View Full Version : Steve Wozniak Owns a Samsung Galaxy S3 and Hates Apple Patent Verdict

John P. Myers
09-14-12, 10:38 PM

We already reported on the Apple vs Samsung patent trial last month, but now Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak has chimed in with what he thinks of the verdict saying “I hate it,” “I don’t think the decision of California will hold. And I don’t agree with it -- very small things I don’t really call that innovative." Cut and dry without filler, Wozniak laid his thoughts out clearly as he continued on saying “I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody’s technologies.” In other news, during his interview with Bloomberg, Wozniak stated he wanted to see better quality photos from the iPhone 5 as his Galaxy S III and even the Motorola Razr take better pictures compared to his iPhone 4 when he shows them to people. Still it really is interesting to know that Steve Wozniak hates the verdict on the patent lawsuit and would like to see technology progress rather than be repressed by patent lawsuits.

I'm saying it right now in writing: Apple will be bankrupt again within the next 5 years.

Samsung, also one of Apple’s biggest suppliers of components, accounted for 19.1 percent of global smartphone shipments last year, compared with Apple’s 18.8 percent, according to Bloomberg Industries data.

Samsung said this month it has sold 20 million Galaxy S IIIs. [since it's release in May]

09-15-12, 02:09 AM
It may be that the "Phenom" that was all Apple has finally run its course and many people are realizing the truth. Mac is Linux that you have to pay to use.....

Also look at how many Mac users have added utils to dual boot Win7 & Win8. A sign of things to come.

And with the state of the US economy Mac users have discovered upgrading is very expensive, and not worth giving up the last of their disposable income......

John P. Myers
09-15-12, 11:03 AM
Another thing ppl are realizing is that with the Samsung Galaxy S3, and all other smartphones and tablets that use Android, the apps are basically free and do all the same things the apps for iCrap do, except you have to pay for many apps for your iphone and ipad. So not only is the cost of the S3 lower in the first place, but cost of ownership is also lower. Also you can add up to 64GB of storage to the S3. You can't add anything at all to the iphone 5.