View Full Version : Ok,ok, help out the old fart figger his math.....

04-18-14, 10:30 PM
So, Mothra (hehe) has one of the new 660 cards in it. It's been running pretty faithfully for a couple days, but the averages aren't conclusive just yet, so I'm trying to figure the numbers as far as credit output I should expect from this box. Please note, these numbers are arrived at as if running perfectly, with no hiccups, such as the servers going off line, power outages and the like, etc.

So far, here's what I'm thinking.....

PG WU's are paying 3371 credits per WU. It's taking a little under 1000 seconds for a WU to complete, on this particular box.

This tells me that in 60 minutes (1000 (seconds) / 60 (minutes))= 16.5mins. per WU [aboutsa]

And from that I gather that in 1 hour I should be completing (60 (minutes) / 16.5 (WU/hr)=3.6 WU/hr.

Multiplied by 24 hours (3.6 WU/hr * 24)=86.4 WU in a 24 hour period.

Times the credit per/WU (3371*86.4)=[aboutsa] 290,000/day.

Is this correct thinking?

.....and to add, this box is dedicated to crunching, it does nothing else.

04-18-14, 10:53 PM
Might be a little quicker to get to the same answer by simply saying

86,400 seconds in a day / 1000 seconds per WU * credit per WU


Only caveats would be:

a) There are some "lost" seconds once a WU finishes before another one is started. Not a lot, but it matters when it only takes 1000 seconds for a single WU.
b) Don't forget to multiply the seconds in a day by however many WU's you run simultaneously. Number of Cores for CPU crunching, or how many you run at a time on a GPU through an app_config.xml for examples.
c) Also don't forget that projects that require a wingman put any averages at the mercies of everyone you ever get matched up with. Some work you turned in today may not get credit for days.

04-19-14, 11:38 AM
Might be a little quicker to get to the same answer by simply saying

86,400 seconds in a day / 1000 seconds per WU * credit per WU


Well, of course it would be quicker to do it that way, that's why I didn't think to do it like that. @-)
Thanks for that, I'll use your method in the future.
In actuality, the WUs are completing in about 960~980 seconds so I rounded up to 1000 and figure in those extra few seconds allows for the times between finishing and starting new WUs. The average on that box is still rising. I'm pretty happy with its performance and don't expect to get much more out of it.
All in all, at over 250k credits/day, it certainly helps in the overall scheme of things to come.

04-19-14, 04:49 PM
And, just as an aside, with an avatar like yours, you may want to avoid "fart" references in future posts. :))

You can also go to Free-DC and look at the points a given host has produced on any given day. Faster way to get a feel for its' average than waiting for RAC to settle in. IIRC, RAC is a longer term average and takes a minimum of 10 days to "settle in." Whereas, you can commonly get a good feel for production after just 2-3 full days of crunching.

