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View Full Version : Wildlife@Home: high performance storage system mounted

07-31-13, 06:48 PM
The high performance storage system has been mounted to our video server, and I'm in the process of copying all the video we have over to it. I started copying last night, and it looks like I'm about a third done. Once all the video is moved over, I'll be able to start generating more video for you to watch. The HPC storage system has 120 terabytes available (it's not all for us, but we can use a fair bit of it), so that should more than cover our storage needs for the video we have already as well the upcoming years of video. I'll keep you posted as I swap the webpage code over to using the HPC storage system. Hopefully you won't noticed any changes in the speed of videos loading and things like that.

More... (http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/forum_thread.php?id=196)