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View Full Version : Wildlife@Home: Project preferences for lengths of videos to watch & multiple account

10-15-13, 02:04 AM
Hi Everyone, You can now specify the lengths of the videos you'd like to watch. You can do this by going to: Your Name -> Your Preferences In the navbar, then select "wildlife@home preferences" halfway down the left side of the page. Then click "edit wildlife@home preferences. Once there, you should see a "only watch videos between the following lengths." These are in minutes, so you can enter your minimum video length (in minutes) and maximum video length (in minutes). Then when you go to the watch page, it should only display videos within that range. Second, I've merged the STE\/E and DoA accounts, in part because STE\/E asked me to, and also because having duplicate accounts can really mess with the validation and things along those lines. I think we're going to have a policy written up to prevent duplicate accounts in the future so we can just delete the duplicate; instead of having me go through a whole ton of things to merge their observations so no double credit was awarded, and re-validating videos that could possibly have been validated differently if one of those two accounts didn't have a second observation. I think from here on out -- if you see anyone with a duplicate account, please let us know so we can delete it (if it's malicious). If it's non malicious I can merge it with the other account, since I have the process down. But we do not want people running multiple accounts. I've also seen some people having problems with their watched videos page, with things not showing up correctly. If you have any evidence of that please let me know so it can help me track down whatever bug is happening there. Sorry I've been somewhat missing the last week or so -- I've had a lot of traveling to family weddings and grant proposals to finish which is becoming even harder because of the government shutdown. I'll also be MIA for october 19-26 or so, because I'm flying to Beijing to present the research paper we got published already on WIldlife@Home. thanks again for all your time and support! I know the last few weeks have been slow going on our side due to the craziness of the academic year. We do have good things coming. Kyle is getting up to speed with the BOINC daemons and work generation, so with luck we'll be sending out new workunits soon. cheers, --Travis

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