View Full Version : The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans

Duke of Buckingham
08-25-13, 08:02 PM
The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans’ Digital and Old-Fashioned Communications
Washington’s Blog
July 12, 2013

Even now – after all of the revelations by Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers – spying apologists say that the reports are “exaggerated” or “overblown”, and that the government only spies on potential bad guys.

In reality, the government is spying on everyone’s digital and old-fashioned communications.

For example, the government is photographing the outside information on every piece of snail mail.

The government is spying on you through your phone … and may even remotely turn on your camera and microphone when your phone is off.

As one example, the NSA has inserted...

More on: http://www.infowars.com/the-government-is-spying-on-all-americans-digital-and-old-fashioned-communications/

An interesting and very complete article

08-26-13, 07:05 AM
i know. ive learned through their actions the u.s government cannot be trusted. all im doing is surviving. what i post on the internet im not worried about them finding i want them to know ill be there to join the free american army to kill the traitors/oath breakers! guarantee if i had anything in the 7.62 flavor and fully auto with thousands of rounds among other things id have it buried a long time ago and a tracker on my car wouldnt help since the only time id go there is after the revolution starts. just saying. hypothetically. there is no president of the usa he is the ceo of the corporation called the american union your votes do not count and havnt for perhaps decades the office is chosen by the elites. things will only get worse there are the cowards/follerers and then there is the patriots that think outside of their rented to the banks box full of wally world or better goods. the followers only care about their box's and possessions as long as they are able to maintain it they are ok with whatever happens unfortunately i think the majority of americans are like this! :( cowards/traitors to our country!!!

Duke of Buckingham
08-26-13, 10:26 AM
i know. ive learned through their actions the u.s government cannot be trusted. all im doing is surviving. what i post on the internet im not worried about them finding i want them to know ill be there to join the free american army to kill the traitors/oath breakers! guarantee if i had anything in the 7.62 flavor and fully auto with thousands of rounds among other things id have it buried a long time ago and a tracker on my car wouldnt help since the only time id go there is after the revolution starts. just saying. hypothetically. there is no president of the usa he is the ceo of the corporation called the american union your votes do not count and havnt for perhaps decades the office is chosen by the elites. things will only get worse there are the cowards/follerers and then there is the patriots that think outside of their rented to the banks box full of wally world or better goods. the followers only care about their box's and possessions as long as they are able to maintain it they are ok with whatever happens unfortunately i think the majority of americans are like this! :( cowards/traitors to our country!!!

I think you are almost there GregK.

You see USA is the heir of the roman empire nowadays, The WORLD is good word to speak about the world we know. In the roman empire the know world had another dimension. It is something very long to explain, how empires lead to other empires and in the end give them the foundations to start (as an empire). In short line we have The roman empire with Catholic Church extension, the Iberia empire (with Portugal and Spain) under the church's wing, the British empire and now the American empire.

We may have had other empire projects at the same time as this ones. The Dutch empire was smashed between the Iberia empire and the British empire. The German empire was smashed between the British and American empires as the Japanese empire was also.

The history seems much more complex than it is. Some empires seem to be product of the genius of one man, like the Mongol empire is under the military genius of Genghis Kan or the Macedonian empire under the genius of Alexander. I don't think they were one man product, they were the product of great oiled war machines, technology and clever espionage.

We have the same brains since the dawn of civilization and didn't change must, what changed was the technology behind the empires since the Macedonian phalanx to the gladius and roman armour or the cavalry and Mongol arch. No empire could ever survived without cruelty. I know, Portuguese empire was built on that also. The only thing all empires had was a nation project for the future on which all citizens were sacrificed.

The main victim of Hitler NAZI empire was the German people, they are all still paying for what some have made, I know because Portuguese people is still paying for what some have done. The American empire wouldn't be very different. I think most of Americans know how at least half of the world hate you with irrational feelings on sneackers, clothes, cars or food. Future generations will need to say, "it was not me" as I have to say to Brazilians about the tones of gold and Caesalpinia echinata (pau-brasil) or to African people about the most horrendous form of slavery, the use of people as merchandise.

The worst we can do is look to the other side because we are compromising future generations. That will make a nice article about civilization and empires and very very long because GregK, Europe is very compromised on American empire has a partner but will say in the flash, it was not me.

Well it is us since the Persian empire in one way or another. Europe will be Italy on the second world war switching sides in the end to escape of public condemnation. Or France that was on both sides at the same time, I haven't forgot the Vichy government. and the Jews on the France-Spanish border.

Man that was long and I didn't finish the beginning.

I never obey orders, I only do what I agree with, they may kill me for not obeying orders but I will not go to a court because of crimes against humanity.

I prefer to die today than to live against my conscience only to die a bit later. GregK don't let hate blind you my friend, the best answer is to be a complete and fair person on opposition to bad choices made by the powers on our own countries. Hate is not a good answer, destroys everything around including ourselves and our dreams of a better world.

Talking a lot Duke.