View Full Version : Film critic Roger Ebert dies at 70 of cancer

04-04-13, 11:03 PM

From some dude on slashdot:

Siskel & Ebert was from a different time when you could turn on the TV and see two educated people have a lively and respectful disagreement about matters of quality. I don't expect I'll live to see such a thing again.

04-05-13, 01:06 PM

From some dude on slashdot:

Siskel & Ebert was from a different time when you could turn on the TV and see two educated people have a lively and respectful disagreement about matters of quality. I don't expect I'll live to see such a thing again.

Yeah, real bummer. And I can relate to the slashdot dude. When I used to watch TV regularly, Sneak Previews (which later morphed into "At The Movies") was part of my weekly routine. Funny thing is I often disagreed with their assessments, especially in regards to reviews of the SiFi genre.

RIP Mr. Ebert.

On Yahoo. In homage to Siskel & Ebert, a short walk down memory lane: [Video] 5 Classic Siskel & Ebert Reviews (here (http://tv.yahoo.com/news/rip-roger-ebert--5-classic-siskel---ebert-reviews--video--210838144.html?.tsrc=mobifone?_device=full))