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View Full Version : theSkyNet POGS: Maintenance of Database

10-02-12, 06:06 AM
Folks Firstly thanks for your help so far. The BOINC community are truly wonderful. David and will be working on a couple of papers over the next few months (and yes, when they are published we'll post links so you can see what we've been doing with your CPU cycles). After the new sigma run is finished - we'll not be issuing any new work units for a couple of days as I need to massage the database which is sitting at just under 200GB. I also need to modify the F77 to store the highest probability bin values - which means the new code will not validate against the old stuff. Once I've do that we'll have a test with the first "real" hi-res images from PanSTARRS to make sure all is working correctly - then we'll run a couple of hundred local galaxies through the system.

More... (http://ec2-23-23-126-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com/pogs/forum_thread.php?id=109)