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01-26-13, 05:48 PM
What's the best cooling pad for laptops? I was wondering about it so I can run at full speed BOINC. Ambient temperature in my room is about 25 ºC to 30 ºC.

Cooler Master have a few good ones. Please help me on this issue so I can quickly go back to my hobbie, NFS@home project.


PS( I'm looking for this one from cooler master, it is called NotePal U3)

01-27-13, 01:21 AM
I have had several mac laptops since G4, through the latest i7. To be frank, they do not design for air flow, cooling. They design for aesthetics, make it look pretty, and make it light.

All that said, I have run BOINC on them, 100% including GPU crunching. I've never used any auxiliary cooling. None of them have ever had any failures. Sure, they are hot to the touch. But never over CPU spec limits, according to the various metering apps I have used.

That's a long winded way to say, "why do you think you need extra cooling?"

01-27-13, 05:01 AM
I have had several mac laptops since G4, through the latest i7. To be frank, they do not design for air flow, cooling. They design for aesthetics, make it look pretty, and make it light.

All that said, I have run BOINC on them, 100% including GPU crunching. I've never used any auxiliary cooling. None of them have ever had any failures. Sure, they are hot to the touch. But never over CPU spec limits, according to the various metering apps I have used.

That's a long winded way to say, "why do you think you need extra cooling?"

I'm in Brazil. Room temperature at ~30 ºC. If I start all threads with BOINC the CPU starts throttling back.

01-27-13, 07:49 AM
I'm in Brazil. Room temperature at ~30 ºC. If I start all threads with BOINC the CPU starts throttling back.

Well I live in Colorado, and my laptop I use for crunching will also throttle if I run Boinc very hard. Good luck finding one that works, I am still looking for one. But my laptop has a poor case design, so air flow is bad and blocks a lot of the fan from the cooler.

01-27-13, 08:04 AM
I've been running my Sager Laptop 24/7 for over 5 Years now just using something similar to this:


It sits about an inch off the Table a just allows the air to circulate, the Laptop hardly ever gets over 65c-66c, just make sure to check the Air Intake Vents on the bottom of the Laptop once in awhile & blow it out every so often to. The Sager I have now is about on it's last legs, gets a BSOD every so often & reboots it's self, I'm hoping it lasts long enough for the next Upgrade in CPU's comes out so I can get the latest available.

01-27-13, 09:08 AM
I ran through the night 4 cores of the 8 threads. Laptop didn't camplain.
So what you are saying, kmanley57, is that I won't find a cooling pad for my laptop. I will try and see if it really works. If I can manage do reduce temps by ~5 ºC I would be most appreciated.

Steve, what you are showing is just a small grid to upper the position of the laptop. I already make that with small books well positioned in the background of the laptop so it can stay a little lifted from the front end. I'm trying to make conditions availabe to natural heat convection be able to take place but I want to force heat convenction with fans.


01-27-13, 10:00 AM
Steve, what you are showing is just a small grid to upper the position of the laptop


Yup, works for me though ...

01-27-13, 10:16 AM
What I am saying is look for one you can adjust the fans to be under the vents for the CPU/GPU(if you use it). You have some moisture in the air that will help you cool, while Colorado air tends to be DRY!

The Ones I have got are fixed fan placement and does not work!

01-27-13, 10:42 AM
Thank you both. I'll look for one today in a shopping center here in Brazil.
I like this one: http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=6671
My only doubt is if it should have 2 or 3 fans. I will only use this laptop for CPU applications, not GPU. I still need to install AMD drivers, it is using Ubuntu default ones and I am afraid of messing up the system like last kernel update that I had a black screen and needed to install linux ubuntu all over again.

Here air can be dry or with moisture...sometimes heavily rains and temps drops, sometime heat waves.


01-27-13, 02:02 PM
Hi Carlos,

I think that Cooler Master Notepal will work well for you. As kmanley57 mentioned, getting a pad that allows you to adjust the fan(s) position should help to maximize cooling, and the Notepal does this.

I had a cheapo acrylic pad I got off Amazon and it actually worked, dropped the CPU temps by about 6C. The fans gave out after 8 months but I got my moneys worth ($4) out of it.

02-06-13, 04:23 PM
I bought one, the Cooler Master R9-nbc-xsli-ad Notepal X-slim 1 X Fan 160mm, a cheaper one because I didn't want to spend a lot of money.
I can't see any kind of difference when I am in a warm country..maybe 5 ºC less ...lol

02-06-13, 05:14 PM
I use the new Thermaltake one with my laptop. i7 overclocked and I never have heat issues.


02-07-13, 01:31 AM
I bought one, the Cooler Master R9-nbc-xsli-ad Notepal X-slim 1 X Fan 160mm, a cheaper one because I didn't want to spend a lot of money.
I can't see any kind of difference when I am in a warm country..maybe 5 ºC less ...lol

Not all laptops source fresh air from underneath. My Dell gets most of its cool air from the back end.