View Full Version : Question about RAID

03-20-13, 01:19 PM
My system has been up and running for a long time. Can I install a RAID configuration to 2 120 gb ssd drives and 2 1 tb hdd and then reload the drives using a new install of Win8 and restoring the rest from a back up. Also what Raid would someone recommend if this can be done or if I have to start over.
I have 3 1 tb WD drives that are identical as well as the 2 ssd drives. As usual thanks all.

03-20-13, 01:41 PM
I have been using Raid"10", but only for my Data file drives. My Windows OS wanted to load the Raid drivers off the floppy(A: ) which my machines do not have. I have not tried to get the Windows install Disc to find a USB stick to get the needed driver from during install instead. (LAZY!)

So Raid "10"


Raid "0+1"

Different modes to both so you would need to decide which works for you. Also which if not both your bios supports.

03-20-13, 05:29 PM
The board supports RAID 0, 1, 5, and 10 so I have plenty of options. The big question is can I convert to RAID now without destroying my current install.

03-20-13, 06:16 PM
The board supports RAID 0, 1, 5, and 10 so I have plenty of options. The big question is can I convert to RAID now without destroying my current install.

I am not sure you can install the needed driver on the current system, change it to a Raid volume and then re-install the backup copy to the new volume. :confused:

But I am sure a Windows expert will be here soon!

03-21-13, 01:21 AM
You should be able to do what you want with the Windows 7 software RAID - which is actually every bit as good as the BIOS RAID built in to most motherboards. Of course dedicated hardware RAID would be better than either, but I'm pretty sure you don't need to drop the $ on that! :D

To use the BIOS RAID you're referring to, you would have to install the RAID driver from that manufacturer, and then boot to the RAID BIOS setup screen and build your array. However, most of those will only let you generate a new array by destroying everything on the drives when it builds, and you don't want to do this.
That is why I would suggest using the Windows 7 software RAID.
Hope that helps, and ask back for any specifics - I am using that on Cheetah for my little office "server" and it seems to work pretty good.

03-21-13, 11:09 AM
I guess I will have to wait until I do a major upgrade and then do a complete new install. It will be a lot cleaner to do it that way and I have all of my programs on disk so they can all go back in. Everything else gets backed up every night onto a 1tb external drive. I would rather do that then take a chance on losing things. I have lots of Pictures and music etc. that I would hate to lose.

It's about time to upgrade. Been thinking about a P8Z77 board with a i3770 cpu. Just looking for the right one at the right price.

03-21-13, 02:29 PM
I guess I will have to wait until I do a major upgrade and then do a complete new install. . .I would rather do that then take a chance on losing things. I have lots of Pictures and music etc. that I would hate to lose.
It's about time to upgrade. . .
Whenever the finances permit, that's probably the smartest way to do it. Especially if you want to use the RAID built-in to your motherboard. If you would like a hand with the initial setup whenever the time comes, please let us know and we'll help walk through the settings if they are confusing at all. Congrats on the great HDDs though - sounds like you will have a pretty nice RAID system when it gets done! :)

03-22-13, 01:12 PM
I hope so. I am adding one piece at a time. Since EVGA upgraded my 2 Video cards to the GTX 570's I have been itching to upgrade the rest. Soooooooon if the wife doesn't watch the UPS and FedEx deliveries. Let's see.....she is gone all day Friday.......:)]:)]:D:D

03-22-13, 01:36 PM
... Let's see.....she is gone all day Friday.......:)]:)]:D:D

LOL! Good luck with THAT! :)) :D

03-22-13, 06:32 PM
I can dream! :p

Duke of Buckingham
03-22-13, 10:12 PM

03-23-13, 12:12 PM

Thanks Duke. Maybe I can get rid of some of the pests around here at home. (Think grandkids. Just found out that one broke her computer again!)

Duke of Buckingham
03-23-13, 04:37 PM
Thanks Duke. Maybe I can get rid of some of the pests around here at home. (Think grandkids. Just found out that one broke her computer again!)

I have one either that write things in my name and used my computer to say things I would never say to anyone but he is my responsibility, no one else more.

They are what we make of them , they are our guiltiest past on our future. There were times when I just remember how I was before I have found inner peace. He has punished me enough (or so I think) about my past.

Well, he is my blood from bad to good. I just remember how I could be bad. I must love him more and be patient with him paying my path building my future. :p

03-23-13, 05:10 PM
Or use a bigger paddle! That's what my son said when he was doing stand up comedy. "My dad always said that the 3 of us were going to have a conversation. You, me and the belt." He turned out just fine.:D:D:D

03-25-13, 12:36 AM
Or use a bigger paddle! That's what my son said when he was doing stand up comedy. "My dad always said that the 3 of us were going to have a conversation. You, me and the belt." He turned out just fine.:D:D:D

Proverbs 13:24 He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.

Then again, that only holds true for parents who think their kids are accountable for their actions. Those with the belief that "they are just being kids" are the ones who need the rod if you ask me.

That being said... Be careful with your raid expectations. I've been using RAID 0,1,5, and 10 for a number of years and did run into a BIOS raid issue where the mirrored drive got corrupted with propagated the corruption to the good drive. Granted, it was a crappy BIOS raid implementation but it can happen. Nothing beats good backups. Note: Backups is Plural. Unless the raid is truly handled by the MB and/or IO card, a software implementation is probably just as good and much more portable. (Ever try buying a MB that matches the BIOS 3 years later when the MB fails and you can't restore since the raid partition isn't recognized by any recent MB? I have.)

Duke of Buckingham
03-25-13, 03:31 AM
The Child Song

When a woman of a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, goes to the jungle with other women, and together they pray and meditate until they get to "The song of the child."

When the child is born, the community gets together and they sing their song. Thus, when the child begins his education, people get together and sing his song.
When you become an adult, they get together again and sing.
When it comes to the wedding, the person hears his song.

Finally, when your soul is to go from this world, family and friends are approaching and, like his birth, sing their song to accompany it in the "journey".

In this African tribe, is another occasion when the men sing the song.
If at some point the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, take you to the center of town and the people of the community form a circle around you.
Then they sing "your song."

The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment, is the love and memory of his true identity. When we recognize our own song, since we have no desire or need to hurt anyone.

Your friends know "your song". And sing when you forget it. Those who love you can not be fooled by mistakes you have committed, or dark images you show to others. They remember your beauty as you feel ugly, your total when you're broke, your innocence when you feel guilty and your purpose when you're confused.

Tolba Phanem
African poet


03-25-13, 06:11 PM
...Ever try buying a MB that matches the BIOS 3 years later when the MB fails and you can't restore since the raid partition isn't recognized by any recent MB? I have.

That is exactly the reasoning that convinced me to use the built-in software RAID in Windows 7 on my little office server. It's nothing fancy, just hast to host my EHR and billings software, but if the mobo goes out and I can't replace it exactly . . . at least this way the Win 7 software RAID drives should be fairly portable to a new system. Or so I hope! X_X