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View Full Version : The Berkeley City Council is at it again...

12-08-10, 06:41 PM
The Berkeley City Council is expected to vote Tuesday on whether to declare its support for Pfc. Bradley Manning, who's suspected of providing WikiLeaks with classified military documents and a video depicting an Army helicopter attack in Baghdad in which 11 civilians were killed.
"If he did what he's accused of doing, he's a patriot and should get a medal," said Bob Meola, the Berkeley peace and justice commissioner who authored the resolution.
The proposed resolution originated from the same commission that declared the Marine Corps "unwanted intruders" in Berkeley in 2008.

San Francisco Chronicle (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/07/BAL91GNB87.DTL#ixzz17ZDikPUG)

12-08-10, 07:38 PM
The Berkeley City Council is expected to vote Tuesday on whether to declare its support for Pfc. Bradley Manning, who's suspected of providing WikiLeaks with classified military documents and a video depicting an Army helicopter attack in Baghdad in which 11 civilians were killed.
"If he did what he's accused of doing, he's a patriot and should get a medal," said Bob Meola, the Berkeley peace and justice commissioner who authored the resolution.
The proposed resolution originated from the same commission that declared the Marine Corps "unwanted intruders" in Berkeley in 2008.

San Francisco Chronicle (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/12/07/BAL91GNB87.DTL#ixzz17ZDikPUG)

A single tactical nuke will silence those idiots.

12-08-10, 08:58 PM
I was thinking a Barret .50 cal rifle fired to just graze the head of their loudest leader from about 1/2 a mile away by a top notch sniper might send them running home for good. :D

12-08-10, 09:25 PM
Im thinking a few B-52s loaded to the hilt with 750 pounders.......................>:)

12-08-10, 09:35 PM
A single tactical nuke will silence those idiots.

Sorry, I believe that same Council of Idiots has already declared Berkeley a "Nuclear Free Zone" So that would be just plain against the rules to deposit a nuclear warhead in their vicinity. :)

12-08-10, 10:00 PM
Sorry, I believe that same Council of Idiots has already declared Berkeley a "Nuclear Free Zone" So that would be just plain against the rules to deposit a nuclear warhead in their vicinity.

The proposed resolution originated from the same commission that declared the Marine Corps "unwanted intruders" in Berkeley in 2008.

So the nukes would be "unwanted intruders"! =))

12-09-10, 09:56 AM
One of my favorite Daily Show bits *ever*.



My favorite parts are where he is interviewing the code pink dingbat 3:32-3:30, and then at the very end.

"Semper fi, code pink, semper fi."

12-10-10, 07:35 AM
ooh boy AGAIN! Sheesh.

Well I don't for the life of me understand WHY the Marines would try to recruit in Berkeley--what are they thinking?? Who the H3ll wants any of them
(Berkeleyites)??????? Liberals don't want to fight for the freedoms they enjoy, they expect it to be handed to them and handed to them in the manner that THEY want.

My blood pressure rises when I see stuff like this. Sorry, out of this thread before I implode

12-10-10, 09:36 AM
Can we expect any less from the Left Coast? These people ought to be made to spend some time with troops in Iran and Afganistan and I don't mean in a base. Out in the field with the grunts getting shot at.
If the Pfc is found guilty of leaking items to wikileaks he is guilty of treason and should be treated accordingly.

12-10-10, 12:28 PM
I just want ya'll to remember that N.Cal and SoCal are not connected! :D Once you get South of Santa Barbara, it gets better (OK, not like Alaska better, but better for Cali).

12-10-10, 03:20 PM
I just want ya'll to remember that N.Cal and SoCal are not connected! :D Once you get South of Santa Barbara, it gets better (OK, not like Alaska better, but better for Cali).
I do believe that Cali is in Columbia down in South America and is one of the real hot spots for white powder. That would explain alot for California.:D:D:D

Mr. Hankey
12-10-10, 04:21 PM
I just want ya'll to remember that N.Cal and SoCal are not connected! :D Once you get South of Santa Barbara, it gets better (OK, not like Alaska better, but better for Cali).

And don't lump us all in together we aren't all fruit and nuts out here: the to two piles of steaming debris are Bay Area and LA the rest of the state is Red. Even in the crazy areas we have friendlies behind enemy lines.......

12-10-10, 04:33 PM
Yeah, you're right about that too. I actually have several friends in the Bay Area and Sacramento that are pretty conservative and just cringe every time they go to an election poling place to vote!

I remember one told me last pres. election that he was going to be a streaker that night. I was like what??? He says, "yeah, a streak of RED in a sea of blue!" I was ROFL after that! :D

12-10-10, 05:02 PM
I would never lump all people out there together but you have to admit that they do some pretty weird things out there. I've worked out in California and I have to admit that there are some nice areas.

12-10-10, 06:44 PM
Well, I can't say much myself. I live here in NY and we are almost as bad.
1. Cal
2. Mass
3. NY

Libs. seem to believe that most people need to be told what is best for them.

Here is our savior!!