View Full Version : found

09-13-12, 07:07 PM
a dell xps 410 in the trash needs a hd , hd cable, ram. and then i can see if it works lol. but it does have the vid card and e6600 duo! so im gonna invest a little in it so i can ditch the wives amd 3000+ pos. so slow she refuses to even use it. we just keep the magic jack hooked on it. so maybe will be a nice upgrade. ill even put a better gpu in it and start it crunching.

09-13-12, 11:24 PM
a dell xps 410 in the trash needs a hd , hd cable, ram. and then i can see if it works lol. but it does have the vid card and e6600 duo! so im gonna invest a little in it so i can ditch the wives amd 3000+ pos. so slow she refuses to even use it. we just keep the magic jack hooked on it. so maybe will be a nice upgrade. ill even put a better gpu in it and start it crunching.

Totally cool!

09-14-12, 02:43 AM

09-14-12, 08:29 AM

09-14-12, 04:23 PM
got her running installing win 7 now!!! it all works after a 120gb hd install and 1 gb ram.;) its true one mans trash is another mans treasure! told the guy at the comp store ill bring in the dual core lappy i found for repair soon.

09-14-12, 06:09 PM
got her running installing win 7 now!!! it all works after a 120gb hd install and 1 gb ram.;) its true one mans trash is another mans treasure! told the guy at the comp store ill bring in the dual core lappy i found for repair soon.

Very nice Greg... Get that puppy on SIMAP next month. :p

09-14-12, 08:00 PM
its a e6300 actually but ehh makes no difference my fav cpu of that time was the 6700 that was just before thing dang gpu crunching stuff came out. but anyway im having a intermittent connectivity issue the ethernet port is dead so i stuck a card in there but im trying to update now probably wil be up late and then more work on it tomorrow updating IF i can get it to stay conneted. hopeing i dont need a new mb but if it does im ordering one right away.

ya i might do the simap race again.

09-15-12, 04:50 PM
well no luck the icon in the tray for connection status goes on and off (red x) every 2-3 seconds connection then no connection. the boards ethernet plug in didnt work/light up at all so i used a pci card. maybe its just the card i dont know but screw it im taking it in for repair. spent 200 so far on it including a monitor so might as well spend a few hundred more. lol by the time im done i might as well just bought a new box! but now im determined to see it running again. even if it needs a new mb! give me a week or 2 tops ill have it crunching!

09-18-12, 06:38 PM
the new box is online! updating now it'll be on dirt shortly :)

09-18-12, 06:46 PM
Great going Greg, glad you stuck with it!!! :-bd

09-18-12, 07:14 PM
the new box is online! updating now it'll be on dirt shortly :)

Amazing!! Great job Greg and thank you.:-bd

09-18-12, 07:43 PM
thanks team!;)

09-19-12, 10:16 PM
Awesome. Awesome to the max. -- '80s Guy, _Fututama_