppose...

08-28-12, 08:36 AM
I am sad to see you go. :( You are welcome here whenever you wish to return even if it's to visit every now and then. Thank you again for all you have done for this team.
Mike G.

08-28-12, 10:37 AM
Oh man..!

I can understand your reasons. It has been a hard road to travel for us old-timers. We can remember how the team WAS. But we must also look ahead, and not live in the past.

DrBob: Thanks for being such a great team-mate over the last 6.5 years (my #7 coming up in 4 months) Please don´t be a stranger, and let me know where you end up.

Mad Matt
08-28-12, 10:58 AM
Sorry for missing the chance to learn to know you, Bob. And sorry to see you leaving in worry and grief, but I hope you also see those being around with you for a long time are grateful for the work you have done. Thank you and all the best.

Mr. Hankey
08-28-12, 01:17 PM
Hey DrBob, you were one of the first to welcome me when I joined this team back in the day. Sorry to see you go, please do stop by and visit, also let us know where you end up. Remember you are always welcome here if/when you miss us.

08-28-12, 05:20 PM
Dr. Bob, a very sad day for our team. You have been an appreciated member of this team longer than anyone else that I personally know. Of course I wish I would never have to say this to any team member ever, or see anyone go, but I do wish you safe travels in BOINC Land, and I really do hope you find a perfect team for you to be on now. I hope your are warmly welcomed wherever you go, and please know there is always a place here for you should you ever decide to return and join us once again. Thank you for your enormous efforts in the earlier years of holding this team together and for the constant dedication to Team SETI.USA for more years than most of have even been crunching!
Sincerely your friend,

08-28-12, 07:08 PM
Sad to see you go. Good luck in all things.

08-28-12, 07:28 PM
Sorry to see you leave! At least stop by from time to time, trumpet your MMs!

Crazybob's Son
08-29-12, 02:24 PM
Definitely sad to see you go... As a self-appointed team recruiter I try to not only recruit new members but keep current members here. I may have missed the thread as to why you feel you no longer "fit" here, as we are all trying to do what we can to make this team the best place to be in BOINC land. However, this is only a hobby and you have to do what is best for you. I wish you the best wherever you go and hope to see you back here at some point in the future.

- Jason aka CBS

08-29-12, 03:12 PM
Very sad that you felt you needed to make this decision. I hope you find somewhere great to BOINC about. Please do stop in and give us updates. Does that make me the oldest oldtimer on the team now?:(

08-29-12, 03:15 PM
Very sad that you felt you needed to make this decision. I hope you find somewhere great to BOINC about. Please do stop in and give us updates. Does that make me the oldest oldtimer on the team now?:(

I actually believe that I joined 3 days before you...

Maybe we should get some special status?...:)

08-29-12, 03:37 PM
I actually believe that I joined 3 days before you...

Maybe we should get some special status?...:)

How about something like "Certified Old Goats"?

Duke of Buckingham
08-29-12, 03:53 PM

08-29-12, 04:39 PM
Sorry to see you go as well DrBob. I wish you the best, and we're sure to see you around. Come back as often as you want to check on us and give us updates. Take care.

08-31-12, 10:36 AM
I kept waiting to post this hoping you would change your mind so I wouldn't need to. Alas not to be....

DrBob, I am truly sorry to see you leave our ranks. You will be sorely missed. You will always have a place here, just in case....

Best wishes,

09-01-12, 12:14 PM
How about something like "Certified Old Goats"?

Actually, I like that. That would each one an official COG in the top gear of volunteers that make up the team.

09-01-12, 04:00 PM
Actually, I like that. That would each one an official COG in the top gear of volunteers that make up the team.

I like the COG reference. So how about it Mike...???

Duke of Buckingham
09-01-12, 07:48 PM
I would like DrBob to stay. I don't know if I am the only one but it don't seem so for the posts in here. We are trying to do a better and stronger team and you are a very important part of that team to me. You are a good team mate and there is nothing bad, aggressive or out of logic in your speech, not to me.

Would you stay please and help us in this construction?

I would like to have your contribution on this work we are making, it is very important that the USA members are involved in this last changes and understand why the changes are being done, it is your agreement I am seeking also but not only.

I don't want to lose a real important part of our world because is not only about the team, is on the search of a better world that I am thinking.

We should make a true effort to understand each other and the gaps that still divide us. The best way to understand each other is to be friends and discuss with open heart anything that could takes us apart.

I am your friend and I do understand you and ask you to stay. The only way we can live together in peace is respecting each other. The USA is the deposit of so many persons of so many nations, that made it what it is today.

Is in this spirit of tolerance and true democracy that I ask you to stay and give your contribution for a better team and a better world. If we can not do this on BOINC, how will we do this in the world. A world full of hate and intolerance.

I am so sorry but I couldn't be in silence in such a difficult and important issue. Being International is to respect every nation, that is what I am doing because I will ask for no less.

Ricardo Ferreira