View Full Version : Wife complained it was cold today... :)

10-18-13, 12:25 PM
Guess what that means. I get to pull out the toothbrush and get to cleaning.. :P

Hiya folks your winter cruncher is now back online. Gonna take me a while to get things up to 100% plus got me some new toys to play with. Hope everyone had a great summer and looking forward to jumping into some challenges and kick some serious arse.


10-18-13, 12:31 PM
Welcome back! Just enough time to get every running right for POGS starting November 15th.

10-18-13, 12:55 PM
Hot dog, another POGs cruncher!

Great timing and welcome back!!!

We had snow today, time to head south to southern TX :))

10-18-13, 01:19 PM
Excellent timing!

Welcome back!

10-18-13, 02:36 PM
Hiya Coronicus,

So like hurry up and get that toothbrush cleaning those fan blades... :P Glad to have ya back!

Oh btw, on a side note: Got my first tier 9, it's the ST-1. Hope to face you soon >:)

10-18-13, 04:16 PM
Oh btw, on a side note: Got my first tier 9, it's the ST-1. Hope to face you soon >:)

What language are you speaking?

10-18-13, 04:18 PM
What language are you speaking?

I speak WoT.

10-18-13, 04:23 PM
Of course you do...[shaking head]

10-18-13, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. So I see POGS is the target so I will get on it.

@fire$torm Grats on your first t9 don't have the ST-1 yet but I did build up a pretty large collection, only 173 of em so far :p Think it might be time to attend Tankers Anonymous but meh one more Tank wont hurt.

John P. Myers
10-18-13, 05:59 PM
Welcome back! Glad to see you around again :)

10-18-13, 06:11 PM
@fire$torm Grats on your first t9 don't have the ST-1 yet but I did build up a pretty large collection, only 173 of em so far :p Think it might be time to attend Tankers Anonymous but meh one more Tank wont hurt.

Obviously you speak WoT too....geez, guess I'll have to become a gamer before it's all over. Like I get enough sleep now. This is an Enigma Message thing isn't it?

10-18-13, 10:29 PM
^^LOL Al! :D heh...I stopped with Counter Strike Source. Haven't played anything newer. If only I had the time... :P

@Coronicus - man am I glad to see you back for the winter! We've got some good work ahead of us at POGs in November, so thanks for joining up the ranks once again!

10-18-13, 10:44 PM
Yay Coronicus is back! *does little dance*

We missed you!

Duke of Buckingham
10-19-13, 07:38 AM
Welcome back friend.


10-19-13, 01:25 PM
Obviously you speak WoT too....geez, guess I'll have to become a gamer before it's all over. Like I get enough sleep now. This is an Enigma Message thing isn't it?

=)) No no no Al, no BOINC project involved here.....

So like okay, WoT = World of Tanks. Basically there are 10 levels (tiers) of tanks in five classes (types). The ST-1 is a Soviet heavy tank design that never left the drawing board. (WoT Wiki Link (http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/ST-I)), but it's a lot of fun to play.

10-28-13, 01:32 PM
Welcome back!