View Full Version : Say Goodbye To Epinions.com!

03-25-14, 04:37 PM
Since Sept 19, 2006, I have been writing reviews for Epinions.com. In that time period, I wrote 567 reviews and received 438,052 hits. I was given several badges and finally awarded the honor of Top Reviewer in Computer Hardware.

Suddenly at the beginning of March 2014, we received and email stating that the website would stop accepting new reviews. For over 5 years, my laptop has been at my side while I open the newest motherboard or television. My articles and reviews covered a wide range of topics but always came from the heart. Losing my favorite opinion platform was more than just a website, it was really a hobby that I truly enjoyed.

Today, I still write reviews for Amazon.com but no where near the quality that I did at Epinions.com...

You can drop by and check out my works at Epinions.com here:

Bitcoins and PCI USB cards!

THe Logitech K400 Wireless Keyboard

03-25-14, 11:10 PM

03-26-14, 01:19 PM
Bummer dude. I guess Facebook & Twitter have diverted a large portion of Epinions traffic.

Maybe start your own review blog on WordPress? Who knows, if you acquire a regular following you might even make some cash writing reviews.

03-26-14, 02:40 PM
Bummer dude. I guess Facebook & Twitter have diverted a large portion of Epinions traffic.

Maybe start your own review blog on WordPress? Who knows, if you acquire a regular following you might even make some cash writing reviews.

Some cash?

We were earning over $100 per month at Epinions.com from pay-per-click royalties. My, Total Earnings: $11,915.70. You should note that was with 500+ reviews on mostly computer hardware. I did not review books or salt shakers. :p

Now Ebay (the parent company) gets all that revenue because once a review is published, no other review site will host it and pay you for the content. Ebay and Shopping.com have been copying our reviews to other websites for years as well.

03-26-14, 04:02 PM
Ah, you said this was a hobby for you. Most never get paid for their "Hobbies", hence my comment. There is a service called Pay-Per-Post that assigns review/opinion "jobs" to it's membership based on popularity and rating. Many WordPress bloggers make money this way. So my suggestion still carries merit. something to consider.

Best of luck,

03-26-14, 04:59 PM
Ah, you said this was a hobby for you... So my suggestion still carries merit. something to consider.

Best of luck,

Without a doubt, you are correct! Yet I want more than a few pennies!