View Full Version : Big Kepler GK110 is Coming Afterall

John P. Myers
01-25-13, 12:10 PM
GeForce Titan (or possibly Titanium)

Late February. Crippled? You betcha. Likely 2688 cores instead of the 2880 cores that physically exist. It's basically going to be the chips that were meant for the K20's but didn't pass the binning tests.

Is Nvidia being a dick about it to their partners? You betcha. They claim since the GK110 is just so incomprehensibly complex, Nvidia will not allow the board makers like EVGA, ASUS, Gigabyte, etc. to alter the board's design in any way. In fact, Nvidia is going to build all the boards themselves and sell them to these partners. All they get to do is put stickers on it.

Still, for number crunching, this thing will be a beast. Remember the GTX680 is nothing but a Ti-type GPU. The GK110 is the real thing and was built specifically for crunching with graphics as an afterthought. SPFP could be as high as 7 TFLOPS (a GTX690 is 5.62 TFLOPS, a 7970 GHz Edition is 4.1 TFLOPS) depending on final clock speeds, which are currently unknown. DPFP will likely be crippled as it always is, but should still be many times higher than a 680. My personal hope is they don't cripple DPFP this time. If this GPU does turn out to be a limited edition and not the 700 series flagship, they just might not. Maybe. Then it would have DPFP performance on par with a 7970.

384-bit bandwidth. Up to 6GB GDDR5, 2 6-pin power connectors with a TDP of only ~235W (realistically more likely to be 1 8-pin and 1 6-pin if that TDP rating is correct)

It's expected to retail for $899 in limited quantities.

01-25-13, 12:18 PM
I'm in.

John P. Myers
02-01-13, 06:29 PM
I haven't added any additional info to this since posting it, you may have noticed :p The rumor mill has been working overtime on this one. I can honestly say i've never seen anything quite like the insanity surrounding this product.

If you have seen any of the "specs" or "benchmarks" surrounding this GPU, assume it's false because it most likely is. Especially the 3Dmark 11 benchmark showing this GPU getting a score of X7107 on the extreme preset when a stock GTX 690 only scores around X6000. The Asus Ares II scores ~X6300 at stock. I mean seriously...but this (http://www.techpowerup.com/179605/First-NVIDIA-GeForce-Titan-780-Performance-Numbers-Revealed.html) (doctored) screenshot has made its way to every website on the planet it seems. Even to the most reputable of tech sites.

Some are claiming the Titan is the 780, which goes against the first reports of it simply being called the Titan (or Titanium) and being a limited edition. These original reports also pegged the release date at the end of this month, while the 700 series isn't expected to be seen until June. Also, if the 780 is this powerful, it would not only completely negate the point of releasing Maxwell next year, but also goes against the original reports that the 700 series would only be 10-15% faster than it's 600 series counterparts. It is (supposed to be) just a Kepler refresh, afterall.

Another thing that throws up red flags to me is if this GPU truly exists and is supposed to be released at the end of this month, which is really only about 3 weeks away, there should be something more substantial popping up about it than there is, such as PCB images, leaked slides from Nvidia, etc. Not even the usual, but completely vague "It's Coming" (http://cdn4.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/NVIDIA-Its-Coming.jpg) teaser from Nvidia itself is anywhere to be found.

And then there's this story (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Next-Gen-NVIDIA-and-AMD-GPUs-Delayed-to-Q4-2013-325786.shtml). Holy hell, are you f-ing kidding me? Does this mean all of the AMD 8000 series OEMs (AVOID!) that've been released are actually the end of that series? Does this mean Maxwell will be the 700 series afterall?

See what i mean? This has gotten way out of hand...I have read literally hundreds of threads over the past few days hoping to find a single report of something solid and realistic. Nothing.

02-01-13, 11:13 PM
This is hilarious. Reminds me of the iPhone 4 rumor mill.

John P. Myers
02-04-13, 06:23 PM

NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Packs 6GB of Memory, Has TDP of 235W?

That’s right, we are still in the rumor stage, so please consider this information with a grain of salt. The hype around the new flagship model from NVIDIA is still spinning around at full speed. The GeForce GTX Titan, as it’s now called, would arrive later this month, apparently with 6GB of memory.

I have been reading a lot of news these days about the card called Titan. The speculation was so varied on so many websites that it was hard to determine what was the most probably specifications of this model. SweClockers are posting about this story almost on a daily basis. Today they confirmed that the card would arrive with 6GB of memory, there is no confirmation for other specs so far. What we know for sure though, is that it packs some iteration of the GK110 GPU, only with one SMX disabled. So once again, it would arrive with 2688 CUDA cores, 384-bit interface and now 6GB of memory. That’s a beast if these specs are valid.

The site Rage3D brings more light to the story. As their news editor revealed, the card is already being tested by PC Perspective and TechReport. Others probably are not so eager to share this information, because this would confirm the existence of the GTX Titan which has not yet been officially announced by NVIDIA. What he also said is that the card might have a TDP of 235W, which is considered rather low for such specifications. So as he further adds, this number might rise up to 300W

John P. Myers
02-04-13, 06:48 PM
Seems Nvidia has an axe to grind and is intentionally launching this card with as much power as possible, as soon as possible.

AMD is actually not the target of Nvidia's anger (directly), it's Sony, M$ and Nintendo. Nvidia is trying to remind the world that gaming on consoles sucks and PCs are where it's at. It's also trying to release the Titan this month because the PS4 is being launched this month. What better way to remind everyone that consoles are meh than by raising the maximum performance bar on PCs, already dwarfing and making obsolete the next-gen Consoles before they're even released.

02-05-13, 02:38 AM
Seems Nvidia has an axe to grind and is intentionally launching this card with as much power as possible, as soon as possible.

AMD is actually not the target of Nvidia's anger (directly), it's Sony, M$ and Nintendo. Nvidia is trying to remind the world that gaming on consoles sucks and PCs are where it's at. It's also trying to release the Titan this month because the PS4 is being launched this month. What better way to remind everyone that consoles are meh than by raising the maximum performance bar on PCs, already dwarfing and making obsolete the next-gen Consoles before they're even released.

I see. And you could probably add Apple and Google to that list....