View Full Version : Build the cheapest cruncher challenge

05-03-13, 02:41 PM
Forgive me if someone has posted on the before, but I wanted to get some ideas for the cheapest cruncher.

In this, I want to omit including the video card. The purpose for the platform is to support the video card which does most of the work.

I have some ideas but don't want to reveal them before people post theirs. I think what I have in mind may be the best.

The minimum system requirements are as follows;
4 (or 4 threads total) core 64 bit processor
64 bit OS
PCIE x16 slot (at least one)

Just as a side note, I had a Dell Dimension gx280 laying around (P4 2.8ghz) that had an open PCIE x16 slot. I put a 550Ti in there and it was so slow it crunched about as fast as one thread on the 2.8 Pentium cpu. My guess is that this had to do with a lackluster CPU and 32 bit OS. I could very well be wrong. If people have some ideas for a dedicated cruncher that will support a video card capable of performing the way it should be, I'd love to hear suggestions.

John P. Myers
05-03-13, 05:38 PM
Gonna need to know what video card you have already in mind in order to determine the best power supply :) I know you mentioned a 550Ti, but which one? Power draw can vary depending on if the card is OC'd or not. Also the exact model would be great, with a link to pictures :p The way it removes heat could play a role in the case's minimum cooling ability.

05-03-13, 07:35 PM
If the goal is to spend the least amount of money for the most efficient cruncher, nothing beats a wise choice of a used computer on eBay or elsewhere. On the other hand, if the goal is to build something, then, of course, that won't work. Still, you can buy used disk drives, etc., on eBay to lower your costs. Plus you can build a unit without a case, if you have a safe place to mount it and a well ventilated space. Also, you don't need a monitor, keyboard or mouse if you use TightVNC to control the unit from another computer.

05-03-13, 08:45 PM
Alright, I'll build what I had in mind here...

At Microcenter they have bundled CPU/MB deals.

Starting with that, I can get a FX4130 (retail with cooler) + Biostar A960G for a total of $99.99
Add RAM that will be $35
NO DRIVES. Do not need optical or hdd because we can use 2x USB thumb drives. One holds the OS for install, the other will have the OS installed to it. These are really cheap now. $20 for the pair will cover it
PSU won't be as important now as it's not running any drives, basically just the CPU and MB at this point. I hooked up an EVGA 550Ti to the Dell that was running a 350w psu. Just add in PCIE power connectors where need be. I'm looking in the paper here and see a 500W Coolmax (I guess cheapest known to man at $20).

I'm down with previous poster; No case. The whole setup can be mounted to scrap wood guerrilla style.

You now have everything you need but the video card.

Total: $175
$165 if you already own a thumb drive that will work
$155 if you own two

This setup would run a 550Ti. You could even throw a 660Ti in there, probably even get by with a 680. Price/performance the 550Ti is a great card though.

Most monitors have 2 inputs (DVI and VGA) you could get by with that, and kb/mouse well, most of us have extras am I right? Or, TightVNC which is something I didn't know about before. THANKS! I have several systems in my house this will be great and will be trying it out this weekend.


05-03-13, 09:15 PM
Very Nice!

05-03-13, 11:06 PM
Thanks for bringing up TightVNC. Installed it on all of my systems. Have to say that is the easiest remote access install ever. Works great. Good to check temps and that systems are crunching. Awesome.

05-04-13, 02:41 PM
BTW, I have to make a revision. Apparently the 4130 is a 125W processor and that mainboard only supports up to 95W.

We could spend $20 more for the Biostar A880GZ, or we can spend $10 more and get the 6100 which is a 6 core. So, the choice there I would think is obvious.

Add $10 and you got 6 cores crunching now. Even better if you ask me.

05-04-13, 03:17 PM
I did allot of research on this a while back and found this to be a very impressive cruncher

Intel I3-3225 55W 150$
motherboard 50$ something like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157362

Now i know the investment up front is higher then your config but i would bet this would out perform that AMD cpu and the added bonus is that the HD4000 gpu will eventually be able to crunch as well adding large boost to your daily output

Also within a year of 24/7 crunching this unit alone would save you money in electrical cost. Could be as high as 100$/year

05-04-13, 07:40 PM
Thanks for bringing up TightVNC. Installed it on all of my systems. Have to say that is the easiest remote access install ever. Works great. Good to check temps and that systems are crunching. Awesome.

I use LogMeIn.


05-05-13, 12:33 PM
I did allot of research on this a while back and found this to be a very impressive cruncher

Intel I3-3225 55W 150$
motherboard 50$ something like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157362

Now i know the investment up front is higher then your config but i would bet this would out perform that AMD cpu and the added bonus is that the HD4000 gpu will eventually be able to crunch as well adding large boost to your daily output

Also within a year of 24/7 crunching this unit alone would save you money in electrical cost. Could be as high as 100$/year

Ouch, yeah that is paying as much for the cpu as the whole system otherwise. But you may be right on all other points.

I'm interested to see how they're going to get this HD4000 to work with a graphics card inserted. My understanding is that the HD4000 is disabled when anything is in the pcie slot.

05-05-13, 01:19 PM
I would add something for a decent power supply. That 500w Coolmax might as well be called a nothing power supply. Most of them carry a 30 day warranty and don't last much over that. I made the mistake of getting 2 sometime ago and both went out (fried) within 60 days. Not worth the $20 IMHO.

05-11-13, 01:20 PM
I would add something for a decent power supply. That 500w Coolmax might as well be called a nothing power supply. Most of them carry a 30 day warranty and don't last much over that. I made the mistake of getting 2 sometime ago and both went out (fried) within 60 days. Not worth the $20 IMHO.

I have to be completely honest here... I've had several cheap power supplies and they all crapped out. Some went out on fire, literally. I only buy premium psus now. Of course, I was just looking at it for the, "cheapest cruncher" idea but when you get right down to it, there are so many reasons not to make this build.

One day, I'm on my box messing around online. My wife has a system on a desk next to mine, and she's out in the yard. I begin to smell that odor of electrical burn. It slowly gets stronger. As I start trying to figure out what is going on and shut my PC down, I look over at hers and there are flames shooting out of the back of the psu. The system was still running and everything! But something had caught fire in the psu and the exhaust fan was pushing the flames out. The system was also kind of close to some curtains. I can guarantee you that if we had not been home, our house would have burned down.
After removing and opening the psu, it was obvious that the fire started at the point of one of the resistors onboard. It's not like a foreign object got in there and caused a bridge or got too hot. No, this thing went up as a direct result of its own poor quality components and build.

Considering that, that's how serious I honestly consider the quality of a psu. You're right, and I wouldn't touch that Coolmax supply. Just wanted to see how cheap we could get a cruncher running. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend it :)

08-17-13, 06:05 PM
how does this sound for a cheep cruncher
mb Super Micro Computer C2SBC-Q, LGA 775 off ebay $30
8bg ram ddr2 6400 ebay too $40
300gb sata hd off a army bud $10
had case floating around as i do computer repair
cpu Q6600 off ebay $40
video card geforce 650 gtx off ebay $60
had some old ulta power supplys off of tiger direct floating around 800watt x3
i am running that as one on my crunchers now ave 3300 to 3500 a day thats for under 200 for you

08-19-13, 01:39 PM
how does this sound for a cheep cruncher
mb Super Micro Computer C2SBC-Q, LGA 775 off ebay $30
8bg ram ddr2 6400 ebay too $40
300gb sata hd off a army bud $10
had case floating around as i do computer repair
cpu Q6600 off ebay $40
video card geforce 650 gtx off ebay $60
had some old ulta power supplys off of tiger direct floating around 800watt x3
i am running that as one on my crunchers now ave 3300 to 3500 a day thats for under 200 for you

Hmmm, not bad at all. Although with that GTX 650 you should be getting a lot more then 3500 credits a day....

08-19-13, 02:22 PM
I have it going up slowly it up to 4200 a day now

08-19-13, 02:56 PM
I have it going up slowly it up to 4200 a day now

Probably because you are doing SETI. Try Primegrid for a while, and see your points sky-rocket...Or DisTRgen for that matter....

08-19-13, 03:02 PM
Yea been doing SETI for a while now about two mouths

08-19-13, 03:56 PM
I got to get a hold of my army bud and get all of my computers on the new one

08-19-13, 09:45 PM
is there a app to make primegrid do two wu on one gpu or is it too slow that way.

08-20-13, 08:56 AM
is there a app to make primegrid do two wu on one gpu or is it too slow that way.

PG will do just one WU at a time...But they pay way more credits.

Duke of Buckingham
08-20-13, 01:25 PM
Yea been doing SETI for a while now about two mouths

It is good to see someone so involved on the crunching and on the forum E-30. Nice work.:)

08-20-13, 02:21 PM
No problem at all I am going to run SETI till the end of wow then go to prim grid

08-20-13, 05:02 PM
Ok cool