View Full Version : A Silent Minority (of 1) Speaks

02-16-14, 09:10 PM
Hello, Team (something about that is familiar...)
I joined in 2010, and until now, didn't say anything. Wasn't it Mark Twain who said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt? Well, I'm hoping my foolishness won't accompany me into this experience.
My best bio is in SETI@Home, to which I've belonged practically since its inception. I won't bother the details here.
Hailing from Florida, my recent events are driven by the state of the economy and a rash of bad decisions. Someone also said that bad decisions make for good stories. I'll tell you some next time we have a campfire meeting. Stephen King couldn't write a story as disturbingly scary as my life!
So that's it for now. Don't know what else I can contribute, but CPU time and gigaflops in pogs and (SETI, Einstein, Milkyway, LHC, Test4Theory)@home.

02-17-14, 04:33 PM
Hiya Psiberman and welcome to the forums.

And yeah, we all have stories to tell around these parts... :P

02-17-14, 04:38 PM
Hiya Psiberman and welcome to the forums.

And yeah, we all have stories to tell around these parts... :P

And some of us can sure come up with so whoppers! :p:p:p

Welcome to the forum and don't be a stranger.

Duke of Buckingham
02-17-14, 05:39 PM

02-17-14, 08:06 PM
Hi Psiberman. Glad you're here :)

02-17-14, 08:10 PM
I'm glad you decided to join us!! I too am from the original Seti crowd!


02-18-14, 02:59 AM
Welcome to the forums! It's even easier to keep up with the happenings on the forums now with mobile apps like tapatalk. Anyway, once your avatar shows the eagle in the window, you'll be able to go to the private areas where we discuss fun strategy for team challenges and Formula Boinc. You have to make a post in the new members area. Follow these instructions. http://www.setiusa.us/showthread.php?921-Request-access-to-Members-Only-Forum&p=8744&viewfull=1#post8744

02-19-14, 01:50 AM
There was this time, at band camp....