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View Full Version : theSkyNet POGS: New galaxies

10-05-12, 05:29 AM
Folks We're ready to go with the new galaxies, we're just waiting for the last few results of the old run to come in. We've made a number of improvements:
1) The F77 records more probability data than before; 2) We've decided to push the redshift out to 0.1; 3) The next run is pure PanSTARRS1 data; 4) The 64bit Windows code should be a lot faster; 5) A improvement to the Cobblestone scaling to look at the number of layers you are processing as well as the number of pixels.

WARNING: The model files have grown in size so you'll get a once of down load of 20MB (gzipped)

More... (http://ec2-23-23-126-96.compute-1.amazonaws.com/pogs/forum_thread.php?id=111)