View Full Version : Milkyway: Users Auto-Aborting Work Units

09-26-13, 03:51 PM
Hello all,It has come to our attention that some users have been setting their BOINC clients to auto abort work units from specific applications. Doing this sends an error results back to our server which then causes some work units to be unable to validate. Essentially, it prevents some of our hard working crunchers from getting their due credits. The proper way to prevent yourself from getting work units from a specific applications such as our beta applications N-Body or Modified Fit, is to go to your account page on our website (http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/home.php). Under the Preferences section please select the link for your preferences for this project. There will then be a link to edit these preferences on this page. Halfway down your preferences, there will be some check boxes in the "Run only the selected applications" section. You will only receive work units for the applications you have check marks next to. For reference: Milkyway@home is our flagship application and is considered stable and in its final released state; Milkyway@home N-body Simulation is our beta version N-body simulation and orbit fit program; Milkyway@home Separation is an, as of now, unused application; Milkyway@home Separation (Modified Fit) is our beta version separation code testing new models for both streams and background in the Milky Way Halo. As usual if you have any issues with this method or questions about it please post them here. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this.Thank you,Jake W.TL;DR: If you are auto-aborting work units please stop and use the method above to prevent users from losing credits and to prevent problems in our algorithms.

More... (http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/forum_thread.php?id=3363)

09-26-13, 05:22 PM
Wow. Auto-aborting based on app, seems a lot more work than just selecting the app in preferences. Why would anyone do that?

09-26-13, 05:32 PM
Because SLinCA sucks.
Oh... Wait... Not this project. :)

09-26-13, 08:07 PM
Because SLinCA sucks.
Oh... Wait... Not this project. :)

Several months ago you could select what you wanted at SLinCA but then they screwed up a good thing. Now you have no choice but to abort the ones you don't want if you are going for WuProp hours :))

09-27-13, 11:41 AM
I don't get it, I just unselect the projects I am not trying to get hours on.

09-27-13, 06:50 PM
wow thats sound like a lot of work guys i hope i dont ever hath to do that. i like things easy and neat.