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View Full Version : After 70 Years, Clark Kent Quits the Daily Planet

John P. Myers
10-24-12, 04:46 AM
Clark Kent Quits 'Daily Planet' in Another Blow to Newspaper Industry

Apparently, even Clark Kent sees the writing on the wall when it comes to the future of the newspaper industry.

Kent -- perhaps better known by his tights-clad alter-ego, Superman -- will quit his longstanding job as a reporter for Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet in the next issue of "Superman," USA Today reports.

Kent has been with the newspaper for approximately 70 years. Perhaps his decades-long inability to advance past the position of reporter contributed to his decision.

A career change isn't the only upheaval in the works for the Man of Steel in the upcoming issue, which goes on sale Wednesday; Kent will also be rocked by an unsettling text about his onetime squeeze Lois Lane and her new beau, new "Superman" writer Scott Lobdell told the paper.

"I wasn't going to test the waters. I was just going to do a cannonball in the Super-verse," Lobdell, who began his "Superman" stint last month, said.

According to Lobdell, Kent's departure from the Daily Planet comes after editor-in-chief Perry White's haranguing him about not getting more scoops about Superman, and the increasingly corporate atmosphere at the paper, which is now a part of multimedia corporation Galaxy Broadcasting.

"Superman is arguably the most powerful person on the planet, but how long can he sit at his desk with someone breathing down his neck and treating him like the least important person in the world?" Lobdell offered.

Kent's exit will also come with a speech about the emphasis of entertainment over news in the modern media.

USA Today did not reveal whether the paper plans to hire Kent.

10-24-12, 06:59 AM
In related news, Apple is working with DC Comics to bring you iSuperman. He will be able to see through walls with greater clarity and fly twice as fast.

Duke of Buckingham
10-24-12, 10:11 AM
And so we changed.

Why wouldn't Superman change ...

... and be one of the men that rule the world ...

... on Wall Street.


The truth Superman, is the one that creates a family with a miserable fee.

And almost no one says: There goes a true man.

Fighting for Justice in this world ...
... and still believing ...
... and still fighting ...