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View Full Version : Quake-Catcher: BBC (UK) TV - Looking for videos of participants - what do you think o

03-25-13, 08:49 AM
Dear all,We are working on a piece for British television for a science programme called the Dara O’Briain Science Club that will be broadcast in the UK to several million and many more around the world. We are working with the project leader Elizabeth Cochran to make a short insert for a prime time science show explaining the QCN. Elizabeth has kindly given me permission to contact the community via this forum. We are trying to demonstrate the success of the network so far – show how this is really just at the beginning but already people from all over the world are taking part. We are looking for participants to film themselves to tell us why they got involved with the network and what it means to them. It could be you, your partner, your children – anybody taking part! It could be filmed on an iPhone, webcam or similar – the quality isn’t important. We’d hope you’d be able to upload the video to a private YouTube channel on use drop box – a free upload service: https://www.dropbox.com/home Ideally what we are looking for is:• Your first name – and why you joined the quake Cather network – (about 30 seconds)• What are your hopes for the network? - (20 seconds roughly)• Wave at camera with name on card or similar (licence to be creative here!) - (about 20 seconds). Please contact me directly on duncan.singh@bbc.co.uk if you have any questions and to submit short videos. We aim to make a montage with the footage for use in the programme – to demonstrate the scale and success of the network.Thank you for your help!Duncan

More... (http://qcn.stanford.edu/sensor/forum_thread.php?id=953)