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View Full Version : Teams stomped by SETI.USA on NFS@Home

09-21-12, 04:00 PM
Soon SETI.Germany.
SETI.USA can easily climb until 6th, it's in our range, but the the gap to 5th place is sooo huge.

Come on, let's crunch for NFS@Home!

Duke of Buckingham
09-21-12, 04:58 PM
Soon SETI.Germany.
SETI.USA can easily climb until 6th, it's in our range, but the the gap to 5th place is sooo huge.

Come on, let's crunch for NFS@Home!

We will go there in time Carlos. Is not so huge as it seems. We are SETI USA and together we will accomplish amazing things even that gap.

After all we have the amazing Mumps, the incredible Zombie and the unbelievable Seti USA team that will defeat that gap in a flash if it wants to.

As always, time is on our side. Time and good friends against that gap. I don't think the gap will win. :D

In fact the gap suddenly seems so small.

09-24-12, 04:28 AM
Meanwhile we already passed SETI.Germany and we are just behind BOINC@Taiwan. Then it will be Russia.

Duke of Buckingham
09-24-12, 05:07 PM
Here we go again Carlos

this the only road we ever know.

09-25-12, 04:44 AM
BOINC@Taiwan is down, Russia is next. SETI.USA team is now 8th.

Duke of Buckingham
09-25-12, 07:20 AM
Congratulations to all that are crunching the project and make our daily credit grow again. I have been seeing the team position on the project everyday and I am following it with the biggest attention. Thanks Mumps for your BIG help and Carlos you have that kind of passion about factorization that we must admire. You are decided and the proof that loving something is the best engine, it is so good that you are having some team mates with you. and you will have more and more sooner than you think.

Thank you very much to all that are helping. I will be with you after simap challenge. I don't know why but I think we are going higher on this project also. So Thanks to Mumps [MM], Carlos Pinho, denim, Mike029.SETI.USA [BlackOps], Steve, PJS, ChessNut and Dusso Janladde. SETI USA on his way to the first position and why not on this project also.:D


on daily credit for

24th September 2012

09-28-12, 03:56 PM
I haven't stopped crunching this project since the moment I started on it 3 years ago. :)

Duke of Buckingham
09-28-12, 06:14 PM
I will be with you, sooner than you think and denim congratulations for crunching this project.

09-29-12, 05:35 PM
OK, I've finally created an account on NFS so I will do some work until SIMAP starts but I will do more afterwards.

09-29-12, 06:15 PM
OK, I've finally created an account on NFS so I will do some work until SIMAP starts but I will do more afterwards.

Thank you for joining. To get the most of NFS@Home please choose the lasievef or lasieve5f application at http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/prefs.php?subset=project. 1GB per thread is needed. Linux is a must.

Duke of Buckingham
10-08-12, 07:30 AM
For a big amount of reasons NFS is not compatible to run with Poem at least for me, so I will run NFS till Poem challenge start and will return to the project later Carlos.

I need some hours to finish some old tasks but will be there tonight.


10-08-12, 07:33 AM
Ricardo, maybe it's related to the application used. How much memory Poem tasks use?

Duke of Buckingham
10-08-12, 08:16 AM
No Carlos it is not. It is because I have not enough cores to run both and running only one task with one core is not good because it uses only about 40% of the GPU and it is a real waste.

My other computer had a problem with the on/off switch and now the internal "spring" of the switch (mola do interruptor) simply doesn't force the switch out that was since Saturday and I am going to try to fix it today if I have time. So the computer starts and forces the shut down immediately.

Duke of Buckingham
10-08-12, 06:51 PM
Let us try to help Carlos for a small time on NFS. The ones among you that can help on this project give a small help for us to gain this two positions and get closer to Sicituradastra. I know about Poem but the ones among you that have cores available please give a small help.

Thank you for your help.

Carlos how can we make more points at NFS? Sorry I didn't understood very well this explanation about all those letters on NFS tasks. Tell us about the points we are credit addicted. Some of us are ...


10-08-12, 06:55 PM
To get the most credits you need at least 1GB per core/thread available.
Then go to http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/prefs.php?subset=project and set up the clients like this:

Run only the selected applications
lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no (36 points per wu)
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no (44 points per wu)
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes (65 points per wu)
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no (65 points per wu)

Offtopic: just looked at Top Host stats and my old GenuineIntelIntel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz is ranked 15th by daily average. Another week and I am in top 10. Hehe.

10-08-12, 09:25 PM
To get the most credits you need at least 1GB per core/thread available.
Then go to http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/prefs.php?subset=project and set up the clients like this:

Run only the selected applications
lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no (36 points per wu)
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no (44 points per wu)
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes (65 points per wu)
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: no (65 points per wu)

Offtopic: just looked at Top Host stats and my old GenuineIntelIntel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz is ranked 15th by daily average. Another week and I am in top 10. Hehe.

I have my lappy on it as well. Any free cores are for NFS.

Keep the faith Carlos. We will get to hit this project hard in the near future. :cool:

10-09-12, 12:41 AM
I have my lappy on it as well. Any free cores are for NFS.

Keep the faith Carlos. We will get to hit this project hard in the near future. :cool:

Ditto here. **==

10-17-12, 03:46 PM
Russia is out, next L'Alliance Francophone.

10-20-12, 05:00 AM
6 days left to catch L'Alliance Francophone. I moved my machine from 16e siever to 16e V5 siever. I think the wu's are faster to process so I will get more points, ~1,000 more. Within 1-1.5 days I will have the answer because my queue is 200 wu's, 160 so far queued with 16e V5 wu's, 40 left to process (6 hours). I just hope 1.3GB/core is enough to run these V5 wu's on an Ubuntu VM, if not I will have to increase to 6 GB the memory available to Ubuntu VM.

10-22-12, 04:33 AM
Yesterday was my first day running full 16e V5 wu's and managed to go up to 12k points, more 800 points instead of the 1000 I was expecting, not bad?!
We are almost getting the French, then a long slowly way until Sicituradastra. Already tried to convince Ben ( bdodson*) to move to us but I didn't get a reply from him yet. The good news is that he hasn't got anymore the computer labs available to run BOINC so it is not expected any kind of reaction from Sic team.


11-11-12, 03:29 PM
There we go Carlos. LaF is now history. About 2 months now and we'll catch up to Sic.

11-11-12, 05:09 PM
There we go Carlos. LaF is now history. About 2 months now and we'll catch up to Sic.

Thank you. I'll be joining you on Tuesday, post-processing integer 375086223641_19_minus1 is less than 48 hours to be completed.

11-11-12, 05:33 PM
There we go Carlos. LaF is now history. About 2 months now and we'll catch up to Sic.

I've thrown a few cores here myself till next months Simap.

Mumps is amazing. =D>

Duke of Buckingham
11-11-12, 05:54 PM
There we go Carlos. LaF is now history. About 2 months now and we'll catch up to Sic.

Nice Mumps, without Free-DC I am lost on the team output. I should have noticed. Congratulations to all the team but most of all to you Mumps as Mike said you are amazing.


11-12-12, 06:56 AM
Thank you. I'll be joining you on Tuesday, post-processing integer 375086223641_19_minus1 is less than 48 hours to be completed.

Just to be more precise here's the output of msieve client on this run:

Wed Oct 31 22:24:08 2012
Wed Oct 31 22:24:08 2012
Wed Oct 31 22:24:08 2012 Msieve v. 1.50 (SVN Official Release - LARGEBLOCKS)
Wed Oct 31 22:24:08 2012 random seeds: 77bf3b0c 085cd5c7
Wed Oct 31 22:24:08 2012 factoring 11675706464841913775353533221802667637356649539579 04707873553881556819645769713440931370640023320740 06667431848562644354008501282399008971844700737111 7260115567964875081105832937 (178 digits)
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 searching for 15-digit factors
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 commencing number field sieve (178-digit input)
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 R0: -52770758963018706770631191307763721
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 R1: 1
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A0: -1
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A1: 0
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A2: 0
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A3: 0
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A4: 0
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A5: 0
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 A6: 375086223641
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 skew 1.00, size 5.817e-012, alpha 0.799, combined = 2.367e-013 rroots = 2
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 commencing relation filtering
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 estimated available RAM is 8183.1 MB
Wed Oct 31 22:24:09 2012 commencing duplicate removal, pass 1
Wed Oct 31 22:24:19 2012 error -1 reading relation 1108801
Wed Oct 31 22:24:30 2012 error -15 reading relation 2725595
Wed Oct 31 22:28:35 2012 error -9 reading relation 39117935
Wed Oct 31 22:46:53 2012 error -1 reading relation 216908443
Wed Oct 31 22:47:08 2012 error -15 reading relation 219007996
Wed Oct 31 22:47:25 2012 skipped 74360 relations with b > 2^32
Wed Oct 31 22:47:25 2012 found 40099897 hash collisions in 221116636 relations
Wed Oct 31 22:47:52 2012 added 1221696 free relations
Wed Oct 31 22:47:52 2012 commencing duplicate removal, pass 2
Wed Oct 31 22:53:25 2012 found 39164210 duplicates and 183174122 unique relations
Wed Oct 31 22:53:25 2012 memory use: 1321.5 MB
Wed Oct 31 22:53:25 2012 reading ideals above 195756032
Wed Oct 31 22:53:25 2012 commencing singleton removal, initial pass
Wed Oct 31 23:14:42 2012 memory use: 3012.0 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:14:42 2012 reading all ideals from disk
Wed Oct 31 23:15:15 2012 memory use: 2908.5 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:15:21 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:15:28 2012 begin with 183174122 relations and 149225158 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:16:44 2012 reduce to 111975669 relations and 69969361 ideals in 16 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:16:44 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 35
Wed Oct 31 23:16:52 2012 reading ideals above 720000
Wed Oct 31 23:16:52 2012 commencing singleton removal, initial pass
Wed Oct 31 23:35:02 2012 memory use: 2756.0 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:35:02 2012 reading large ideals from disk
Wed Oct 31 23:36:42 2012 keeping 82119142 ideals with weight <= 20, target excess is 9577302
Wed Oct 31 23:38:54 2012 memory use: 2674.7 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:38:54 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:38:59 2012 begin with 111975669 relations and 82119142 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:39:49 2012 reduce to 111934758 relations and 82078212 ideals in 8 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:39:49 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:40:22 2012 removing 11749375 relations and 9749375 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:40:26 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:40:31 2012 begin with 100185383 relations and 82078212 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:41:14 2012 reduce to 99535275 relations and 71665194 ideals in 8 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:41:14 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:41:43 2012 removing 8734172 relations and 6734172 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:41:46 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:41:51 2012 begin with 90801103 relations and 71665194 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:42:25 2012 reduce to 90374524 relations and 64496725 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:42:25 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:42:51 2012 removing 7747590 relations and 5747590 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:42:54 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:42:57 2012 begin with 82626934 relations and 64496725 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:43:28 2012 reduce to 82245753 relations and 58360660 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:43:28 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:43:52 2012 removing 7172403 relations and 5172403 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:43:54 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:43:57 2012 begin with 75073350 relations and 58360660 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:44:29 2012 reduce to 74702847 relations and 52810088 ideals in 8 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:44:29 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:44:50 2012 removing 6784149 relations and 4784149 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:44:52 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:44:55 2012 begin with 67918698 relations and 52810088 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:45:19 2012 reduce to 67548734 relations and 47647479 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:45:19 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:45:38 2012 removing 6522358 relations and 4522358 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:45:40 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:45:43 2012 begin with 61026376 relations and 47647479 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:46:07 2012 reduce to 60667481 relations and 42757340 ideals in 8 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:46:07 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 20
Wed Oct 31 23:46:24 2012 removing 6331446 relations and 4331446 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:46:26 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:46:28 2012 begin with 54336035 relations and 42757340 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:46:47 2012 reduce to 53971984 relations and 38051782 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:46:47 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 19
Wed Oct 31 23:47:02 2012 removing 6095778 relations and 4095778 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:47:04 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:47:06 2012 begin with 47876206 relations and 38051782 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:47:22 2012 reduce to 47445637 relations and 33511106 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:47:22 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 19
Wed Oct 31 23:47:35 2012 removing 5975908 relations and 3975908 ideals in 2000000 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:47:36 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:47:38 2012 begin with 41469729 relations and 33511106 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:47:51 2012 reduce to 41034270 relations and 29083680 ideals in 7 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:47:51 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 18
Wed Oct 31 23:48:02 2012 removing 2900113 relations and 2059194 ideals in 840919 cliques
Wed Oct 31 23:48:03 2012 commencing in-memory singleton removal
Wed Oct 31 23:48:05 2012 begin with 38134157 relations and 29083680 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:48:15 2012 reduce to 38009933 relations and 26898011 ideals in 6 passes
Wed Oct 31 23:48:15 2012 max relations containing the same ideal: 18
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 0 large ideals: 1366556
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 1 large ideals: 5630441
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 2 large ideals: 11118032
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 3 large ideals: 11169558
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 4 large ideals: 6125965
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 5 large ideals: 1951373
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 6 large ideals: 439867
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 relations with 7+ large ideals: 208141
Wed Oct 31 23:48:27 2012 commencing 2-way merge
Wed Oct 31 23:48:41 2012 reduce to 27772823 relation sets and 16660901 unique ideals
Wed Oct 31 23:48:41 2012 commencing full merge
Wed Oct 31 23:51:37 2012 memory use: 1589.6 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:51:40 2012 found 14511497 cycles, need 12985101
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 weight of 12985101 cycles is about 909114508 (70.01/cycle)
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 distribution of cycle lengths:
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 1 relations: 1720611
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 2 relations: 1358436
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 3 relations: 1461902
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 4 relations: 1438798
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 5 relations: 1393848
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 6 relations: 1274072
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 7 relations: 1128944
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 8 relations: 968744
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 9 relations: 805913
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 10+ relations: 1433833
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 heaviest cycle: 14 relations
Wed Oct 31 23:51:42 2012 commencing cycle optimization
Wed Oct 31 23:51:57 2012 start with 67526284 relations
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 pruned 2891473 relations
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 memory use: 2098.3 MB
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 distribution of cycle lengths:
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 1 relations: 1720611
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 2 relations: 1412670
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 3 relations: 1558887
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 4 relations: 1529571
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 5 relations: 1490410
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 6 relations: 1339695
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 7 relations: 1170294
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 8 relations: 961981
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 9 relations: 755379
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 10+ relations: 1045603
Wed Oct 31 23:53:44 2012 heaviest cycle: 14 relations
Wed Oct 31 23:54:00 2012 RelProcTime: 5391
Wed Oct 31 23:54:00 2012
Wed Oct 31 23:54:00 2012 commencing linear algebra
Wed Oct 31 23:54:02 2012 read 12985101 cycles
Wed Oct 31 23:54:19 2012 cycles contain 33757662 unique relations
Thu Nov 01 00:00:05 2012 read 33757662 relations
Thu Nov 01 00:00:55 2012 using 20 quadratic characters above 2147483580
Thu Nov 01 00:03:25 2012 building initial matrix
Thu Nov 01 00:10:09 2012 memory use: 4496.6 MB
Thu Nov 01 00:10:47 2012 read 12985101 cycles
Thu Nov 01 00:10:50 2012 matrix is 12984017 x 12985101 (3824.0 MB) with weight 1124615431 (86.61/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:10:50 2012 sparse part has weight 859609585 (66.20/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:14:24 2012 filtering completed in 3 passes
Thu Nov 01 00:14:28 2012 matrix is 12953530 x 12953730 (3819.2 MB) with weight 1123090599 (86.70/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:14:28 2012 sparse part has weight 858702262 (66.29/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:46 2012 matrix starts at (0, 0)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:50 2012 matrix is 12953530 x 12953730 (3819.2 MB) with weight 1123090599 (86.70/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:50 2012 sparse part has weight 858702262 (66.29/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:50 2012 saving the first 48 matrix rows for later
Thu Nov 01 00:15:53 2012 matrix includes 64 packed rows
Thu Nov 01 00:15:55 2012 matrix is 12953482 x 12953730 (3641.8 MB) with weight 885109762 (68.33/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:55 2012 sparse part has weight 825141290 (63.70/col)
Thu Nov 01 00:15:55 2012 using block size 262144 for processor cache size 8192 kB
Thu Nov 01 00:16:17 2012 commencing Lanczos iteration (4 threads)
Thu Nov 01 00:16:17 2012 memory use: 4508.0 MB
Thu Nov 01 00:18:31 2012 linear algebra at 0.0%, ETA 305h32m
Thu Nov 01 00:19:15 2012 checkpointing every 50000 dimensions
Mon Nov 12 11:56:15 2012 linear algebra completed 11644361 of 12953730 dimensions (89.9%, ETA 30h59m)

Anyway, about sieve, to maximize the output credit, and for the ones who have at least 1300 MB per core available, the 16e V5 siever must be chosen.


Duke of Buckingham
11-12-12, 07:01 AM



11-14-12, 05:08 AM
I'm back to sieve, let's try to reach Sic team shall we?
BTW, here's the log file of my post-processing run so that SETI.USA members can understand how long can take an integer to post-process. It was done on Win 7 core i5 750 @3.4 GHz 8 GB , I don't earn BOINC points.

The filtering phase is done under one core (RelProcTime: 5391 secs), linear algebra phase in all cores (4, BLanczosTime: 1105618 secs) and finally the square toot phase one core only (sqrtTime: 17118 secs).
If I had all cores running 16e V5 siever (BOINC) for the same amount of time as the post-processing, taking into consideration that no cores are idle as in filtering and square root phases, this run would get me something like 163.6k BOINC points.
So far I have made at NFS@Home an equivalent of 400k BOINC points with post-processing.


11-20-12, 06:08 PM
I need to know when will SETI.USA make a full run on NFS@Home otherwise I will concentrate my effort on another math project where I can get some math granted.
Thank you in advance,


11-20-12, 07:25 PM
Carlos, I can't say when that would happen. This time of year in the U.S. has many members focused on the holidays. Yo may wish to relight the fire say around January?

11-20-12, 11:24 PM
Carlos, I can't say when that would happen. This time of year in the U.S. has many members focused on the holidays. Yo may wish to relight the fire say around January?

I won't be here, I'll be moving to another country to live where I will have no internet access for awhile nor a computer to crunch.


11-20-12, 11:57 PM
I won't be here, I'll be moving to another country to live where I will have no internet access for awhile nor a computer to crunch.


That's a real bummer. Oh well, hope you enjoy the new location and all.


Duke of Buckingham
11-21-12, 01:31 AM
I won't be here, I'll be moving to another country to live where I will have no internet access for awhile nor a computer to crunch.


We will miss you and your posts Carlos. I really hope that all go for the best.

11-21-12, 05:27 PM
I just reached a milestone as the best Portuguese NFS@Home cruncher so my work here is done. I'll leave the machine on NFS@Home until December, maybe I'll reach 1M.


11-30-12, 02:00 PM
With one week break on NFS@Home to run POEM I am back to NFS@Home. I was wondering if 2,1037- will be sieved until the end of the year..

11-30-12, 02:05 PM
I will be back on NFS soon at least with one box. Ran Numberfields for a couple of days and now I'm doing the SIMAP thing.

12-01-12, 05:10 AM
Thank you Fire$torm.

Yesterday took a few minutes of the day to be where my remote machine is and decided to clean the dust out of it. Now it is going faster than ever, at least I notice on NFS@Home wu's a slice speed increase.

Also just started to prepare my new journey, my new life...the good news is that, where I am going to, the electricity is cheaper than where I am now, I suppose half the price. Hydroelectric power instead of coal power, more renewable.
It's sad but it will be last Christmas I will be passing with all my family...that hurts.


12-01-12, 03:29 PM
Wow, I'm really slipping!:o Didn't even see this thread. Carlos, looks like you have been doing a great job rallying the troops to take positions in this project. I commend you for this! Hope when you get settled, we can revisit this and throw some more power at it! Haven't been involved in a real stomping for a while, except for SIMAP. Bad time of year at work and holiday crap. We have a presentation we need to do for the company exec's and of course our annual Inventory and then the holidays and for the beggining of the year, we have Audits for different projects. This makes my brain explode this time of year.:mad: Stay in touch if you can and maybe we can crush this thing!

Duke of Buckingham
12-01-12, 04:04 PM
Thank you Fire$torm.

Yesterday took a few minutes of the day to be where my remote machine is and decided to clean the dust out of it. Now it is going faster than ever, at least I notice on NFS@Home wu's a slice speed increase.

Also just started to prepare my new journey, my new life...the good news is that, where I am going to, the electricity is cheaper than where I am now, I suppose half the price. Hydroelectric power instead of coal power, more renewable.
It's sad but it will be last Christmas I will be passing with all my family...that hurts.


Our country is getting worst at everyday and we are all struggling not to drown on this big confusion. If I was younger I would go to another country also.

To be present to our family and friends as nothing to do with distance, we can live the next door without speaking or half a world distance without ever being a stranger. The only thing that distance makes is for us to see our determination of sticking together.

But I know what cost me when I had to go to Brazil at the age of 28 some 27 years ago. Now I have friends on both sides of the Atlantic and when I am on one side a bit of my heart is in the other.

I hope you can find the place you deserve on this earth on a country that needs you and can appreciate your skills.

It is with hope on a better future that I am telling you this, if we hadn't hope what would be of us?

12-01-12, 06:41 PM
Ricardo, I don't have faith in our country anymore. Lost my hope on finding a job...my last cards played will or not have affect in this month of December as a scholarship student at university or as a PhD student. Anyway, already paid for an exam in Brazil to apply for a public job and it is schedule to mid January 2013. I will be dormant but I will be back stronger than ever on crunching.

For here the guys to understand I live in Portugal, a country where when you age 30's you are too old to work. If you have three high degree's it means you have lots of qualification to work....that's the issue in Portugal, a country of tourism and services. Industry is dying due to old European standards agreed by our politicians. Portugal is dying, people are getting very poor. Children when born are left on hospitals because these parents can't fed them due to lack of money.... because meanwhile they lost their jobs...it's very sad. I feel angry, revolted with my country. What we earn is to pay taxes, to pay the bills, nothing is left to invest in your country like going to a movie, restaurant, etc...We don't circulate money, we try to save the least.

I wish I was a sniper...lol

Sorry for the words...


Duke of Buckingham
12-01-12, 07:07 PM
Brazil is a great country and you will be very happy there. I am so sure of that. They are very nice people. Speak what you want that I can only agree with you, sometimes I have the same ideas as you do. They destroyed our country completely.

Don't be a stranger Brazil as more computation power and better Internet that you can imagine and Brazil IS BIG, in all senses. I have a brother living there as you know and 5 of my 7 ex-wives are Brazilians.

Man I was very happy there and sometimes I wish I hadn't returned but I will fight for my country now. It is your turn to be happy in Brazil.


12-02-12, 04:45 AM
Back to the topic, I can't by myself hold L'Alliance Francophone. Also it's beyond my imagination the fact that there's one simap challenge per month, don't you guys get bored?! lol


Duke of Buckingham
12-02-12, 06:28 AM
:p Simap is being a long run before I was in the teAm. The huge amount of effort on simap could have a better profit if in other projects, including NFS but things were not like that, on the other hand a lot of our friends came for the crunching on this project. :)

But I can agree with you, it is time for us to start seriously thinking on a week stomp for NFS (after simap challenge). I wish that as Christmas present ...:o

12-10-12, 02:21 AM
L'Alliance Francophone will get us today.

12-10-12, 01:43 PM
And we lost our place to L'Alliance Francophone....:mad:

12-10-12, 04:18 PM
I just have to flush the SIMAP tasks I have on it and I will toss an 8 core 32GB AMD machine I have onto the FRAY!

12-10-12, 05:07 PM
As promised, my rigs are now crunching NFS.

Ooooops... Just noticed that 3 rigs were on Numberfields not NFS... OK, all better now.

12-10-12, 05:30 PM
I put a quad onto this project and currently I'm #9 in the team standings. That's pretty good for me. This means we need more team members on this project or it's going nowhere. I'm still focused mainly on Poem, with my GPU. :o

12-10-12, 07:24 PM
I'm moving back this evening Carlos. And I've got 10 Mil that says the team can chip in some of the rest. :)

12-11-12, 08:09 AM
Annnd were back in front of LAF, look out SIC were comming up fast. Thanks to Mumps 37K rac rate! :-bd

12-11-12, 08:48 PM
Annnd were back in front of LAF, look out SIC were comming up fast. Thanks to Mumps 37K rac rate! :-bd

Exsqueeze Moi? Ignore that RAC. It's only a day of crunching. How about today's production? (Thus far. :)) )

Dec 11 Dec 10 Dec 9 Dec 8 Dec 7 Dec 6 Dec 5
547,560 0 0 0 0 0 0


12-12-12, 10:45 PM
Exsqueeze Moi? Ignore that RAC. It's only a day of crunching. How about today's production? (Thus far. :)) )

Dec 11 Dec 10 Dec 9 Dec 8 Dec 7 Dec 6 Dec 5
547,560 0 0 0 0 0 0


eh, I've seen better.
nice work!

12-13-12, 02:50 PM
Nice output from L'Alliance Francophone!

12-15-12, 12:22 PM
I've been on NFS solid since joining the project, and now that our team is noticing it, I think I'll steer as much as I can at it this weekend (though I don't have much more to give to NFS ATM).

12-15-12, 03:03 PM
I've been on NFS solid since joining the project, and now that our team is noticing it, I think I'll steer as much as I can at it this weekend (though I don't have much more to give to NFS ATM).

I only have an old core i5 running it so every little is helpful.


12-28-12, 02:58 PM
We are in a daily head to head with L'Alliance Francophone although they are behind us. Good crunch!

Carlos Pinho

12-30-12, 05:13 PM
Now Russia is beating us on daily output.

12-30-12, 06:05 PM
Not for long...

01-02-13, 08:18 AM
Not for long...

I hope so. I'm moving to another country in less than a week so my contribution will vanish until I settle down in my new home.


Duke of Buckingham
01-02-13, 09:41 AM
Have a nice trip and try to enjoy BRAZIL as it should be enjoyed. One of the biggest countries with a huge potential. I am already sorry for not have stayed in Brazil.

Brazil is so huge there are different countries according to each taste. There is a different Brazil for each person. Mega cities, Big cities, cities, Small cities or Country region.

The music is amazing, the people is amazing, in a small time you will find a community that fits you better. Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful place, the city and the state, stay safe and enjoy the search of a new life, a better one.

I will make a BRASIL video before you go.

01-02-13, 09:56 AM
I'll pick up this Friday my new laptop so I can keep helping SETI.USA at NFS@Home. I'll pass the weekend setting up the laptop.

I'll wait for the video Ricardo.


01-25-13, 02:03 PM
I'm back to NFS@Home crunching with only one core of my laptop due to heat issues here in Brazil. Can't run it with all 8 threads without being afraid of burning my new laptop.


01-31-13, 08:41 PM
L'Alliance Francophone team is coming hard after us.

Duke of Buckingham
02-01-13, 11:28 AM
I will help you a bit next week Carlos. Only finishing some millestones I have started. I should be ready in about a week or so.

02-07-13, 03:20 PM
Still on it, just with out my i7 on it. Too much memory and heat needed for NFS.

Duke of Buckingham
02-08-13, 09:13 PM
I am late but I will be there in a small while. Sorry for the delay.


03-17-13, 09:55 AM
We just lost our position to L'Alliance Francophone.

03-17-13, 08:01 PM
I lost 12 cores that were crunching NFS, so that will account for some of our decrease. :(

Duke of Buckingham
03-17-13, 09:42 PM
I am running NFS but I have some major tasks (big tasks) of other projects to finish I will keep a bit on the project but LAF is producing a lot at NFS.

I don't think we can beat them without Mumps and Steve, they are making 45 to 50K per day on this last days.

03-17-13, 10:31 PM
I can't even run BOINC on my Brazilian internet connection. Everytime I click on the NFS@Home update button the communication deferred time increases, can't fetch work!

Duke of Buckingham
03-18-13, 08:31 AM
I am running NFS but I have some major tasks (big tasks) of other projects to finish I will keep a bit on the project but LAF is producing a lot at NFS.

I don't think we can beat them without Mumps and Steve, they are making 45 to 50K per day on this last days.

I don't know what kind of account I made, they are making much more than that at NFS. but now we are reacting. GO TEAM GO.

Duke of Buckingham
03-21-13, 12:39 AM
Thanks to STE\/E and Z we are not losing so much ground but we need a bit more in this project, if we want to have our former place back. A bit more on here PLEASE.

And Carlos we expect that your Internet problems will be solved soon, we are needing your help on this project.


03-21-13, 09:55 AM
I can throw a couple of more cores at this for a while. I'm currently at position #12 in our team, which is not saying much seeing as I only have a couple of computers.:confused:

Duke of Buckingham
03-21-13, 10:38 AM
I can throw a couple of more cores at this for a while. I'm currently at position #12 in our team, which is not saying much seeing as I only have a couple of computers.:confused:

We are not doing much crunching at this project and we need to do some more, (me myself I) included. So many projects and so small crunching power.

It is a pity because the project pays quite well for a CPU project and we could have a better position on it. Let us try to speak about it a bit more and have some pressure in order for keep it in mind and make it more attractive to some team mates more connected with math.

Thanks Fogle, we are waiting for your help either, every little help counts at this project.

Duke of Buckingham
03-21-13, 10:47 PM
:-h Thanks STE\/E, you are the man and thanks to Kmanley57, zombie67, Fogle, Tracy, George Elting, denim and of course me (myself I). We had also Dusso Janladde, PJS, Jonathan Brier, boinc.on and benderr2001 that gave a small help this last days. :-*

=D> We are now beating LAF a if we can keep it like that for some days, we will pass them. Most of our daily credit is from STE\/E. :-bd

:o Z you could be on the top 50 for this project and help the team to be on a better position. If you can of course. :D

X_X PLEASE MUMPS give us a little help to speed things up. :)



03-22-13, 12:17 AM
Duke, I will throw my cores on this for you tomorrow morning. As soon as PG Challenge is finished. :)

Duke of Buckingham
03-22-13, 12:19 AM
Duke, I will throw my cores on this for you tomorrow morning. As soon as PG Challenge is finished. :)

:) Thanks DP, let us see if we can get our place back. :-bd

03-22-13, 11:01 AM
If I am the current top producer, the team needs LOTS of help!! =))

03-22-13, 11:33 AM
If I am the current top producer, the team needs LOTS of help!! =))

Don't look behind you man, 'cuz here I come to steal your crown!!! :)) :D LOL...I'd need a LOT of help to do that, but hey - it sounded good for a minute. :o

03-22-13, 12:21 PM
:-h Thanks STE\/E, you are the man

Ummmmm Errrrrrrrr I wasn't making any commitment to the NFS Project, I just happened to run it for 1 day or so to get a 1000 Hr's on the lasieve5f Wu's. At some time I'll run more but not right now ...

03-22-13, 12:58 PM
...I just happened to run it for 1 day or so to get a 1000 Hr's on the lasieve5f Wu's...

Holy . . . 8-} :-o @-) . . . 1000 Hrs in a day? How many cores does it take you to do that? One of these days my ship's gonna come in and when it does. . . :-w

03-22-13, 01:44 PM
Holy . . . 8-} :-o @-) . . . 1000 Hrs in a day? How many cores does it take you to do that? One of these days my ship's gonna come in and when it does. . . :-w

Only takes 5 Eight Thread Box's ... Was just a side project job for the Day ... I'm within 100 Hr's of having 100 1000 Hr Project App's at WUProp ... But will have to wait for the Pendings to come in before I'll have the 4'th Ruby & 1 Emerald Star ... :D ... Maybe Tomorrow I'll get it, if not the next day for all the Pendings to drop ...

03-22-13, 03:38 PM
Can't help. I can't even open certain web pages like yahoo mail, etc...but I can open them on a windows machine. Something about my linux installation is blocking the internet access.

03-22-13, 03:55 PM
Just shipped out my killer lappy. So I hope to have it back soon and get those 8 cores back on NFS.

Duke of Buckingham
03-22-13, 04:49 PM
You are all welcome. Thanks DP for your help on this project and the same to all of you that are running NFS.

Carlos don't worry we will crunch for you, on my side only a thought, a man who has so many friends has already won ...


03-22-13, 05:00 PM
What the heck, I need hours for wuprop anyway. I've got 7 on it now, 4 more in a few hours and 16 tomorrow, after I get my 5000 hrs on PPS LLR. Maybe a few more shortly thereafter.

Duke of Buckingham
03-22-13, 10:16 PM
What the heck, I need hours for wuprop anyway. I've got 7 on it now, 4 more in a few hours and 16 tomorrow, after I get my 5000 hrs on PPS LLR. Maybe a few more shortly thereafter.

Nice Al, thanks.

03-22-13, 11:44 PM
Hey Duke,

I sorta forgot to move to NFS after PG ended. Must have been early evening before I realized my error. Anyhoot, running 25 threads for the time being.

Duke of Buckingham
03-23-13, 01:19 AM
Thanks F$, no problem, I am finishing some Numberfields also, what I will do by tomorrow morning (I think) and then go to NFS for a time to get LAF. We will make it quickly, I am sure.


I will post all NFS crunching for the team and the difference for LAF. I will make a nice post, at least I will try.


Duke of Buckingham
03-23-13, 11:01 AM
Yes, they are playing a nice game. Time to show our strength.


03-23-13, 03:06 PM
Darn it Al, you bumped me out of 3rd on the team place today! ;). I'm gonna...I'm gonna...you know, I'm just going to put this phone down and get busy moving stuff again! :)) :D LOL...great to see such a team effort guys! Crank 'er up! Let's throw this NFS@ around on the Mosh pit a little and show LAF who's boss.

Er....wait a minute...this isn't one of LaF's pet projects is it? :D

03-23-13, 03:22 PM
Put 3 I7's, a quad and a dual core on it. Hope that help. Might do more later?:)

03-23-13, 03:23 PM
Darn it Al, you bumped me out of 3rd on the team place today! ;). I'm gonna...I'm gonna...you know, I'm just going to put this phone down and get busy moving stuff again! :)) :D LOL...great to see such a team effort guys! Crank 'er up! Let's throw this NFS@ around on the Mosh pit a little and show LAF who's boss.

Er....wait a minute...this isn't one of LaF's pet projects is it? :D

You'll get it back. I'm totally shut down until tomorrow while I reconfigure my boxes...and straighten out all the issues that creates. I'll be along soon.

Duke of Buckingham
03-23-13, 04:22 PM
We are such a team. Aren't we? :D



03-23-13, 06:00 PM
With machines with more than 1.3 GB per thread you should only run the 16e applications because it where you have more credit per wu, 65.
So you can go here


and set config like this:

lasieved - app for RSALS subproject, uses less than 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievee - work nearly always available, uses up to 0.5 GB memory: no
lasievef - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes
lasieve5f - used for huge factorizations, uses up to 1 GB memory: yes

Also in global settings at "http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/prefs.php?subset=global" set

Swap space: use at most: 98% of total
Memory: when computer is in use, use at most: 100% of total
Memory: when computer is not in use, use at most: 100% of total

03-23-13, 08:42 PM
I need a week to be at full power. Meanwhile we can easily go up to 4th place.

03-23-13, 08:57 PM
I told Greg that we were going hard this time. Hope we can generate more wu's although the ones created so far are still enough for the current NFS@Home output.

Duke of Buckingham
03-23-13, 09:02 PM
I need a week to be at full power. Meanwhile we can easily go up to 4th place.

We are still losing about 15 to 16K for today to LAF but we as them are speeding up and some team mates are now entering the battle. Most of them were already there that counts a lot.

We need you, as fast as you can be ready, STE\/E crunching day gave us a burst and we are now on a better position to strike back. The difference between teams is 238,473 at this moment.


03-23-13, 09:13 PM
Ricardo, I will be back to Portugal at the end of the month so by then I can turn on two machines and make more than 30k per day.


03-24-13, 01:33 AM
I got my 5000 hrs in PPS LLR, so I've moved 16 cores over to NFS, along with 11 cores from 2 of the reconfigured boxes. Another 10 should start crunching sometime tomorrow as I reconfigure the last 2 boxes.

Duke of Buckingham
03-24-13, 08:33 AM
I am happy

03-24-13, 05:57 PM
I got my 5000 hrs in PPS LLR, so I've moved 16 cores over to NFS, along with 11 cores from 2 of the reconfigured boxes. Another 10 should start crunching sometime tomorrow as I reconfigure the last 2 boxes.

Damn! There goes my #1 spot for daily team output..... :P

Duke of Buckingham
03-24-13, 09:47 PM
NFS from Yesterday and SETI.USA warming the engine.

1 Fire$torm 23,288
2 kmanley57 19,723
3 Al McAdams 12,716
4 zombie67 [MM] 10,850
5 DrPop [BlackOps] 8,682
6 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 5,024
7 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 3,940
8 Dusso Janladde 1,513
9 tracy 985
10 PJS 905
11 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 857
12 denim 488
13 Jonathan Brier 130

We made [B]89,036 and we had a total of 49,261,090
with a difference of 243,439 to LAF that made 109,746 for yesterday.

Thank you to all that are participating.


Duke of Buckingham
03-25-13, 03:20 AM
NFS from Mar 24 2013.

1 kmanley57 24,036
2 Al McAdams 20,020
3 Fire$torm 17,777
4 zombie67 [MM] 11,809
5 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 11,356
6 DrPop [BlackOps] 8,840
7 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 6,778
8 Dan Sargent 3,717
9 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 1,690
10 denim 1,112
11 tracy 941
12 STE\/E 704
13 Dusso Janladde 130

We made [B]108,910 and we had a total of 49,370,000
with a difference of 253,313 to LAF that made 118,784 for Mar 24 2013.

Thank you to all that are participating. Tomorrow another day.


03-26-13, 12:09 AM
I put a few cores on NFS today too!

03-26-13, 01:42 AM
I put a few cores on NFS today too!

Thank you, Artemis! We are trying to help our good friend The Duke here on this one. :D

Duke of Buckingham
03-26-13, 02:20 AM
I put a few cores on NFS today too!

Thank you, Artemis! We are trying to help our good friend The Duke here on this one. :D

Thanks Artemis, we are needing a bit more firepower but we bit LAF today for the first time and our daily production is improving, in spite we are only 12 or 13 depending the day.

Unfortunately I have some very big tasks to finish so one of my cores is devoted to that, I have one Primegrid Genefer that have 60 hours of crunching and will need about 180 hours to finish, I am more or lees in the middle of the crunching of another RNA XXL long so I have one core at least compromised for 10 days but I can not throw 120Hours of crunching to trash. :mad:

Thanks to all that are helping, next I will post our stats for the 25th of March.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MUIF-WO2CSo/TmUhyMwLHHI/AAAAAAAAADY/UnKRZI6LSJo/s1600/draft_lens2572822module19047532photo_1236278594212 455285_55fc2580ac_o.jpg

Hugging is natural, organic, naturally sweet, free of pesticides and
Preservatives. Hugging contains no artificial ingredients. It's
100% wholesome. No calories, no caffeine, no nicotine.
It's inflation-proof. It's nonfattening. There are no monthly payments.
No insurance requirements.
It's theft-proof, nontaxable, nonpolluting,
And fully refundable. And it costs very little.
Hugging is healthy. It assists the body's immune system, it cures depression,
It reduces stress, it induces sleep, it invigorates, and it rejuvenates,
And it has no unpleasant side-effects.
Hugging is no less than a miracle drug.
Adults love to hug babies and they do it as often as possible. Adults
Love to hug other adults, too, yet they seldom do. The reason for this
Is surprisingly simple ... adults are not afraid to initiate and enjoy
Hugging with infants because there's little chance of rejection.
Hugs can be given to anyone. Any place. Any time.
Hugs are free ... perhaps that's why so many take them for granted.
If hugs cost a lot of money, people would probably knock
Themselves out to make enough to buy them.
Although hugs are free, they're worthless if they aren't used. An
Unused hug is lost forever. On a planet that's starved for affection,
Can we really afford to lose a single hug?
For those who aren't always comfortable with the traditional hug,
You should at least try one of the other following forms of Hugs:

A kind word.
A touch.
A loving smile.
A "Thank you!"
A "Forgive me."
A "Can I help you?"
A "I'm Sorry."
And anything else you can do to make a person
Feel good about him or herself.

Never hug tomorrow someone you could hug today.

Duke of Buckingham
03-26-13, 02:45 AM
NFS from Mar 25 2013.

1 Al McAdams 24,420
2 kmanley57 22,941
3 Fire$torm 13,729
4 zombie67 [MM] 13,084
5 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 8,700
6 DrPop [BlackOps] 8,132
7 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 4,824
8 Dan Sargent 2,849
9 PJS 1,535
10 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 975
11 denim 232
12 artemis8 65

We made [B]101,551 and we had a total of 49,471,551
with a difference of 243,619 to LAF that made 91,857 for Mar 25 2013.

Thank you to all that are participating.

You cannot give a hug - without getting one.


03-26-13, 01:24 PM
@Duke - well, we'll see how big of a dent we can put in the difference over a few days anyway. :) The thing is, 85% of LA'F output on NFS is by ONE cruncher. So he/she is very dedicated to this project and has quite a high output - must represent at least 60 to 80 cores dedicated to this project alone, I would think.:confused:

But we will have fun trying anyway! ;)

03-26-13, 02:42 PM
@Duke - well, we'll see how big of a dent we can put in the difference over a few days anyway. :) The thing is, 85% of LA'F output on NFS is by ONE cruncher. So he/she is very dedicated to this project and has quite a high output - must represent at least 60 to 80 cores dedicated to this project alone, I would think.:confused:

But we will have fun trying anyway! ;)

speaking of that one guy, [AF>Libristes] Dilandau, he can do some serious damage. According to Free-DC this guy can push out over 100K a day on NFS when he/she chooses to. Not sure we can ever make any headway against him.

Just saying.....

03-26-13, 04:09 PM
[QUOTE=Fire$torm;57737...this guy can push out over 100K a day on NFS when he/she chooses...
Just saying.....[/QUOTE]

Understood. So that means a general use of ~60+ cores, with "occasional / on demand?" access to at least 180 cores.
So with that in mind, Duke, I believe anything is possible, trust me, I have faith otherwise I wouldn't be here. But on a realistic level, we're not going to make much sustained headway against this dude.

We'll have a fun time seeing how much we can gain for a bit though. :)

03-26-13, 04:19 PM
Mumps can easily outproduce him/her. So we need Mr. Mumps.
French team is running a raid on yoyo so expect some cores move to NFS@Home after the raid.


03-26-13, 04:49 PM
Heh...yeah, he could...but Mr. Mumps is a dedicated [MMer] which means he likes to hop around to all kinds of projects. ;) If he ever does get the itch to light up NFS though, we could be in for a nice surprise. :D

Duke of Buckingham
03-27-13, 02:03 AM
Heh...yeah, he could...but Mr. Mumps is a dedicated [MMer] which means he likes to hop around to all kinds of projects. ;) If he ever does get the itch to light up NFS though, we could be in for a nice surprise. :D


Mumps is not coming? Man that is a sad thing ...


But we are doing the job and are beating LAF crunching. I would like that all (that can) give at least a day for the project.

That counts for you either Mumps my friend. :o

Now the NFS crunching from Mar 26 2013.

1 Al McAdams 27,104
2 kmanley57 23,837
3 Fire$torm 19,554
4 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 10,468
5 DrPop [BlackOps] 7,729
6 artemis8 6,825
7 zombie67 [MM] 5,095
8 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 1,348
9 denim 1,272
10 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 691
11 Dan Sargent 549

We made [B]104,407 and we had a total of 49,575,958
with a difference of 220,495 to LAF that made 81,283 for Mar 26 2013.

Thank you to all that are participating, I am watching you.:D


03-27-13, 09:22 AM
And get your air masks ready as somanyroads blow by all of us on daily output today..... "I Guess Agent J pressed the Red button"

03-27-13, 02:49 PM
And get your air masks ready as somanyroads blow by all of us on daily output today..... "I Guess Agent J pressed the Red button"

Oops, didn't mean to do that. :o Blame DrPop, he invited me . . . I had just turned most of the cores to supporting GPU projects (and POEM had just fixed their weekend problem) since I'll be shutting the GPUs down during the summer.

Duke of Buckingham
03-27-13, 02:55 PM
Oops, didn't mean to do that. :o Blame DrPop, he invited me . . . I had just turned most of the cores to supporting GPU projects (and POEM had just fixed their weekend problem) since I'll be shutting the GPUs down during the summer.

Thanks somanyroads.


03-27-13, 04:24 PM
Going to risk it and try to run some of the big WU's.

Duke of Buckingham
03-28-13, 09:40 AM
Going to risk it and try to run some of the big WU's.


Thanks denim, some are joining to our effort and others crunch a bit and go. I am happy with that.

Now the NFS crunching from Mar 27 2013.

1 somanyroads 44,200
2 kmanley57 20,473
3 Al McAdams 17,952
4 Fire$torm 17,477
5 DrPop [BlackOps] 8,658
6 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 8,570
7 zombie67 [MM] 4,030
8 artemis8 3,575
9 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 2,149
10 tracy 1,079
11 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 889
12 Dan Sargent
13 George Elting 428
14 denim 240
15 PJS 65

We made [B]130,466 and we had a total of 49,706,424
with a difference of 172,045 to LAF that made 82,016 for Mar 27 2013.

Thank you to all that are participating,
I am still watching you. :D


03-28-13, 01:01 PM
Thanks denim, some are joining to our effort and others crunch a bit and go. I am happy with that.

Now the NFS crunching from Mar 27 2013.

1 somanyroads 44,200
2 kmanley57 20,473
3 Al McAdams 17,952
4 Fire$torm [BlackOps] 17,477
5 DrPop [BlackOps] 8,658
6 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 8,570
7 zombie67 [MM] 4,030
8 artemis8 3,575
9 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 2,149
10 tracy 1,079
11 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 889
12 Dan Sargent
13 George Elting 428
14 denim 240
15 PJS 65

somanyroads only doing 12 times as much NFS as me? slacker, serious slacker :P

03-28-13, 04:06 PM
@Artemis - I[m cranking as fast as I can.

03-29-13, 01:25 AM
@Artemis - I[m cranking as fast as I can.

LoL! :)) Is that a hand crank? You could hook it up to a hamster wheel and go warp speed! ;). But seriously... who needs warp speed if regular mode gets 44K in a day at this project!??? Thanks for coming on board, we needed a little shot in the arm. :)

Duke of Buckingham
03-29-13, 02:20 AM

Thanks to you. I am happy with you all.

NFS crunching from Mar 28 2013.

1 somanyroads 51,935
2 kmanley57 31,452
3 Al McAdams 20,504
4 Fire$torm 16,720
5 DrPop [BlackOps] 9,046
6 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 6,484
7 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 4,371
8 zombie67 [MM] 3,770
9 artemis8 3,185
10 denim 1,352
11 tracy 1,180
12 Reed Young 875
13 George Elting 745
14 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 390
15 Dusso Janladde 290
16 benderr2001 160
17 c303a 36

We made [B]152,430 and we had a total of 49,858,854
with a difference of 99,430 to LAF that made 79,815 for Mar 28 2013.

Thank you to all that are participating,
I will be watching you till the end of the challenges. :D


03-29-13, 11:45 AM
nice job stepping it up today somanyroads ;)

03-29-13, 02:19 PM
@Artemis - The cores are kind of sporadic and spastic going this way and that way having acquired many of the characteristics of the builder, not to mention the sometimes uncontrollable nature of the software.

@DrPop – surely you remember . . . the picture is of a Third World Computer which was to use a wind-up crank, a pedal or a lawn-mower-style ripcord to generate power . . . probably not real good for crunching 24/7. Guess the current thinking is to send out solar powered iPads to Third World countries . . . still not so good for crunching.

03-29-13, 04:50 PM
@Artemis - The cores are kind of sporadic and spastic going this way and that way having acquired many of the characteristics of the builder, not to mention the sometimes uncontrollable nature of the software.

@DrPop – surely you remember . . . the picture is of a Third World Computer which was to use a wind-up crank, a pedal or a lawn-mower-style ripcord to generate power . . . probably not real good for crunching 24/7. Guess the current thinking is to send out solar powered iPads to Third World countries . . . still not so good for crunching.

True on the crunching side but those mobile units are perfect for allowing Corp. Big Brother to track the natives and get a handle on their next frontier market...... :P

Duke of Buckingham
03-30-13, 03:19 AM
NFS crunching from Mar 29 2013.

1 somanyroads 43,680
2 kmanley57 28,230
3 Al McAdams 21,648
4 STE\/E 19,098
5 Fire$torm 17,952
6 DrPop [BlackOps] 9,306
7 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 6,833
8 zombie67 [MM] 2,932
9 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 2,628
10 artemis8 2,470
11 PJS 1,624
12 George Elting 976
13 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 550
14 denim 412
15 c303a 65

We made [B]158,513 and we had a total of 50,017,367
with a difference of 21,552 to LAF that made 80,635 for Mar 29 2013.

We have just passed 50,000,000 on the project and we are almost passing LAF.

Thank you to you all. :D


Duke of Buckingham
03-30-13, 09:53 AM
We have passed LAF.


Duke of Buckingham
03-31-13, 02:19 AM
NFS crunching from Mar 30 2013.

1 STE\/E 41,971
2 somanyroads 41,210
3 kmanley57 24,894
4 Al McAdams 16,864
5 Fire$torm 16,764
6 DrPop [BlackOps] 10,281
7 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 6,086
8 artemis8 5,330
9 zombie67 [MM] 5,265
10 Dan Sargent 1,625
11 George Elting 1,328
12 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 1,275
13 tracy 1,180
14 Carlos Pinho 1,170
15 denim 484
16 Dusso Janladde
17 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 459

We made [B]176,541 and we had a total of 50,193,908
we have passed LAF and the next team is Boincstats, we have a difference of 9,539,712 to BS that made 10,436 for Mar 30 2013.

I am now bunkering for the first NFS challenge and Sicituradastra seems to be steaming up also they made 143,101 for yesterday and were the second team on the project.

Thank you to you all.




03-31-13, 02:28 PM
Great to see a group of us making progress, some how I fell 3 spots in 12 hours.

Duke of Buckingham
04-01-13, 04:51 AM
NFS crunching from Mar 31 2013.

1 STE\/E 74,353
2 somanyroads 72,410
3 kmanley57 31,068
4 Al McAdams 12,564
5 Fire$torm 10,956
6 Fogle.SETI.USA [BlackOps] 10,407
7 Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 8,921
8 zombie67 [MM] 7,865
9 Bikermatt 7,585
10 DrPop [BlackOps] 4,793
11 artemis8 4,160
12 Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA 1,977
13 Mumps [MM] 1,885
14 tracy 1,274
15 [SETI.USA]Tank_Master 587
16 denim 477
17 Dusso Janladde 36

We made [B]251,448 and we had a total of 50,445,356
we have a difference of 9,299,433 to BS that made 11,169 for Mar 31 2013.

We are now on the first NFS challenge and our hour productivity is better than Sicituradastra, it seems they made a better bunkering, they made 286,895 for yesterday.

Thank you to you all. I am happy with our performance on the challenge.




Duke of Buckingham
04-02-13, 05:08 AM
We are on

Duke of Buckingham
04-05-13, 08:03 AM
We are on

I don't remember such a so complete and smashing victory,


04-05-13, 02:12 PM
SETI.USA is almost daily averaging 1M points so we are on route to catch 5th place overall. I suppose by the end of the two challenges SETI.USA will be closer to Sic Team.


04-13-13, 02:57 PM
Sicituradastra. team just increased output, they are afraid of us...lol

04-13-13, 04:35 PM
Sicituradastra. team just increased output, they are afraid of us...lol

Well, I'm swinging back towards 16e and 16e V5 so we'll pick up a bit more steam again. :)

04-13-13, 05:28 PM
Sicituradastra. team just increased output, they are afraid of us...lol

I think they should talk to their members about 'aborting' tasks when that member possibly moves to a different project. :rolleyes:

I am just saying!

04-14-13, 10:24 PM
Well, I'm swinging back towards 16e and 16e V5 so we'll pick up a bit more steam again. :)

Sweet, thanks Mumps! What a killer pair of challenges, that was some serious NFS output.:o

04-15-13, 08:31 AM
I'm going to try to bring my two dead boxes alive so that I can run NFS@Home. Still waiting for my laptop. I hope by the end of the week to have three linux machines running NFS@Home so that I can join the hunt for Sic team.


04-15-13, 02:14 PM
Well, I'm swinging back towards 16e and 16e V5 so we'll pick up a bit more steam again. :)

Sweet, but man, I am never going to catch you.

Duke of Buckingham
04-19-13, 11:07 AM
I will return to NFS to get the 4th place with you.

Man that is the time I much regret for not having enough computation power. 4 days to catch the 4th place, thanks to all that can and are crunching hard for the team, I will be with you in a couple of days, just to finish helping on Sat and I will be back.

Impressive team effort, I have never seen nothing like that and Mumps as our team standard-bearer thanks, many of them are not enough for you, what a show.

What a team.


Duke of Buckingham
04-20-13, 06:55 AM
We passed 65,000,000 on NFS.

and made 471,838 on April 19th and we need 3 more days to catch the 4th place

Thanks for April 19th crunching of
Mumps [MM] 426,802
Enrique Arratia 24,526
Crazybob.SETI.USA [TopGun] 10,050
kmanley57 4,810
c303a 4,160
denim 592
tracy 340
PJS 174
Dusso Janladde 130
spingadus[MM] 88
fk&soph 36

Thanks mates you are still struggling to get the 4th place. Wait one more day and I will be with you.

The EAGLE is flying and chasing the 4th place


I am happy.

04-23-13, 04:53 AM
And we passed Team Sicituradastra.

04-23-13, 08:17 AM
And we passed Team Sicituradastra.

And not stopping either. With my goal, I'll get us to third place, but will need others to keep chipping in if we're hoping to make it to second.

04-23-13, 09:07 AM
I've been on NFS every day since 2009. ;) At this pace, it says we could take over #1 in 50 days!!!

04-23-13, 09:10 AM
And not stopping either. With my goal, I'll get us to third place, but will need others to keep chipping in if we're hoping to make it to second.

For the records to achieve 100M would be a must and as a team the first one to do it.
I think we all together can go up to first place within 30 days but we need to run the 16e and 16e V5 wu's to get the most of the credits.
I need to know what the team thinks because I have in mind another post-processing job to run for NFS@Home after I am done with my current one, less than 5 days. If we as a team decide to go hard on this I will install VM+Ubuntu on Windows and help with ~12k points per day. Lost two boxes only running with a laptop.

On the other hand if people can't run the 16e's applications and only the 14e and 15e ones my laptop will be needed to help to clean the post-processing jobs. lol

This future discussion should be passed to a private section. Also we should think of calling The Musketeers.


04-23-13, 09:45 AM
Have to flush some WCG on my free Linux box. :cool:

Duke of Buckingham
04-23-13, 07:32 PM
I am very happy we are going so well on NFS. I am also sad for not being crunching with you my computer problem is much more than I thought at least for me.

04-24-13, 01:24 PM
As a long time NFS steady, I am just happy to see more of our team putting some heat on this project as it seemed to always be overlooked due to MW CPU or other slightly higher paying projects got the nod.

05-19-13, 04:00 PM
Now that the Pentathlon is completed shall we go back here to go for first place? Windows users have now available the 64-bit version of the sievers so this means 50-100 % more points. We have a bunch of 14 and 15e tasks to be done but for now for the stats anyone that can run 16e and 16e V5 applications will gain more points.
If we get closer to 1st spot teams, Team Norway and Ars Technica, they will get their power in because they are trying to keep the dc-vault positions.


05-19-13, 04:04 PM
I'll be running a few cores for us Carlos. Count me in..

05-19-13, 04:16 PM
Also it would be nice to see SETI.USA team as the first one to reach 100M. Just hope the two top teams will let us, if not it would be a hell of a fight.


05-19-13, 06:21 PM
For the moment I have all cores on this project. I will some off to other things soon but at least one box will stay put.


05-19-13, 06:27 PM
... Windows users have now available the 64-bit version of the sievers so this means 50-100 % more points...

Hi Carlos,
Does the new 64 bit version of the sievers download and run automatically, or do I need to do a project reset or anything on my end to use the new, faster one? This is on an AMD X6 rig w/ Win7 x64. Thanks!

05-19-13, 06:44 PM
Hi Carlos,
Does the new 64 bit version of the sievers download and run automatically, or do I need to do a project reset or anything on my end to use the new, faster one? This is on an AMD X6 rig w/ Win7 x64. Thanks!

Yes, it will download and run automatically but they will not work on AMD X6 processors. See thread: http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/forum_thread.php?id=426

05-20-13, 12:16 AM
OK I threw a quad CPU at it, actually it's Dr Pops old Quad, but anyway it's running NFS now. I'm still cleaning up WU's on the other one. I think we can be #1 in this project if we want it. :cool:

05-20-13, 10:09 AM
You know I am on it. ;) Shame as at the moment, I only have one Intel 64-bit machine going.