View Full Version : Any other shooters on here?

10-19-13, 11:25 PM
Just got back from the range with a friend/patient of mine. He brought his .460 revolver. Oh man - anyone here ever shot one of those? :cool: The muzzle blast is something else, and the percussion was raining down white particles from the ceiling tiles down on us! :D Shooting a .45 afterward feels like a pea shooter in you hand. :P

10-19-13, 11:31 PM
never shot one, my 44 mag is the biggest I have shot. it will get your attention. :) fun to shoot as long as you don't want to go through 50 rounds.

10-19-13, 11:39 PM
Yep, I shoot regularly, mainly WW2 rifles with iron sights in matches at the local club here.
My favorite is the M1 Garand.
I make my own loads too, it's a fun hobby.
That 460 ? I never shot one but i can imagine it's like the 44 magnum or the
50 cal desert eagle.
Our range out here is hugh on the edge of the desert:

If your ever in the area, let me know.
The range is 1 square mile with hills(small mountains) on the north end.
Even a 1000 yard long range for cross the course stuff like Camp Pendleton has.
Very rare in Communist anti-gun Calif these days huh.

10-20-13, 12:05 AM
Nice range out there! Being up here in Ventura/Oxnard area, we have to settle for small indoor stuff unless a trip out to Piru is in order. Don't have time for that much though. Anyway, yeah, I like .44 Mag, it's a good round. But this .460 is a whole class above though...here's a pic showing the two rounds side by side. Left is the .44 Mag, right is the .460 S&W. ;)


10-20-13, 12:40 AM
Yeah that is a big round. Betcha after 2 or 3 shots, you put it down huh.
I know a few guys that have gone hunting with 44 mags.
They tell me at 200 yards is good.
Biggest handgun I have is a WW2 38 revolver now a collectors item.
It has the V stamp on the bottom metal of the grip for Victory WW2.
4 inch barrel that is tight so it don't get used very often.
These were carried by officers in WW2, and used by law enforcement and forestry
up into the 70's at least


10-20-13, 01:34 AM
I like it! Nice collector's piece for sure. The only hand gun I personally own is a .357 Mag S&W stainless with black rubber grips. Was a college graduation present...that's Alaska style for you. :D

10-20-13, 01:59 AM
I used to shoot a lot but I'm down to just 2 pistols now. The gun safe wasn't designed to survive 3000 degrees :)) One neighbor said that when one house was burning it sounded like WW III ... that would have been 400 rounds of .45, 500 rounds of .40, etc etc cooking off :))

I shot a .357 derringer once ... it was actually a double barrel but I fired only once! Momma may have had an idiot but she didn't have a fool =)) Boy I was in basic with (from TX) had it ... said you only fired that thing in dire emergencies.

10-20-13, 08:41 PM
I haven't done much shooting since my army days... I prefer the 357 or 44 mag as they do a good job without knocking my head off or blasting my ears... :)

10-20-13, 09:36 PM
I shoot a little not a lot. mostly I use one of my 3 9mm or one of my wifes 2 380's or one of 3 22's or the 44 mag. I have thought of getting something different but that means more ammo of different cal. seems that the more different ones the move it costs. I also like shooting my 30 cal and the sks. I also have a 30 cal pistol that I have never shot. need to go do that.

Duke of Buckingham
10-20-13, 09:50 PM
I am ready for the alien invasion.


10-21-13, 02:13 AM
Nice, Duke! :D heh...what caliber do those puppies shoot? 8 pound shot? :))

Yeah, I don't get to go near as often as when we lived in Alaska. That was only my second time to the range all year. If I keep this up I'll get rusty, and I can't let that happen so that means I need to go again soon! ;)

Duke of Buckingham
10-21-13, 09:18 AM
Alaska is one of the best places to crunch, women don't argue about the GPU heat. :p

About those anti-alien weapons they shoot from nails to any kind of metal waste.


I will defend my country against those aliens like Christine Lagarde that is talking about the Portuguese Constitutional Court, I just don't understand why she never speaks about the the French one, the bloody beach. You can shoot now ... :mad:

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Christine+Lagarde+European+Best+Pictures+Day+iuw6t ZM1cLQl.jpg

10-21-13, 10:33 PM
Have any of you heard of Swift Bullet Company? The make big game loads, mostly for the big five, but they are moving into other areas. If you have ever hunted the big five you have probably shot Swift bullets. They are making a lot of stuff for the police now. Any way their main building is located a block from my house. They have an underground range for their R&D in the building. Their head ballistics guy is on the city council with me. The amount of crap he knows about bullets is crazy. It is fun to watch them shot the R&D rounds sometimes. They are a little touchy about letting people in for that though, some stuff they don't want stolen. I think I could get a copy of the Swift Company Reloading Manual CD if any of you that want one.

10-22-13, 01:45 AM
Man, Shiva, that sounds awesome! :) What a cool company. I bought some of their .338 rounds - at least one box I remember, I think it was 250 gr. weight. I gave that cannon to my brother who's still in Alaska, since there was nothing in California I needed a .338 for! :D haha

10-23-13, 12:41 PM
I've never really been into pistols. I've fired a few (.22, 9mm, .38) but I never got the urge to buy one. I've always stuck with rifles and shotguns since I enjoy hunting more than target shooting.

The first time I went deer hunting, I was loaned a Remington 870 12 guage with 3" slugs. I'd learned to shoot using my grandfather's 1903 Springfield .306 (now mine along with the reloader) so I figured it couldn't have that much more kick. Was I wrong! While the deer dropped (made a canoe out of its skull with the slug) I also fell off the tree stump since I wasn't ready for that much kick (which also explains why it hit the deer in the head instead of the chest). While I have my own 870 with a rifled slug barrel now, after a dozen shots sighting it in, my shoulder is black and blue. So, I started using my muzzleloader instead. It's .50 cal and with 100 grains of powder instead of the 150 max, it doesn't kick like a mule and is quite accurate out to 150 yards. It's more challenging too since I only get one shot. Unfortunately, I only get to use my big "smoke poles" in Northern WI or out in NE as IL is shotgun/muzzleloader only.

10-23-13, 05:39 PM
I've never really been into pistols. I've fired a few (.22, 9mm, .38) but I never got the urge to buy one. I've always stuck with rifles and shotguns since I enjoy hunting more than target shooting.

The first time I went deer hunting, I was loaned a Remington 870 12 guage with 3" slugs. I'd learned to shoot using my grandfather's 1903 Springfield .306 (now mine along with the reloader) so I figured it couldn't have that much more kick. Was I wrong! While the deer dropped (made a canoe out of its skull with the slug) I also fell off the tree stump since I wasn't ready for that much kick (which also explains why it hit the deer in the head instead of the chest). While I have my own 870 with a rifled slug barrel now, after a dozen shots sighting it in, my shoulder is black and blue. So, I started using my muzzleloader instead. It's .50 cal and with 100 grains of powder instead of the 150 max, it doesn't kick like a mule and is quite accurate out to 150 yards. It's more challenging too since I only get one shot. Unfortunately, I only get to use my big "smoke poles" in Northern WI or out in NE as IL is shotgun/muzzleloader only.Well any time you want to use the "big smoke poles" come on out to western Ks. We use them things and I can probably get some farmers to put you up as long as you are going to kill a deer. :)

Duke of Buckingham
10-23-13, 07:21 PM
I like an old gun the Smith & Wesson Schofield, the 45 of course.


11-26-13, 07:18 PM
EPA working to get your guns.

11-28-13, 09:28 PM
EPA working to get your guns.

Those guys really know how to push my buttons. If we could ever know the honest truth behind that closure, you could bet some serious money it didn't have anything to do with "the environment".

Duke of Buckingham
12-08-13, 05:40 AM
My favorite is
click to enlarge

12-08-13, 05:48 AM
Here is a video of a vintage military match from our club out here.


All kinds of WW2 and WW1 military rifles that scare women, children and puppy dogs in California.

12-08-13, 09:40 AM
Here is a video of a vintage military match from our club out here.


All kinds of WW2 and WW1 military rifles that scare women, children and puppy dogs in California.hmmmm yea seems you all have a bunch of scardey kats out there.:) seems like it is also an old mans game, too bad there wasn't very many younger people there or at least in the video. it looked like a bright sunny day but everyone had a coat on, maybe it was just a shooting jacket but looked like winter from the way they were dressed. Interesting video, wish we could have a range like that.

Duke of Buckingham
12-08-13, 10:22 AM
The Doc son was making the video maybe he isn't old enough to shoot bullets once he was shooting the video. =))

It is a nice video, congratulations to Doc and to his son, now a new game to warm things up.

Where is Doc in the video?
Yes, he is there alright.

02-17-14, 05:08 AM
Hey we just had classes over the weekend and we now have 11 new range safety officers here in Imperial Valley (RSO's).
That is how you do this.
We promote gun safety by education, gun safety training and so forth.
Cuz is what we have now is a communist govt. in Calif. telling kids
guns are bad etc.
They are losing court battles every year and we will be in the majority very soon.
Our Constitution is what matters here more than anything.
The 2nd amendment says..."right to keep and bear arms"
Why ? Because the British came here to disarm our country......

What does this mean ?
Keep = you can have
Bear = you can carry

That is all we need to know and the 9th circuit in communist Calif. had to vote that way.
Politicians that support any antigun law in your area, vote them out guys.
Elect a Sheriff in your county who will issue concealed carry permits.

You guys on the team and friends, get together a day, bring every gun you have and all the ammo you can get.
Come out here for a weekend and be my guests at this range.
BBQ. camp out whatever.
Here you can sniff your freedom in the air out here
and shoot all you want.

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee

02-17-14, 06:21 AM
They are losing court battles every year and we will be in the majority very soon.
Our Constitution is what matters here more than anything.
The 2nd amendment says..."right to keep and bear arms"
Why ? Because the British came here to disarm our country......

What does this mean ?
Keep = you can have
Bear = you can carry

That is all we need to know and the 9th circuit in communist Calif. had to vote that way.
Politicians that support any antigun law in your area, vote them out guys.
Elect a Sheriff in your county who will issue concealed carry permits.

You guys on the team and friends, get together a day, bring every gun you have and all the ammo you can get.
Come out here for a weekend and be my guests at this range.
BBQ. camp out whatever.
Here you can sniff your freedom in the air out here
and shoot all you want.

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Leeboy I hope you are right about calif. you guys need to get things straightened out in the state. :) I would enjoy coming out there to do some shooting, but now way would I be able to bring all my guns and ammo, they would have me in jail.:) I spent a little time in the garage, yesterday, shooting air rifles. :)

02-17-14, 06:46 AM
See Shiva, what I call that is this media generated "Fear the State" bullshit by MSMBC, CNN and yes Fox Noise channel.
All of these networks are sending everyone scare messages about everything.
So you will think..".fear the big bad federal govt."
Hey you know what ?
We rent our various ranges out to these groups on weekdays.
Border patrol, Ice, Sheriff. dept, ERO and many others.

You know what we do when they won't follow range rules ?
We kick their asses off the range.
Hell, county bomb squad, we kicked them off last week.
See how we do it ?
The Govt. is for and by the people.

So, you come here anytime you like and you'll be my guest.
Any problems with any law enforcement agency, we will fix that.
These assholes work for us and you guys never forget that.
We the people are the govt.

02-17-14, 09:22 AM
I don't think calif. allows me to carry in that state with my ks cc or open carry. I don't go out much without at least a 9mm on me. but I'm not sure what the cc laws are out there.