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04-04-13, 02:40 PM
Yahoo News: Gartner Report ---> http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/microsoft-could-obsolete-2017-gartner-report-154459119.html

Other interesting tidbits

iWatch??? Apple is preparing to go where Samsung can’t follow ---> http://news.yahoo.com/apple-preparing-where-samsung-t-154012782.html

Mars missions scaled back in April because of sun ---> http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_SCI_MARS_BLACKOUT?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-04-04-04-30-09

John P. Myers
04-04-13, 03:28 PM
Errrm....Samsung actually made their first Smartwatch in 1999, so it seems this author is misinformed and biased at the same time, no to mention overhyping Apple's ability to "innovate". :p Also, Samsung made the screen, RAM, Flash and CPUs for all of Apple's previous iPhones and iPads. They were originally Samsung's own parts. How is that a knockoff? lolfail

Let's see....oh here's an article with a pic of Samsung's 1999 smartwatch :) http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/03/21/new-samsung-smart-watch-will-be-companys-third-stab-at-wrist-accessory

Note that it's from an Apple fanboi site :D

04-04-13, 04:16 PM
I think there's a typo in the subject line. Shouldn't it say "2007"? :-h At least that's how it is in my house.

04-04-13, 07:27 PM
I'm not trying to back Microsoft, believe me, I wish I could run Linux but the business software is "married" to Windows. But here's what I don't like about this trend, and please remember I'm looking at this from a doctor's neurology background: The "average Joe" user is being dumbed down even further, and has turned even MORE into a consumer, instead of a content creator. Most consumerism is cognitively passive. Pretty soon all these devices will be just as bad (read passive or one-way data flow) for people as watching a TV is. Maybe even worse because of early onset of carpel tunnel and their extremely poor posture and eye fatigue looking at a tiny screen! LOL. ;)

Ever tried actually creating any worth while content on a tablet? It sucks. How about on a "smart phone"? Please...trust me, we didn't have Internet access at the beach pad for 2 years, so I know. I tried. A "real" keyboard and bigger screen will blow these things out of the water every time for actually doing something productive.

But then again...apparently no one cares if we are a healthy, productive society or not because just look at all the stats. The numbers don't lie. Maybe that is why so many are happy to dump their actual computer for a tablet or smaller device - all they ever wanted one for was surfing or watching a movie on anyway. :confused: :D

04-05-13, 02:15 PM
Ever tried actually creating any worth while content on a tablet? It sucks. How about on a "smart phone"? Please...trust me, we didn't have Internet access at the beach pad for 2 years, so I know. I tried. A "real" keyboard and bigger screen will blow these things out of the water every time for actually doing something productive.

Is that why I prefer an 8lb laptop with an 18" screen and full 101 key keyboard that has the numeric keypad on the side? My wife uses her iPad at work which she finds easy to take to meetings and take notes, etc. That would drive me nuts. So I guess it depends upon your tolerance for pain, or in this case, typos and watery eyes.

John P. Myers
04-11-13, 08:06 PM
IDC shows Windows 8 is actively destroying PC sales
Just like we told you would happen, just a bit worse

Remember when SemiAccurate said Microsoft had failed? Remember how Microsoft didn’t put out numbers for sales of Surface for good cause? Remeber how SemiAccurate said Windows 8 was destroying sales? Guess what just came out? More numbers. (http://semiaccurate.com/2013/04/05/microsoft-windows-rt-price-cuts-dont-stop-death-spriral/)

Windows 8 is an unimaginably bad OS but you know that. How bad is it? According to no less than IDC’s VP of Clients and Displays it flat-out killed the market. No really, the exact quote is, “At this point, unfortunately, it seems clear that the Windows 8 launch not only failed to provide a positive boost to the PC market, but appears to have slowed the market“. How slow? A hair under 14% worldwide. (http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS24065413#.UWdOQFe2U6T)

This shouldn’t shock any SemiAccurate readers, we told you why Surface could not succeed (http://semiaccurate.com/2012/10/31/microsoft-surface-can-not-compete-against-real-tablet/), we detailed why Microsoft had failed (http://semiaccurate.com/2012/11/14/microsoft-has-failed/) not will fail, why OEMs are running for the hills (http://semiaccurate.com/2012/06/29/hp-said-to-dump-microsoft-over-surface/) in ways never before seen, and many many more.

Of course Microsoft’s paid press and apologists swarmed out and claimed everything from the numbers not being out to it being all about the economy. The first numbers came out a long time ago (http://semiaccurate.com/2012/11/30/windows-8-hard-sales-numbers-are-finally-out/) and they backed SemiAccurate up. Since then things have gotten worse and Microsoft still won’t offer internal data to refute the now thoroughly backed up allegations, no points if you can guess why. The economy claims were shot down with ease though, tablets were booming and most cost significantly more than a laptop PC. Microsoft was smart enough to leave that brilliant logic to proxies though, the slower ones at that.

“Try it and you will like it” was often bandied about too. People tried it and the foresight of the EULA authors precludes those trialling it from getting their money back. No one likes it. As SemiAccurate repeatedly said, Microsoft is desperately trying to leverage their Windows desktop monopoly into the phone space. (http://semiaccurate.com/2012/11/27/microsofts-problems-another-data-point/) We said it would fail. It did. We said it would hurt their desktop business, we underestimated the damage. We said PC partners were literally dumping Microsoft. Everyone thought we meant tablets and WART. We didn’t. The walls they built to lock customers in are now far more effective at keeping them out and Microsoft is desperately but ineffectually flailing. Game over, told ya so. S|A

Goodbye M$

04-11-13, 09:35 PM

04-12-13, 02:52 AM
I'm still not sure what exactly they thought was "broken" in Win7 x64? That has got to be the best Windows OS ever, hands down. Why couldn't they get it through their thick skulls to just take a product like Win7 and focus on making it faster, more efficient code, more stable, etc...why in the heck keep reinventing the wheel?
Stupid, stupid, shooting themselves in foot. Both feet, of sounds like. And for what gain???

Do you think Linux may be the wave of the future finally? They're always claiming "year of the Linux desktop" and it hasn't really happened yet. But it's finally got enough appeal to the average Joe (how easy can it be to install an Ubuntu live CD) at exactly the moment MS is having serious problems.

Just wonder how it will play out. The thing in MS' corner is Adobe - and about 25 years of proprietary business software (such as what my office runs) that needs Windows OS to run.

04-12-13, 10:09 AM
I'm still not sure what exactly they thought was "broken" in Win7 x64? That has got to be the best Windows OS ever, hands down. Why couldn't they get it through their thick skulls to just take a product like Win7 and focus on making it faster, more efficient code, more stable, etc...why in the heck keep reinventing the wheel?
Stupid, stupid, shooting themselves in foot. Both feet, of sounds like. And for what gain???

Do you think Linux may be the wave of the future finally? They're always claiming "year of the Linux desktop" and it hasn't really happened yet. But it's finally got enough appeal to the average Joe (how easy can it be to install an Ubuntu live CD) at exactly the moment MS is having serious problems.

Just wonder how it will play out. The thing in MS' corner is Adobe - and about 25 years of proprietary business software (such as what my office runs) that needs Windows OS to run.

Win7 didn't have touch screen technology so that meant no smart phone or tablet usage. So, MS came up with Win8 and then forced it on PC users as well. The legacy start menu used in Windows didn't lend itself to touch screens very well so they changed everything. The last time Microsoft pulled a dumb move like this, it took them several years to put it behind them and another several to gain the (albeit limited) trust of users. With OS X, Android, and Linux all gaining ground, I don't think 4-6 years to recover will work this time.

IMO, MS came too late to the party and were under dressed. Now, if Google came out with an Android OS for PCs and didn't charge a bazillion dollars for it like Apple does, they could probably put MS out of business. Remember when Novell was THE server operating system? Windows for Workgroups did them in. I have a feeling that OS X and Android are going to do in Windows unless Win8 can capture at least 50% of the tablet market and I don't see that happening.

John P. Myers
04-12-13, 11:16 AM
Alienware (Dell) Introduces Gaming PC with Ubuntu Linux OS - $100 Cheaper Than Win7 Model (http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/other/display/20130411225002_Alienware_Introduces_Gaming_PC_with _Ubuntu_Linux_OS.html)

04-12-13, 11:38 AM
Alienware (Dell) Introduces Gaming PC with Ubuntu Linux OS - $100 Cheaper Than Win7 Model (http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/other/display/20130411225002_Alienware_Introduces_Gaming_PC_with _Ubuntu_Linux_OS.html)

Until more companies produce games that will run on Linux I doubt this will have much of an impact for now. With STEAM leading the way others may follow if it can be made profitable. Only time will tell. JMHO

04-12-13, 03:05 PM
Until more companies produce games that will run on Linux I doubt this will have much of an impact for now. With STEAM leading the way others may follow if it can be made profitable. Only time will tell. JMHO

Actually, there are LOTS of games written for Linux/Ubuntu. The real problem has been getting GPU driver support and DirectX emulation (or something to replace DX) on Linux. M$ has had an iron-fist grip on the balls of the Dev side. But with the certain demise of M$, we may see some rapid advances on Linux gaming platforms. Most of which will be Steam driven... (yes yes, its a pun)

John P. Myers
04-12-13, 03:41 PM
OpenGL (GL, not CL) is basically DirectX for non-windows, though it also works in windows. It's a multi-platform API and cross-language too. Renders 2D and 3D graphics. It's free. Pretty much every Nvidia GPU since the GT 420 supports OpenGL 4.3. Most before the GT 420 support 3.3. All AMD/ATI GPUs from the 5000 series on support OpenGL 4.1 to 4.3. 4000 series is 3.3. Intel HD 2000 and 3000 support OpenGL 3.1 while 2500 and 4000 support 4.0. We can assume HD 4600 and above support 4.3.

Anyway, what i'm saying is that DirectX is not needed and hasn't ever been needed really. It's an easy (lazy) way for coders to write programs faster, though they sacrifice some performance doing so. And F$ is right, there are hundreds of quality games for Linux - not just those on Steam. :)

Also worth mentioning, Android and Google's Chrome OS found on Chromebooks are all based on Linux. Playstations also use Linux. Just from those 3 examples, how many hundreds of millions (or maybe billions) of units did M$ miss out on? :D

As of March 13, 2013, there are 750 million Android activations.

04-12-13, 10:11 PM
OSX can be competitive, depending on which machine you buy it on. When trying to build my CPU cruncher (see earlier threads), the goal was to beat the cost/performance of the mac mini. It's damn hard to do! And that's without even including all the great applications that come with OSX.

John P. Myers
04-23-13, 11:21 PM
And another nail in the coffin...

Microsoft cedes consoles to Sony, gives up on gaming
XBox 720 loses badly because Microsoft didn't try

GDC this year made one thing clear, Sony wins the next generation console race, period. This came as a bit of a surprise, but the real shock was that Microsoft didn’t even show up to the fight. No, we are not joking, Sony made a gaming console in the PS4, Microsoft made all the wrong moves to counter with the XBox 720. What you end up with are two very different products, one with a purpose, the other without. Microsoft didn’t try this round.

Time and time again at GDC developers who had both consoles praised the job Sony had done with the PS4. There were several demos run on the PS4 dev kits too, the author saw at least one dev kit directly and knows of a few more at the show. XBox 720 kits were as absent as the praise directed at Microsoft, some devs even mocked the hardware Redmond is offering.

With a little bit of knowledge about the hardware one thing became very clear, why this happened was not actually a technical problem. Microsoft didn’t screw up, Microsoft didn’t misjudge the market, and Microsoft didn’t botch the design, they got exactly what they were aiming for. Anyone who has been following the company of late may see an eerie similarity to the rest of their business, management is so out of touch with customers that they don’t understand what to make anymore.

Yep. M$ got exactly what they were aiming for, which turned out to be a steaming pile of crap when the PS4 out-performs the Xbox 720 by a factor of 1.5x. Not to mention the Xbox 720 requiring an internet connection to even start a game. If your connection drops for over 3 minutes, you're ejected and locked out until your internet comes back. Gotta love that! And yes, it includes games that normally wouldn't even require internet to play them. The reason is because M$ decided it was a great idea to use the internet to authenticate your software. If you're not online, it can't spy on you and panics. Good goin'.

Back to the PS4 out-performing the 720 by 1.5x...that number is based on hardware. In reality it is a bit more than that, due to the large amount of resources used up by M$'s bloated whore of an OS (ever notice you only get 15GB usable space on a 32GB Surface tablet?)

Things like this make me smile :)

04-23-13, 11:29 PM
(ever notice you only get 15GB usable space on a 32GB Surface tablet?)

What I find surprising is that M$oft is pleased they actually "managed" to slim down an O/S to *only* 17 Gig of storage...

(As I install yet *another* instance of Ubuntu to run from a 1 Gig USB key...) :)

Did I mention that pretty much everything I've ever plugged into these barebones Ubuntu installs works? Without adding drivers? It was perfectly happy to install on an IBM X41 Tablet and use the touch screen without any fanfare. And the 10 year old Radio Shack USB->Serial adapter? I plug it in and get a serial port. No drivers necessary. You may get the picture. :) Oh yeah, and the reason that Tablet has Ubuntu on it is the Win XP Tablet edition install that *was* on it happily found an unreadable sector in the software hive and went completely unbootable and unrecoverable.

04-24-13, 09:05 AM
I think the only thing that fails on Ubuntu linux are the tools to burn DVD's like K3B and Brasero. In 7 tries to burn a DVD9 only had one success. After installing Windows I managed to burn all DVD9's without a failure using DVD Decrypter.

John P. Myers
05-10-13, 10:26 AM
International space station switches from windows to linux for improved reliability (http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/155392-international-space-station-switches-from-windows-to-linux-for-improved-reliability)

05-10-13, 03:19 PM
International space station switches from windows to linux for improved reliability (http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/155392-international-space-station-switches-from-windows-to-linux-for-improved-reliability)

=)) =)) =))

John P. Myers
05-30-13, 06:32 PM
Acer $400 'PC' will run Android, pack Intel's Haswell chip (http://news.cnet.com/8301-1001_3-57586918-92/acer-$400-pc-will-run-android-pack-intels-haswell-chip/)

Brilliant move, really. Windows was hoping to do something similar with Win8, thinking people familiar with it on their desktop would find it simple to use on their phones and tablets. Too bad it's such a clock-gobbling bloated whore of an OS. On the other hand, Google Announces It Has Reached 900,000,000 Android Activations (http://techcrunch.com/2013/05/15/google-announces-it-has-reached-900m-android-activations/). Seems quite a few ppl are already familiar with Android and actually like it. Goodbye Winblows :-h

John P. Myers
06-13-13, 02:21 AM
Speaking during an interview at E3, Microsoft's Don Mattrick told GameTrailers that users without an internet connection can always just stick with the Xbox 360. Really.

"Fortunately, we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity and it's called Xbox 360," he told Game Trailer's Geoff Keighley. When Keighley asks if that's Microsoft's message, Mattrick reiterates his point.

"Right, so stick with 360, that's your message if you don't like it?" Keighley asks. Mattrick responds: "If you have zero access to the internet, that is an offline device."

We're not sure this will help Microsoft's (or the Xbox One's) cause. lulz

06-13-13, 04:24 AM
Speaking during an interview at E3, Microsoft's Don Mattrick told GameTrailers that users without an internet connection can always just stick with the Xbox 360. Really.

"Fortunately, we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity and it's called Xbox 360," he told Game Trailer's Geoff Keighley. When Keighley asks if that's Microsoft's message, Mattrick reiterates his point.

"Right, so stick with 360, that's your message if you don't like it?" Keighley asks. Mattrick responds: "If you have zero access to the internet, that is an offline device."

We're not sure this will help Microsoft's (or the Xbox One's) cause.

Now I know everyone at M$ is smokin' crack... Not just Mr. Gates.

Duke of Buckingham
06-13-13, 01:36 PM
Now I know everyone at M$ is smokin' crack... Not just Mr. Gates.


John P. Myers
06-16-13, 02:42 PM
94.7% Of Gamers Favor PS4 To Xbox One, According To Amazon.com Poll


Sony PlayStation 4 Launch Edition Already Sold Out At Amazon. Goodbye M$

06-17-13, 10:35 PM
Dummmm, Ta-da-dum dummmmmmmmmm

"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish........"
--Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-- (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7ihbyL9RxnMAZoBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bzNtbHR sBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0FDQlkwMl84O Q--/SIG=12ljugta0/EXP=1371551963/**http%3a//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_Long,_and_Thanks_for_All_the_Fish)

06-18-13, 12:55 AM
Dummmm, Ta-da-dum dummmmmmmmmm

"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish........"
--Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-- (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7ihbyL9RxnMAZoBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bzNtbHR sBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0FDQlkwMl84O Q--/SIG=12ljugta0/EXP=1371551963/**http%3a//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So_Long,_and_Thanks_for_All_the_Fish)

One blunder after another, that's for sure. Good thing for them they had Win7 as a breakout winner after the Vista fiasco. Hopefully they will just "re-skin" Win7 :D for their next update and call it Win8.1! ;)
The other thing that helps them is all the royalties they get from every Android phone sold. That can't be small chump change, the way Samsung is just going to town. I don't even like their plastic cheapo-feeling phones for the most part, but they are going gangbusters, so that helps MS' bottom line of course.

What I HOPE happens is that the coders actually code to the higher standard of the PS4, with the options of turning the detail down when ported to MS' new XBox 1. The problem will be if they only code to what the XBox 1 can do, and then port that over to the PS4 - screwing gamers out of higher detail and/or enhanced play they could have had. I'm sure MS is somewhat betting on that.

06-18-13, 12:45 PM
One blunder after another, that's for sure. Good thing for them they had Win7 as a breakout winner after the Vista fiasco. Hopefully they will just "re-skin" Win7 :D for their next update and call it Win8.1! ;)
The other thing that helps them is all the royalties they get from every Android phone sold. That can't be small chump change, the way Samsung is just going to town. I don't even like their plastic cheapo-feeling phones for the most part, but they are going gangbusters, so that helps MS' bottom line of course.

What I HOPE happens is that the coders actually code to the higher standard of the PS4, with the options of turning the detail down when ported to MS' new XBox 1. The problem will be if they only code to what the XBox 1 can do, and then port that over to the PS4 - screwing gamers out of higher detail and/or enhanced play they could have had. I'm sure MS is somewhat betting on that.

Android...??? Me thinks you have made an error.

M$'s mobile product = Windows Phone (Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_phone)) and is languishing behind Android.

Android = Google's mobile product.

06-18-13, 06:56 PM
Android...??? Me thinks you have made an error.

M$'s mobile product = Windows Phone (Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_phone)) and is languishing behind Android.

Android = Google's mobile product.

I believe he is correct. There is an IP situation that gets Microsoft royalties for every Android device sold...


06-18-13, 10:05 PM
I believe he is correct. There is an IP situation that gets Microsoft royalties for every Android device sold...


Pretty soon Micro$oft won't actually create anything, but just own patents and other companies. Oh, wait. That's what they've been doing for years.

06-19-13, 03:36 AM
I'm not trying to back Microsoft, believe me, I wish I could run Linux but the business software is "married" to Windows. But here's what I don't like about this trend, and please remember I'm looking at this from a doctor's neurology background: The "average Joe" user is being dumbed down even further, and has turned even MORE into a consumer, instead of a content creator. Most consumerism is cognitively passive. Pretty soon all these devices will be just as bad (read passive or one-way data flow) for people as watching a TV is. Maybe even worse because of early onset of carpel tunnel and their extremely poor posture and eye fatigue looking at a tiny screen! LOL. ;)

Ever tried actually creating any worth while content on a tablet? It sucks. How about on a "smart phone"? Please...trust me, we didn't have Internet access at the beach pad for 2 years, so I know. I tried. A "real" keyboard and bigger screen will blow these things out of the water every time for actually doing something productive.

But then again...apparently no one cares if we are a healthy, productive society or not because just look at all the stats. The numbers don't lie. Maybe that is why so many are happy to dump their actual computer for a tablet or smaller device - all they ever wanted one for was surfing or watching a movie on anyway. :confused: :D

I like the way you think DrPop and it's so true what you said.

06-19-13, 04:14 AM
I believe he is correct. There is an IP situation that gets Microsoft royalties for every Android device sold...


Oh yeah, forgot about all of M$ copyright whoring/stealing/infringing....

John P. Myers
07-01-13, 09:22 PM
Don Mattrick, the president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment unit — which centers on the Xbox and all the software giant’s gaming and entertainment efforts — is leaving the company, said multiple sources close to the situation. http://allthingsd.com/20130701/exclusive-microsofts-entertainment-head-don-mattrick-leaving-to-take-top-role-possibly-ceo-at-zynga/

Since this article was written, it has been confirmed by M$'s CEO Steve Ballmer that Don is leaving and is going to be CEO of Zygna. Zygna also confirmed it stating he begins his new position on July 8th. Now the Xbox developement team reports directly to Steve...can't imagine how inefficient that's going to turn out to be :p

07-02-13, 12:49 AM
So, they are beginning to jump ship....

Clank [MM]
07-02-13, 01:07 AM
Now I read a couple of days ago that MS was backing off on some of Ones restrictions like always linked and game swapping. Anyone else read that? As far as Zynga, that's a sinking ship.

John P. Myers
07-02-13, 04:44 AM
;62545']Now I read a couple of days ago that MS was backing off on some of Ones restrictions like always linked and game swapping. Anyone else read that? As far as Zynga, that's a sinking ship.

Yeah i saw that. M$'s statement was they weren't backing off because of everyone's disgust with it. They were only doing it because of Sony. Remember to thank Sony by buying a PS4 :p As for Zygna being a sinking ship, agreed. They've already shut down numerous games and had a fair share of layoffs, and the whole time the market for browser/mobile games has been growing. Who knows? Maybe Zygna is the right place for this guy.

John P. Myers
07-20-13, 02:04 AM
What's worse than taking a $900M write-down for the Surface RT? How about watching your stock take a $32B hit the same day. Ouch.

The weekend can't start soon enough for Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who watched as investors drove down the company's stock by more than 11 percent Friday after a disappointing earnings report raised questions about demand for the latest Windows operating system as well as the Surface tablet.

The stock finished at $31.40, off $4.04 for the day. The percentage decline -- which wiped out more than $32 billion in stockholder value -- was the biggest slide in Microsoft's stock since the year 2000. More than 245 million shares traded hands compared with the 90-day average trading volume of 50 million.

Sucks to be M$

07-20-13, 02:52 AM
Wow. That's just nuts. $32 BILLION in market capital GONE. Maybe they ought to make Win 8.xx look a LOT more like Win7 in a hurry. ;)

Duke of Buckingham
07-20-13, 06:08 AM




John P. Myers
11-17-13, 08:55 PM
Oooouuuuch! Poor M$ :(

Sony Sells A Million PS4s Within 24 Hours Of North American Launch...The Xbox 360 sold about 326,000 units a little over a week into its North American debut. Will the Xbox One be able to demolish those numbers like Sony did with their launch? (http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/11/17/sony-sells-a-million-ps4s-within-24-hours-of-north-american-launch/) Released a year ago tomorrow, Nintendo's Wii U has sold 3.91M units, meaning Sony has sold more than a quarter of their total in a single day.

John P. Myers
11-17-13, 09:21 PM

John P. Myers
03-12-16, 10:57 PM
More M$ underhandedness...

If you're using Win7 or 8.1, beware of a certain security update. KB3139929 is the one to look out for. It is labeled as a regular secuiry fix for Winblows, but it comes piggybacked with KB3146449 which is adware for M$ itself. You cannot delete the adware without also deleting the security update.

KB3146449 installs itself into IE so when you open it, you get reminded yet again how much Win10 needs to be avoided lol..i do not use IE, but for shits and giggles i opened IE just to see if M$ got me and they certainly have :(

03-13-16, 12:50 AM
I'm totally glad I uninstalled IE from my systems. I did have to re-install it twice when I had a problem with firefox, uninstalled it, and then realized I deleted the original download after the first install. I will be putting 10 back on my systems within another month or so. Like last time, it will be on it's own drive and kept FAR FAR away from my other hard drives. Maybe one day they will "fix" 10 so my "illegal" stuff won't come back to bite me or just disappear without a trace.

03-13-16, 11:26 AM
I'm totally glad I uninstalled IE from my systems. I did have to re-install it twice when I had a problem with firefox, uninstalled it, and then realized I deleted the original download after the first install. I will be putting 10 back on my systems within another month or so. Like last time, it will be on it's own drive and kept FAR FAR away from my other hard drives. Maybe one day they will "fix" 10 so my "illegal" stuff won't come back to bite me or just disappear without a trace.

NO NO>>>>>we never use illegal things, we just borrow things we don't pay for. ;) And we all know that when we are done with it we will return it by deleting it and wiping the drive.

John P. Myers
05-25-16, 03:34 PM
Microsoft has lost over $8 Billion on failed Nokia deal


05-25-16, 06:17 PM
On a similar note, the emerging generation of Intel processors (I7-69XX) will be last processors supported by Win7. Supposedly MS had to spend a lot of money making Win7 work with the newest processors. So after this generation you will have no choice but to run Win10 or whatever if you do a new build.

This info was on Tom's Hardware.

10-31-16, 10:13 AM
I became a huge MS fan after my failed courting with OS/2 Warp. Over the past 20 years, I've become slowly disenchanted with MS considering that I've had to drop $200 every few years for a new OS; this past year, I was ticked off that I had to pay $10 a month for MS Office. I just recently dumped my Office subscription and went with Apache OpenOffice which, so far, works well for my needs.

Now, I'm considering going to Linux. Considering MS is going to be charging Enterprise users a monthly fee, it's only a matter of time before they start charging a monthly fee for home use.

Frankly, I'm not happy about either option.

10-31-16, 02:10 PM
I became a huge MS fan after my failed courting with OS/2 Warp. Over the past 20 years, I've become slowly disenchanted with MS considering that I've had to drop $200 every few years for a new OS; this past year, I was ticked off that I had to pay $10 a month for MS Office. I just recently dumped my Office subscription and went with Apache OpenOffice which, so far, works well for my needs.

Now, I'm considering going to Linux. Considering MS is going to be charging Enterprise users a monthly fee, it's only a matter of time before they start charging a monthly fee for home use.

Frankly, I'm not happy about either option.
Add to that their new horrendous update policy and their "collusion" with Intel and AMD that will not allow the next version of their chips to run on 7 or 8 it's middle finger time AFAIC. I switched after they tried their forced update of my 7 machines to 10. IMHO 10 is nothing but glorified spyware disguised as an OS and I will not use it under any circumstances.
Linux does have a learning curve because it was designed as a server and not a desktop OS. Can't be beat for dedicated DC machines. Many apps run faster, especially the ones that use vina, like WCG Ebola and Zika. 30-40% faster for those 2.

10-31-16, 04:29 PM
Add to that their new horrendous update policy and their "collusion" with Intel and AMD that will not allow the next version of their chips to run on 7 or 8 it's middle finger time AFAIC. I switched after they tried their forced update of my 7 machines to 10. IMHO 10 is nothing but glorified spyware disguised as an OS and I will not use it under any circumstances.
Linux does have a learning curve because it was designed as a server and not a desktop OS. Can't be beat for dedicated DC machines. Many apps run faster, especially the ones that use vina, like WCG Ebola and Zika. 30-40% faster for those 2.

I happened to catch their update to 10 on my laptop and was able to cancel it... I turned off the updates on all my rigs. I also keep a backup image for my main system just in case.

I tried Linux about 5 years ago and couldn't make heads or tails of it; although, I am considering setting up my main rig with a dual boot to install Linux's Zorin OS which I've read makes things easier switching from Windows 7. That way I can learn Linux and still run Windows 7 if I need too; however, that probably won't be till after the first of the year.

11-01-16, 07:33 AM
I happened to catch their update to 10 on my laptop and was able to cancel it... I turned off the updates on all my rigs. I also keep a backup image for my main system just in case.

I tried Linux about 5 years ago and couldn't make heads or tails of it; although, I am considering setting up my main rig with a dual boot to install Linux's Zorin OS which I've read makes things easier switching from Windows 7. That way I can learn Linux and still run Windows 7 if I need too; however, that probably won't be till after the first of the year.

Instead of dual booting, you could just run Linux in VirtualBox, that way yo would not have to worry about adjusting/adding partitions and such. Side note, you should give Linux Mint a try.

11-01-16, 08:57 AM
Instead of dual booting, you could just run Linux in VirtualBox, that way yo would not have to worry about adjusting/adding partitions and such. Side note, you should give Linux Mint a try.

Thanks. I will give that a try.

11-01-16, 09:06 AM
Mint is an excellent choice!

11-01-16, 09:42 AM
Mint is an excellent choice!
I tried Mint but probably because of EBCAK I couldn't get the video drivers to work properly. =)) I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS FWIW.

11-01-16, 08:08 PM
I started Linux with Dotsch Linux, which was a purpose built distro for Boinc Linux. That was based on Ubuntu, circa like 6.04. Because of that, I've just kept moving forward with Ubuntu. Most of my hosts are 14.04, and I'm just now tweaking things to be happy using 16.04. I agree with others suggesting MiNT as a better Ubuntu. :)

11-01-16, 08:49 PM
I agree. Mint is Ubuntu+.

From wiki:

Starting with Linux Mint 6 "Felicia," each release was now completely based on the latest Ubuntu release, built directly from it, and timed for approximately one month after the corresponding Ubuntu release, usually in May or November.

More here (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Mint).