View Full Version : Successful Election Day!

Christopher Herr
11-06-12, 12:24 PM
Hi everyone in the US!

I hope you all already went to, are going or will go to vote, so the new government will have the broadest possible legitimation, well at least from Team SETI.USA that is, to run office in those next four years to come. :)
Anyone not voting is wasting her/his vote and has lost her/his right to participate in political discussions, but that is just my humble opinion, but I defend that opinion valiantly. ;)

I hope you will be happy with the outcome and the success will come in the next four years! :)

Duke of Buckingham
11-06-12, 01:19 PM
Well in Portugal the people gave 86% to Obama and 5% for Romney in a street questionnaire of "Whom would you prefer on the withe house?", the other 9% don't know or don't care.

But Portugal as most of the states are from the continuity of power on a general way. Things must be very bad to have any change on Portuguese preferences.

There several articles but I only found this one in the internet but it is in Portuguese.


I hope you all can express your free vote on any circumstance.

11-06-12, 02:28 PM
I'm waiting for the amendment that does away with the electoral college so that the election can truly be decided by the majority vote. That will also end the problem where a candidate wins 51 to 49% and get ALL of that states electoral votes and can end up winning the election with less than 50% of the vote. That's a republic, not a democracy.

Mr. Hankey
11-06-12, 03:12 PM
I'm waiting for the amendment that does away with the electoral college so that the election can truly be decided by the majority vote. That will also end the problem where a candidate wins 51 to 49% and get ALL of that states electoral votes and can end up winning the election with less than 50% of the vote. That's a republic, not a democracy.

I like the idea of a republic more than a mob rule mentality of a pure democracy. But I wonder if a proportonal electoral college allocation within each state would be better or if that would really just be the same thing as a majority vote?

11-06-12, 03:37 PM
I remember hearing that some states require the electors to vote according to the ballot totals. Is this correct?

@CH: Yep, I done did vote. Arrived at my local polling place at 7:10 this morning. Had to wait in line almost an hour before I was able to cast my votes. BTW, here in Michigan the Proposition to legalize marijuana did not make it onto the ballot. That pissed off a lot of people around here...... :))

Duke of Buckingham
11-06-12, 04:05 PM
I don't understand the republic but I do understand democracy.

Republic are Romans crucifying slaves of all nations. Democracy are Greeks killing Persians.

Historians stuff sorry Mr. Hankey. Even Sparta was much more to his citizens than the republic of Rome was for Romans but it is not easy to explain. On this I am on slickers side.

But I really think we are all on justice side, if there is someone that can explain us, where justice is. The real problem is about words and their meaning, words are so different from concepts, as concepts are different from ideas. We just don't know what we have talked because what we have talked is always changing.

Yeha I know I am a crazy ...

Go to elections vote in the one you believe is the best and than pay the price, that is what I am doing for this last few years. That is to be a republic and that is we all have to be...

Rome was the worst thing given to the world, they destroyed democracy, religion and good men. And well they proved that who crucified Jesus Christ were the Jews. Well I thought that were the Romans but what do I know after all I am a Jew.

After the Roman Empire came Hitler's Germany, all good things. Hitler used the concentration camps and Rome used the Circus. Ones were burned the others eaten, at least the Romans were helping the lions.

This text is not against anyone, is only my way of saying why do I think and what. Rome was such a disgrace for me as Hitler's Germany maybe worst.

John P. Myers
11-06-12, 06:45 PM
I remember hearing that some states require the electors to vote according to the ballot totals. Is this correct?

Yes it is. But the key words are "some states". Not every electorate has to vote according to how the people of that state told them to vote. Rogue votes can really screw things up while disobeying their constituents at the same time.

11-06-12, 07:08 PM
Each state defines how its electoral votes get allocated, winner-take-all or proportional. It's not a federal thing.

It is in the best interests of the two parties to ensure they are winner-take-all. Even if it means that they happen to lose. At least it keeps out any third parties from the process.

11-06-12, 08:51 PM
If things get really close there are instances where the electoral college reps can vote how they wish in an attempt to break a tie. There is nothing that says they have to vote for the candidate that won their state.

Christopher Herr
11-07-12, 07:07 AM
So, news over here is, it is "Yes, we can again!". :p
I for one think under the global circumstances, Obama deserved a second chance, since others would not have been able to serve their country any better under those contextual circumstances, IMHO!

Regarding the election system, oh boy, I am just happy I am quite familiar with the German system on all levels to be elected, dudes! :)) So I can not really discuss this and first would have to read up on the US system again...

I hope more than 50 % of all people allowed to cast their vote have participated, so it represents a common consensus and all US people can really live with this outcome. Well, I know, I know, you all now have to, but I for one think Obama to have been the better choice... :)

11-07-12, 07:40 AM
Here's to 4 more years of mediocrity and a do nothing senate. :|

That's all I have to say about that.

Christopher Herr
11-07-12, 07:46 AM
Here's to 4 more years of mediocrity and a do nothing senate. :|

That's all I have to say about that.

Valid opinion in a free country with democracy, thx, Forrest! :)) ;)

Duke of Buckingham
11-07-12, 07:50 AM
Doing nothing, is very good for a politician. Usually they do the wrong thing or we wouldn't be were we are. I mean the all world.

11-07-12, 08:01 AM
Can I go back to watch my cartoons?

11-07-12, 09:27 AM
Doing nothing, is very good for a politician. Usually they do the wrong thing or we wouldn't be were we are. I mean the all world.

Do nothing = no balanced budget

Sometimes doing something is the right thing, even if politicians do it.

Duke of Buckingham
11-07-12, 10:01 AM
Do nothing = no balanced budget

Sometimes doing something is the right thing, even if politicians do it.

I know what you want to say trigggl and in that I can agree with you, even a broken watch is right twice a day.

For me, that all of you can forgive me, they would lose both. I don't see much of good in any of them but it is very important now for the all nation to be with the elected President and to the President to be with the all nation. This is today of more importance that was in the past.

The system in the United States is made for the reelection happens almost for sure. The party nomination for President election only happens in one party, the other is saving strength and ammunition for the (real) election, the use of the other candidate on the party nomination is the cause of much attrition, wear or abrasion (I don't know the word you use).

One comes with one more major battle than the other and the battles are hard with sneaky tricks and bad words flying on the air besides the long run one campaign has towards the other. A lot of presidents wouldn't be reelected if it was not as it is and yes Carlos let us see the cartoons.

The best of luck for the USA with is new President and I hope this time he will not say that the United States are not Portugal for me to forgive him such a former stupid sentence.

The people have talked, the system has worked for the Republican Democracy. The battles of power will live more than the men that made them and historians will be here to reminds all of what happened and so the world will keep on spinning.

And we will keep on living ...

11-07-12, 10:04 AM
Do nothing = no balanced budget

Sometimes doing something is the right thing, even if politicians do it.

Except they won't do it. Not this congress, not this president. There is no desire for a balanced budget, regardless of the rhetoric.

11-07-12, 09:13 PM
Except they won't do it. Not this congress, not this president. There is no desire for a balanced budget, regardless of the rhetoric.

Well, at least we can always hope that they don't fabricate another reason to spend a Trillion dollars on some private institutions over the course of the next 4 years.

And "reaching across the aisle to work things out" always has do start from both sides. And that just seems to be one of the biggest problems we face with so much of the US versus THEM mentality these parties have fostered for far too long.

John P. Myers
11-07-12, 10:11 PM
Valid opinion in a free country with democracy, thx, Forrest! :)) ;)

And the stock market lost 313 points today. Wonderful.

Obama won because he presents himself as a popstar. He takes credit for alot, but has never actually achieved anything. Fact. Would Romney have been better? Hard to say, but logic dictates you should bet on a maybe rather than a proven no.

And that's all i have to say about that.

Edit: btw only about 1/3 of the population voted, which is actually better than expected.

11-08-12, 12:07 AM
If the Mayan Doomsday doesn't get us, the "Fiscal Cliff" will. :-ss

11-08-12, 01:10 AM
The popular meme is that it is better if more people vote. Rock the vote, and all that. Why is it better if people vote, who would otherwise not vote? Those are the people that are unmotivated (for whatever reason). And so they should go vote just because it sounds good? If they had not enough passion, reason, or understanding to vote before, are they going to be doing good by voting now? Just because someone pushed them into doing do? No. They're just gumming up the works.

11-08-12, 07:34 AM
The popular meme is that it is better if more people vote. Rock the vote, and all that. Why is it better if people vote, who would otherwise not vote? Those are the people that are unmotivated (for whatever reason). And so they should go vote just because it sounds good? If they had not enough passion, reason, or understanding to vote before, are they going to be doing good by voting now? Just because someone pushed them into doing do? No. They're just gumming up the works.

As cynical as that sounds, that's my view of it. The more simple minded people you have voting, the more of a mob rule (mobile vulgus) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ochlocracy) you have.

The mob is the only way President Obama gets re-elected. I guarantee, if only tax payers were voting (no offense to those who can't find work), he would have lost (by a landslide).

I'm thankful I got a raise at work. It will offset the raise in taxes we'll probably be hit with in January. The people at corporate jet completion center on the other side of the airport weren't so lucky. They're shutting down. They're getting laid off. Where are they going to work? There are no jobs. This President has literally pressured some of our customers to not accept delivery of their planes. Then they whip up the mob saying this company that we're bailing out just bought a corporate jet (that they ordered 2 years ago).

This is not a democracy or a republic. It's an ochlocracy.

We almost had a President with experience in business and creating a working health care plan, but the mob defeated him.

Here's to 4 more years of the same thing we've been getting.

PS. Not implying that Democrats are the mob or uninformed. I have friends that are unapologetic socialists. They're informed and that's how they believe. I respect them for that. I'm talking about people that go by some perception, popularity or recent event. People that would vote differently if they thought ahead enough to realize how that vote will affect them.

Duke of Buckingham
11-08-12, 10:39 AM
:p So we have to thanks that the end of the world is near. Not four years trigggl only till 21st of December. :D

:mad: Man you are very mad with Obama. The true is that for Europe and Asia, Obama was the preferred on the choices of power and of the people. :confused:

I don't really know why, maybe propaganda maybe other reasons, but it seems that Romney was very feared for all sides. For me I only desire the best for you all. Something tells me that the vice-president will be very important again. Too much of hate of too powerful persons that is not good.

The interests at stake are bigger than we can imagine and I don't think none is about jobs or small money, on both sides trigggl, they didn't arrive there being nice scouts. The power structure is unbelievable sordid for a common human being but we still don't learn, even after 2,500 years of democracy.

My hope is that things go for the best but as an historian lover I wouldn't bet on my hope. We will keep on living as we did before and will prevail as we did on the past thru all bad things nature and men invented.

They don't deserve that we hate each other or have strong arguments. We are only the victims of a net of interests, nothing else.

11-08-12, 12:15 PM
PS. Not implying that Democrats are the mob or uninformed. I have friends that are unapologetic socialists. They're informed and that's how they believe. I respect them for that. I'm talking about people that go by some perception, popularity or recent event. People that would vote differently if they thought ahead enough to realize how that vote will affect them.

I also have friends that are of the socialist genre. They are very informed and can work the system for every penny they can get from food stamps to medical care. Since we have a small savings account plus a small income we can't get half the items they get. It's all a matter of how much can the government give us because it is owed to us.

Obama has done just that. Let's put programs and money out there and we will win the vote. Now the big question is just how much it is going to cost us in the nex 4 years. Hopefully the House will put the breaks on spending but I wouldn't put any bets on it.

Here's to 4 trillion in 4 more years!

Christopher Herr
11-08-12, 12:33 PM
Well, spending money a country does not have seems to be a constant all over the industrial nations; think of the EU, we are now spending billions we do not have on other European countries whose residents can do nothing but protesting against public saving plans... :p

John P. Myers
11-08-12, 04:11 PM
You are very mad with Obama. The true is that for Europe and Asia, Obama was the preferred on the choices of power and of the people. :confused:

I don't really know why, maybe propaganda maybe other reasons, but it seems that Romney was very feared for all sides. For me I only desire the best for you all. Something tells me that the vice-president will be very important again. Too much of hate of too powerful persons that is not good.

I can tell you why: foreign policy. With Obama as our president, any other country can get away with more. Our defense is weaker, our intel ignored. Other countries love america in this position.

11-08-12, 04:21 PM
Interesting fact...if you like what the President has done, he's done a lot. If you don't, he's done nothing...and the other Party is never at fault.

Duke of Buckingham
11-08-12, 06:21 PM
I can tell you why: foreign policy. With Obama as our president, any other country can get away with more. Our defense is weaker, our intel ignored. Other countries love america in this position.

Politics is very dangerous on general way of speaking. Let me tell you at first that I really had no preferences for the Presidency of the USA.

My first preference as a true democratic person was that the one that had more votes should win and with that I am happy with the final result.

The Philadelphia convention was made on the original idea of the founding fathers that were worried with the hypothesis of a dictatorship of the majority and that is in fact a problem, the use of the word in the ancient Greek direct democracy show that for several times with many man.

This lead to a problem of electing a President with the minority of votes but it is not only that. It is because the USA election system consider the existence of states (and they were in the original) independent from each other and the states should have some strength.

The problem about Europe is today exactly the same, what kind of system should we construct for next few years and if the criticism can be easy after is not so easy before that is Europe's problem today.

This complex net of powers on all of our world is all connected as the economy or desires of the people is. Our global village, that we understand more and more that we are all connected. Yes we are the heating in Europe and Africa are more and bigger hurricanes to the America (north and south) and the heating in the America (north and south) are more and bigger hurricanes in the Pacific. We are all connected for good and bad things but that no one tells. Secrets that we all know.

We are all brothers living on the same world and depending on each other. Of all races and all religions and all colors, we are mankind looking for freedom and better lives for us and to our children. If the USA wants to be a part of it has to join to the rest of the world on the search of a better world for all.

But what do I know, only some dreams on a world of powers. I would like that all of us had a better life on the near future, WE THE PEOPLE of course.

Ricardo Ferreira

11-08-12, 07:52 PM
One thing lightened my mood yesterday. Republicans gained control of both houses of Arkansas for the first time since Reconstruction. Obviously, Arkansans are tired of the rubber stamp the Federal government has been getting.

11-08-12, 09:43 PM
[QUOTE=c303a;51695]I also have friends that are of the socialist genre. They are very informed and can work the system for every penny they can get from food stamps to medical care. Since we have a small savings account plus a small income we can't get half the items they get. It's all a matter of how much can the government give us because it is owed to us.

Working the system sounds hard. So I guess hard work does pay off. This is America after all!

11-08-12, 09:45 PM
I can tell you why: foreign policy. With Obama as our president, any other country can get away with more. Our defense is weaker, our intel ignored. Other countries love america in this position.

Well Libya are they lovers or haters and that poor bastard Bin Laden how does he feel about all this?

John P. Myers
11-08-12, 10:28 PM
Well Libya are they lovers or haters and that poor bastard Bin Laden how does he feel about all this?

Well in Libya, it seems you can blow up american embassies and kill the americans inside and not a whole lot was done about it. Kinda odd don't you think? A bit weak? Not an act of war? Might as well blow up something else then. The intel about the attack, from the blown up embassy itself, that was received 22 days before the attack which specifically requested more marines for defense, and the reasons why, completely ignored, and then still have the nerve to attempt to blame it on some muhammed video. Google it. I may be wrong about the number of days, but it's pretty close.

As for Bin Laden, his eventual death was declared and put into action by Bush.

One night, while Obama was busy playing NBA 2K10 on his PS3....
Obama: Yello
Seal Team 6: Mr. president, we have confirmed Intel on Bin Laden's exact location. We're nearby, we've memorized the grounds and blueprints of all structures. We're ready to strike now. What say you?
Obama: Uhhh...if i recall, Bush signed a declaration stating Bin Laden is to be killed on sight, so i guess just do what Bush said, alright?
Seal Team 6: Affirmative. Thank you Mr. President.
Obama: Yep, yep. Good luck.

Yep. That's really all there was to it. Really. It's like you ran a company and put something into place that would double profits within 5 years, but you retired after 4 years and your replacement got all the credit for it.

I'm not a republican, i should say. I'm simply someone who believes when you suck at your job, you gotta go. Period.

If the Mayan Doomsday doesn't get us, the "Fiscal Cliff" will.
So true. If you have a job Jan. 1st, you're income taxes are going up, regardless of income. And that's just the beginning. Good goin'

Duke of Buckingham
11-09-12, 12:30 AM
:o You are so bad JPM. Do you really think Obama has a PS3? :D

Democracy is winning and losing, no one wins forever and no one loses forever. That is what is good nothing bad stays much and bad in democracy nothing good stays as long as we wish.

But well we never decide alone, there are a lot more to decide with us. What matters is the guy is not in this world anymore. And about Libya, you wanted to say Libyan government kaptainkarl1 because Libya as good and bad people as everywhere. I wouldn't judge an entire people for their government or I would be so F*****. :((

Portuguese politicians are such a s***. :mad:

I like this stars I brought from Sicituradastra. =))

John P. Myers
11-09-12, 08:45 AM
:o You are so bad JPM. Do you really think Obama has a PS3? :D



Duke of Buckingham
11-09-12, 08:54 AM
^:)^ OH MAN. ^:)^
Obama with my PS3 trying to caught Bin Laden on the game.

11-09-12, 08:14 PM
So true. If you have a job Jan. 1st, you're income taxes are going up, regardless of income. And that's just the beginning. Good goin'[/QUOTE]

Yes seems Bush left a trillion dollar legacy for the next guy to inherit among other things and all these tax increases your speaking of some of them go back 4 administrations.

But really does anyone think the President can really solve these problems given his powers. Really? The job is to lead and unfortunately some paths don't show results for a while.

Not much is going to change quickly no matter who is in office. That is the beauty behind our system Executive, Legislative and Judicial all keeping one another in check. And if things manage to get to far out of balance the people have the power to correct it by voting.

The people showed a lot more savvy here in Florida by voting down 8 of 11 amendments and voting up 3 with a 60% majority needed. They avoided anti abortion, church and state, and many others placed by the Republican majority in the state house while voting for small property tax breaks for veterans and for families of fallen soldiers.

John P. Myers
11-10-12, 12:27 AM
Actually the specific income tax increase i was referring to was from a break put in place by Obama last year :)

Anyway, i've said enough in this thread. I'll go back and hide in the Hardware forum like i usually do :D