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View Full Version : Plagirism@Home: new non-CPU project

11-01-13, 09:34 AM

Looking for some "free" credits? Attach to this project. It is non-CPU, so it can be run in addition to your other tasks, like wuprop.

The project has started exporting stats, and there are apps for windows and linux.

It is still working out the bugs, so tasks frequently crash. But so what? It's non-CPU, so you aren't losing out on your other projects.

SETI.USA is in 2nd place, and we need some help.

11-01-13, 11:30 AM
Interesting concept. Joined.

11-01-13, 01:57 PM

Looking for some "free" credits? Attach to this project. It is non-CPU, so it can be run in addition to your other tasks, like wuprop.

The project has started exporting stats, and there are apps for windows and linux.

It is still working out the bugs, so tasks frequently crash. But so what? It's non-CPU, so you aren't losing out on your other projects.

SETI.USA is in 2nd place, and we need some help.

Interesting. By non-cpu, what does it do? It doesn't look like a GPU project. We have 10 members on there, I may throw a box or two on and see what comes out of it.

11-01-13, 02:15 PM
It is a misnomer but somewhat of an accurate description. Task like this one and WuProp etc are NCI (non computer intensive). They require very little CPU usage to do their thing. Things like the Quake Catcher monitoring programs are also in the category. You can run all you can get and it doesn't affect your crunching output.

11-01-13, 03:22 PM
Interesting. By non-cpu, what does it do? It doesn't look like a GPU project. We have 10 members on there, I may throw a box or two on and see what comes out of it.

This leads me to believe you aren't running wuprop either. You should be. Everyone on the team should be too. Free credits for you and the team!


11-01-13, 03:58 PM
It's still need stable internet connection to work as it constantly downloads web site's and compare it with test document attached to WU.

That's called "google" and someone already invented it. :)

I do find the project intriguing but I hope the intent is to let the people know where the quote came from and not to just be a quick way for lawyers to sue people all over the world for plagiarism. What they intend to do if the project works is not clear. Until it is, I won't contribute.

11-01-13, 04:02 PM

That must be the answer! This is the exact banner ad I'm seeing in this thread. Grammarly must be the one benefiting! :)

11-01-13, 07:16 PM
11/1/2013 7:13:12 PM | Plagiarism@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
11/1/2013 7:13:12 PM | Plagiarism@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
11/1/2013 7:13:13 PM | Plagiarism@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
11/1/2013 7:13:13 PM | Plagiarism@Home | No tasks sent
11/1/2013 7:13:13 PM | Plagiarism@Home | Project has no tasks available

That didn't last long.

11-01-13, 07:17 PM
It comes and goes throughout the day. Just stay attached, and earn free credits.

11-02-13, 02:40 PM
Okay I created a sub-forum for this project, moved this thread to it and added the RSS feed.

Oh and I'll be attaching to this project as my ISP, Comcast, has suspended their monthly Data Cap. At least they have for my families account according to the notice posted in the account details page.

11-02-13, 03:14 PM
Signed up as well.

And since itīs a NCI project, migth as well add it to the sonīs pc as well....

11-02-13, 03:22 PM
I'm on wu prop now. Pays like 7 creds for 10000 seconds. Oh well it's nci.

Vic (mobile)

11-03-13, 12:55 PM
Just a heads up....

I just had on WU running for 3.5 Hours as I was out of the house. After the 3.5 Hours it has completed 0.0%.

EDIT: So that 3.5 hours costed the team around 200 Credits on the project

11-03-13, 01:38 PM
Just a heads up....

I just had on WU running for 3.5 Hours as I was out of the house. After the 3.5 Hours it has completed 0.0%.

EDIT: So that 3.5 hours costed the team around 200 Credits on the project

Naw. It didn't cost you or us anything. Running a non-CPU project is not "in place of" credits from another project that you could theoretically be running instead. That kind of thinking applies only to CPU and GPU projects. There is no possible loss of credits by running non-CPU projects. Only up-side. You are getting all the CPU and GPU credits on all those other projects just like normal, PLUS maybe credits from any number of non-CPU projects.

Also, I have noticed that the run time displayed by BOINC for these plagiarism tasks is not yet accurate. For example, several days ago, I saw several tasks that each showed over 24 hours running. I know for a fact that they could not have been running that long, since I have aborted all tasks just 6 hours earlier. So I would ignore the information displayed by BOINC manager for this project for now.

11-03-13, 01:41 PM
Naw. It didn't cost you or us anything. Running a non-CPU project is not "in place of" credits from another project that you could theoretically be running instead. That kind of thinking applies only to CPU and GPU projects. There is no possible loss of credits by running non-CPU projects. Only up-side. You are getting all the CPU and GPU credits on all those other projects just like normal, PLUS maybe credits from any number of non-CPU projects.

Also, I have noticed that the run time displayed by BOINC for these plagiarism tasks is not yet accurate. For example, several days ago, I saw several tasks that each showed over 24 hours running. I know for a fact that they could not have been running that long, since I have aborted all tasks just 6 hours earlier. So I would ignore the information displayed by BOINC manager for this project for now.

I will hand it to you. In ligth of that angle, itīs a whole new mind set I need to use...;)

11-03-13, 02:05 PM
this is a set it and forget it project. just sign up and let it go, there is almost nothing you can do other than sign all your boxes up for it. it is the same with freehal which is not running now, I hope it comes back. I have over 11 million credits in freehal and have never done a thing for them except attach my boxes. WUProp is the same just attach and forget it. you don't get a lot of credit with it but hear again I have over 700K in the project. Just think what kind of increase it would be if we could get every member to run these, if they just got 500 credits a day it would add up.

11-03-13, 09:21 PM
this is a set it and forget it project. just sign up and let it go, there is almost nothing you can do other than sign all your boxes up for it. it is the same with freehal which is not running now, I hope it comes back. I have over 11 million credits in freehal and have never done a thing for them except attach my boxes. WUProp is the same just attach and forget it. you don't get a lot of credit with it but hear again I have over 700K in the project. Just think what kind of increase it would be if we could get every member to run these, if they just got 500 credits a day it would add up.

^^^ What he said.

John P. Myers
11-10-13, 12:56 AM
I'm on wu prop now. Pays like 7 creds for 10000 seconds. Oh well it's nci.

Vic (mobile)
Don't forget to add WuProp to your Android phone as well.

11-16-13, 11:54 AM
This project is a good way to block your own IP! :mad: Attention, mass web crawling. It was already described in the service of network security.

It all was. Do you remember ANANSI?