View Full Version : Wildlife@Home: New images added to front page carousel from observed videos!

12-20-13, 01:11 PM
Hi Everyone,Susan sent me a set of cool images that were found in the video you've observed so far and I've added them to the front carousel:Lightning crash behind a plover incubating a nest on the Missouri River in North Dakota:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/lightning.png Plover chick walks across the video screen with an adult brooding the remaining chicks on the nest in the background:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/plover_chick.png Nest exchange between plovers with leg bands visible on the flying adult:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/plover_in_flight Tern chick yawns in front of the camera while adult tern incubates the remaining eggs on the nest:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/tern_chick.png Nest exchange between flying terns:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/tern_feeding_tern.png An adult tern feeds a fish to a tern incubating a nest:http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/images/tern_nest_exchange.png Hope you enjoy them!On another note, I'm almost done finishing up grading for the semester, so after that I'll be back to working on the new interface. First item of work is getting the validator up and going.cheers,--Travis[/img]

More... (http://volunteer.cs.und.edu/wildlife/forum_thread.php?id=422)