View Full Version : Unexpected Visitor

06-24-13, 11:33 AM
Over the weekend we had a family of deer raid our backyard. Pretty cool hey?


Btw, that cage is a trap for some unwanted guests we've had for way too long... Groundhogs!

Duke of Buckingham
06-24-13, 01:59 PM
Nice visit F$. :D

06-24-13, 06:38 PM
Nice picture !

06-24-13, 06:49 PM
Over the weekend we had a family of deer raid our backyard. Pretty cool hey?
Btw, that cage is a trap for some unwanted guests we've had for way too long... Groundhogs!

Hey, did you move in door? I have to take the bird feeders down at night or else they are all empty in the a.m. We've caught as many as 7 deer all standing around it with one holding it upside down and the others all slurping up the seeds as they pour out. Last summer, a doe dropped her fawn in the neighbors yard and then left it. The neighbors adopted it. It was hilarious watching the neighbor kids play tag with bambi chasing them around and joining in. Bambi is now at a petting zoo. So much for an easy bow hunting season. ;-)

06-24-13, 07:47 PM
Hey, did you move in door? I have to take the bird feeders down at night or else they are all empty in the a.m. We've caught as many as 7 deer all standing around it with one holding it upside down and the others all slurping up the seeds as they pour out. Last summer, a doe dropped her fawn in the neighbors yard and then left it. The neighbors adopted it. It was hilarious watching the neighbor kids play tag with bambi chasing them around and joining in. Bambi is now at a petting zoo. So much for an easy bow hunting season. ;-)

No no no. No pet reindeer for this house! :P The deer were feeding on the little berries that tree drops by the thousands it seems.

And I bet the neighbors know of your hunting prowess and figured Bambi was safer elsewhere.... :))

06-25-13, 04:59 PM
That trap is probably a little small for that deer :P

06-25-13, 09:31 PM
This is from my back yard, about half an hour ago. The mule deer here, west of the rockies, are butt-ugly compared to the deer in the rest of the country.


This one is from earlier this week, while walking my dog:


06-26-13, 12:34 AM
The mule deer may be ugly, but when they run, or should I say hop, they remind me of Pepe LePew (the skunk from the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner show for those who remember when there were GOOD cartoons.)
I have a few mule deer antlers on my wall from hunts with my brother-in-law in Western Nebraska.

06-26-13, 04:26 AM
That trap is probably a little small for that deer :P

:)) Sooo true.

This is from my back yard, about half an hour ago. The mule deer here, west of the rockies, are butt-ugly compared to the deer in the rest of the country.


This one is from earlier this week, while walking my dog:


Huge backyard Z! And nice pics too. Thx.

The mule deer may be ugly, but when they run, or should I say hop, they remind me of Pepe LePew (the skunk from the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner show for those who remember when there were GOOD cartoons.)
I have a few mule deer antlers on my wall from hunts with my brother-in-law in Western Nebraska.

I'd have to agree on the good cartoon stuff. Pepe is hilarious. Antlers on the wall? Yep, I was right! Bambi is safer at the petting zoo.... :P