View Full Version : Does your spouse understand Boinc?

Clank [MM]
10-30-13, 06:12 PM
The electric bill says it all, but does she understand....

What's it do?
You need another video card, why?
The furnace/air uses this much electricity, really?
When is it done? ( my favorite )
Do you get paid? ( my least favorite )
Does anybody else do this?
I'm watching, nothing's happening...........

What else can you guy's add.

10-30-13, 06:20 PM
Do you really need all those computers for "work"?

10-30-13, 06:29 PM
So since you can't game, that means we can spend some more time together right?
Why can't I get another animal that sheds hair again?
Why can't I watch Netflix when you are starting a challenge?
(During the summer, Actual words from her mouth--->)I didn't think closing the door to the office was a bad thing...its just so warm in there and I don't want to heat up the rest of the house.

Duke of Buckingham
10-30-13, 07:36 PM
My wife hate computers and I don't know why.:(


10-30-13, 08:22 PM
how bout NO. well maybe yes, if I spend 500 on computer equipment, she spends 500 for something. guess that is some kind of understanding isn't it.

10-30-13, 08:34 PM
My wife hate computers and I don't know why.:(


Duke, where'd you get a picture of my office?

How about:
"Are you getting parts for your Linux thing again?"
"Are you doing something on my computer?" <-- said from the other side of the office
"The video is acting up again."

10-30-13, 09:42 PM
Nope, BOINC did not exist during either of my marriages. But.... both of my ex's were jealous of my computer. My 2nd ex even went so far as to violently push my NEC multisync 3D monitor off the desk. Luckily for both of us, her crime did not break the monitor. Wall to wall can save a marriage from a tragic end....

Does that count?

10-30-13, 10:14 PM
wife: Did you find aliens on another planet yet? (max sarcasm, eyes rolling)
me: no, but you should have seen me smoke this dude in France...

Yes the picture on the right below is actually part of my setup. :/


10-30-13, 11:18 PM
wife: Did you find aliens on another planet yet? (max sarcasm, eyes rolling)
me: no, but you should have seen me smoke this dude in France...

Yes the picture on the right below is actually part of my setup. :/


So... the computers run off a DC to AC power converter? That must be why there is an extension chord coming out of the car, right? No? I can hear the excuse now... "Honest honey, the power bill is higher because the car is taking longer to charge. The new computer on the workbench is just so that I can monitor that it is charging properly."

Duke of Buckingham
10-30-13, 11:28 PM
My ex-wife just after we divorced. :p

My new wife when she saw my house.

A friend of F$ doing what is wife couldn't do.
http://rack.0.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzAxLzU4L0lUQ3Jvd2QuNmYxOGYuZ2lmCnAJdG h1bWIJMTIwMHg5NjAwPg/e8fb99d1/866/IT-Crowd.gif

cineon_lut on the computer.

cineon_lut wife asking for aliens

Duke on the computer.

nobody's wife.

one unknown cruncher wife


10-31-13, 04:36 PM
Perfect, that about sums it up!

Duke of Buckingham
10-31-13, 05:46 PM
Anyone wife when they know the price of crunching.

our female crunchers after a challenge

husbands of female cruncher when received the electric bill

For the female crunchers one advice, don't let them know about the crunching until is to late.
It is almost the same to say to them a sentence that begin with “When we get married…”
Let them be happy at least for a while.

10-31-13, 08:53 PM
me: no, but you should have seen me smoke this dude in France...

LOL! Hahaha I'm just rolling because that's how it is at our house (and the office). Kim doesn't even ask if we "did anything productive" anymore. :D She just asks, "who'd you guys beat this time?" =)):((:))

And...major kudos to the wife here...at this point if I ever tell her we lost to some other team, she actually gets kind of a sad face on (for my benefit I'm sure) and says, "Oh, I'm sorry!" instead of the old line of, "Good, maybe I can have my computer back now!" hahaha ;)

11-01-13, 11:21 AM
I think that we should also remember that we males also have to really thank the female members of this team and we should ask if their husbands or significant others understand Boinc. We males are not alone in this endeavor!;););) And no My wife does not understand Boinc or for that matter the internet or computers!

11-02-13, 08:51 AM
You cannot truly know what something is unless you know what it is not. Crunching is not hunting, racing cars, gambling, sailing, golfing or any number of other hobbies you could be pursuing which your spouse might like less. It's not smoking, drinking or cussing, either. Well, maybe a little cussing. Also, crunching is more than running computers. It's solving problems, competing and teaming -- all things that help mental health, which has benefits for spouses. Finally, a spouse questioning the time and money spent on the hobby may really be more concerned about things you're not doing, which you should be doing, from your spouse's perspective. 2 cents.

11-02-13, 09:14 AM
yea mine cant wait till i get her a touch screen computer but she says i cant use it for boinc at all hands off chris.