View Full Version : Hi all at SETI.USA!

02-09-14, 10:44 PM
Hi all! I have been a member of team SETI.USA for almost a year now. I finally managed to create a user account here. I know, it took me long enough! ;) I actually took a little break from crunching a few months ago due to computer problems. :D Ok, that's not exactly true. I took a break on my main computer before it started having problems. When I killed my main in Jan, I found out my backup computer, which I haven't touched since last year and left it crunching away, had locked up sometime last fall. :eek: I just finished re-installing everything on my main and somewhat "fixed" my backup. I also felt the need to finish setting up things like I should of. So, I'm giving a big shout out to everyone who is, has been and will be crunching for the best team around!

02-10-14, 06:24 PM
Hiya Shandia,

Thanks for taking the time to post. Oh and welcome to the team & forums. Make yourself at home.


02-10-14, 07:01 PM
Howdy, y'all! Welcome to the fun house! :)

02-10-14, 07:19 PM
Hi Shandia!

Welcome to the forum! The first forum member who joins between January 8 and Feb 15, and who agrees to crunch POGS (http://pogs.theskynet.org/pogs/) for the Galileo Galilei - 450 anniversary of the birth - theSkyNet POGS Challenge (http://boincstats.com/en/stats/challenge/team/chat/470), will receive SEVEN days free crunching (instead of the ususal 4 days) on POGS and WUprop. Click here for details (http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?6436-Zorro-The-Anonymous-Cruncher&p=72385&viewfull=1#post72385)!

Forum members click here (http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?6312-Galileo-Galilei-450-anniversary-of-the-birth-theSkyNet-POGS) for more about the current challenge, here (http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?5893-POGS-CHALLENGE-SUSA-GOING-TO-BATTLE-NOV-15) to read about the last challenge, and here (http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?3446-BUNKERING-101) to learn how to bunker.

I hope you have fun crunching with the team and participating in the forum.

Zorro - The Anonymous Cruncher

02-10-14, 07:20 PM
Hi Shandia

Good to see you finally got around to saying hi. :) Now you have a year to make up for. Hope you puters are all fixed up and running now. Of course if they are like mine they will break again. I hope you keep on crunching and posting.

02-10-14, 11:00 PM
Welcome. Hey, if you like troubled computers, I have one in the basement that spits sparks out the back you can have. ;-)

02-10-14, 11:24 PM
Welcome! Thanks for posting. As soon as you see the red circled eagle above your avatar pic you can post under any topic or start a new one!

Happy crunching!

02-11-14, 02:09 AM
Hi Shandia, great to have you on the team! Please stop by often and enjoy the good banter with everyone here, and if you ever have any BOINC crunching or computer questions, please feel free to ask!

John P. Myers
02-11-14, 05:51 AM
Glad you finally posted :) Noticed you online the day before yesterday and was wondering if/when you'd say hi. Awesome to know you've been crunching with us a year already, puter problems aside :cool: Don't forget to post in this thread: http://www.setiusa.us/forumdisplay.php?93-New-Team-Members-Get-Member-s-Only-Access-Here so F$ can grant full forum access. It will get you inside all of our events/competitions if you care for those things. Other stuff too, of course :p Don't be a stranger. Please. We talk about everything in this forum, not just computers and BOINC, so if something's on your mind, please share /:)

02-11-14, 10:31 AM
Welcome Shandia. Glad to see you finally made it to the forums. As said before, don't be a stranger and make sure you let us know if you have any questions. We do have a lot of experts around who are willing to help.

02-12-14, 02:11 AM
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm sure I will have a few questions from time to time relating to projects, settings and posting to the Forums. :o


Duke of Buckingham
02-12-14, 08:15 AM
Welcome Shandia