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View Full Version : GPUGrid: Recommended driver versions are 334.21 or later

04-21-14, 02:52 PM
Hi all,As you may have noticed, we now have a CUDA 6.0 application. This brings with it several benefits over the older 4.2 and 5.5 applications, notably:* Support for Maxwell GPUs* Slightly improved performance* Much lower CPU loadThe minimum driver required for this app is 334.21, but any later version is OK.In the longer term, our software development will assume CUDA 6. features, and it would be good to have as many of you as possible able to run it.Currently 60% of all the WUs we get back are completed on machines with this driver or later (though many of you have been running the 55 app, because of our server scheduling policy)If you have the opportunity, please do consider upgrading your driver!Don't worry if you can't: the older applications aren't going away. From now on, though, they will get only maintenance updates.Matt

More... (http://www.gpugrid.net/forum_thread.php?id=3733)