View Full Version : MOO Wrapper Plan class configuration and requirements changed

12-15-12, 01:01 PM
I'm switching to using an external XML file to define plan classes (for technical details, please read http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/AppPlanSpec) so there can be some strange responses from scheduler while things stabilize. I'll try watch how the scheduler behaves but, please, let me know if your previously working systems no longer get any work assigned. Additionally, I'm going to lower the ATI memory requirements so that some cards with limited memory can also participate. Native ATI Stream app is no longer available for ATI 7xxx class cards in preparation for getting a working OpenCL app out for them. Apologies for any problems and thanks for your understanding and crunch power!

More... (http://moowrap.net/forum_thread.php?id=294)