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View Full Version : theSkyNet POGS: Links to telescope and software pages added

09-22-12, 01:20 PM
On the main page we have added image map links to the POGS (PS1 Optical Galaxy Survey) project banner, allowing those who are interested easily navigate to the websites for GALEX, PS1, WISE, and MAGPHYS. GALEX (the Galaxy Evolution Explorer) is a space telescope operating in the ultraviolet spectral range, which is an excellent tracer of recent star formation sites. PS1 (Pan-STARRS1) is an optical survey telescope conducting observations from Mt. Haleakala on Maui. It uses the world's largest digital camera (1.4 Gigapixels!) to repeatedly image the entire northern sky. WISE (the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) is another small NASA mission that recently completed all-sky imaging in multiple infrared bands sensitive to old stars, the interstellar medium, and warm dust in galaxies. MAGPHYS is the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting code you have all been running via BOINC, allowing us to estimate physical parameters based on the multi-wavelength data from these three complementary telescopes.

More... (http://ec2-23-23-126-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com/pogs/forum_thread.php?id=101)