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View Full Version : LHC@Home (SixTrack): Status 6th September

09-06-13, 08:31 AM
New thread as feedback is in several others. I have resolved server out of space for the short term and we will implement a proper fix soonest. Issue remains with Linux executables I think. I have checked and informed my colelagues. The ".exe" suffix is confusing but the pni executables look OK (crash on my test machine without pni of course, but OK on my modern one).We do not hae a MAC executable yet. Now things have settled down we pursue an analysis of the problem(s). I do not want to go back because we urgently need the new physics in this version. Thanks for your patience and undersatnding Getting lots of results anyway. Eric.

More... (http://lhcathomeclassic.cern.ch/sixtrack/forum_thread.php?id=3769)