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06-28-13, 01:26 PM
My first piece of equipment died since I started crunching.
My power supply went out. Probably a few days till I get around to replacing it, so only 2 computers going now, but it is still sad. It served me well.

06-28-13, 01:28 PM
Ashes to ashes...

06-28-13, 02:01 PM
Ashes to ashes...

...Silicon to carbon.

06-28-13, 02:06 PM
I've heard you're not a true cruncher till you burn something up...congrats!

Duke of Buckingham
06-28-13, 05:39 PM
I can understand you


06-28-13, 06:35 PM
I think you have done pretty good to have crunched as much as you have, with no hardware loss until now.

John P. Myers
06-29-13, 01:45 AM
I've heard you're not a true cruncher till you burn something up...congrats!

I've never had a piece of hardware fail since i started crunching. Not even a fan. I don't know why, but i haven't. In fact, the only piece of hardware i've ever had fail was a power supply in an HP computer i had before i started crunching. It didn't really fail, it was kinda struck by lightning :p Has it plugged into a really cheap surge suppressor and should've known better lol

I've had floppy disks fail me, both 5.25" and 3.5". And i once had a hard drive with a few bad sectors on it around 20 years ago. Oh! and i once had a broken 486 IBM ThinkPad, but only because my ex-girlfriend's 3-year old daughter pulled it off the table and it reacted poorly with the floor. The only thing i ever had happen to a crunching computer was i had to get rough with a graphics card once. It was refusing to go to it's slot and i accidentally hit a capacitor on the motherboard with it and tore it off. Got a new capacitor and soldered it in place and everything was fine. And i broke the 2 front USB ports in this computer i'm typing on. There was some stuff plugged into the ports and i tripped over something and when i went down, i fell across the plugs and snapped off chunks of plastic which i couldn't get out of the plugs, so had to buy new wires for those devices :p USB ports are still broken. Had to unplug them from the motherboard because they would shoot sparks and cause the PSU to shutdown for protection.

All i have are examples of things breaking because of my carelessness :p Nothing has ever worn out on its own or failed from wear and tear, age, or whatever.

And i've never had to RMA anything either.

I do feel for you though artemis. I know it sucks when things you rely on break. But since i'm not a real cruncher, i don't know how much weight my condolences really carry ;(

Crunch on! **==

06-29-13, 03:49 AM
I've never had a piece of hardware fail since i started crunching. Not even a fan. I don't know why, but i haven't. ...

Didn't O/C to the max and crunch 24/7 at the same time. :D That is a recipe for multiple hardware failures at any time. Don't ask me how I know. :rolleyes: :D

Artemis, consider it a battle scar! ;) Seriously, I do hope everything else is working well, and glad it served you many good years. If you're paying for electricity, I would recommend an 80 Plus gold/silver/bronze whatever is on the "affordable" list for you, because I know I pull less watts at the wall from this rig with the 80 Plus gold in it, so it's not just hype.
And last but definitely not least - THANK YOU for being such a dedicated team member!

06-29-13, 12:14 PM
Give it a good burial and consider yourself extremely lucky. Others may not have had parts fail but I have and the lesson I learned is always have spare parts. I've got several old power supplies (small ones which won't run all the stuff in my new box) and an old vid card. I can always crunch with the cpu unless it or a mb goes out.

07-01-13, 02:22 AM
I've had HDD's fail on me while running not fun let me tell ya - Spinrite + the fact it was a replacement for another HDD that was failing + new disc of diff brand...
NO major hardware fails though :D

07-02-13, 02:25 AM
A fan went out on a CPU cooler the other day. Got tired of seeing it sitting there and not running but I didn't have a 90mm fan to replace it with. So, I found a 120mm fan and zip tied it to the heat sink. Looks like poo but he CPU is running cooler now that it ever did. The moral of the story is that if things didn't break, you'd never have the chance to improve them when you upgrade. Just make sure the new PSU is oversized (way more watts than needed) for a longer life and an 80+ gold or silver rated unit to keep the electric costs down.