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01-31-11, 03:19 PM
I'd like to request the insight of the members here...

Am I just missing something completely ? Sic posts (http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?26875-Subteams-Divisions&p=150015&viewfull=1#post150015)

I'm convinced people are seeing something I'm not!

Hopefully I've addressed the concerns, I just don't see the need for any at all!


01-31-11, 03:44 PM
I'd like to request the insight of the members here...

Am I just missing something completely ? Sic posts (http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?26875-Subteams-Divisions&p=150015&viewfull=1#post150015)

I'm convinced people are seeing something I'm not!

Hopefully I've addressed the concerns, I just don't see the need for any at all!


It was an interesting read... one comment up front would be just because mickydl* of
Sicituradastra can't see a reason to do something, doesn't mean that it is not useful.

I can't comment exactly on the scripting aspects of what you are doing other than the scripting that we use at work meanly rearranges the data to a more useful form it doesn't change the data.

I think the consensus here is that we want Divisions or Sub-Teams as they call them because everyone here has a specially that they wish to pursue; the stats that you have been working on can provide us with the information about how those Divisions are doing which would be indiscernible other wise.

Frankly, Sicituradastra is a small team when compared to the number of members. Don't these stat only effect SETI.USA unless another team decides to implement the same.

People don't like change and that's all I see here... i.e. "The sky is falling."

01-31-11, 03:55 PM
The changes are implemented across all teams..no affect whatsoever on the rest of the stats.

01-31-11, 04:31 PM
The changes are implemented across all teams..no affect whatsoever on the rest of the stats.

But as long as they don't put something in their name... STMahlberg [SomethingRandom] it's not going to change how they see themselves, right?

01-31-11, 04:59 PM
I had the same reaction you did, Bok - if you don't like it, then don't f***ing look at it!

I don't see the issues. NOTHING has changed with the stats. Everything you used to look at on Free-DC is exactly the same as it always has been, and continues to function exactly it had before.

The only problem related to what they mentioned is that if someone had square brackets in their name they've used for a long time, AND wanted to be a part of a different subteam, that may cause issues with the way you parse the data. But I'm not sure, and that's dependent on how you wrote things...

01-31-11, 05:00 PM
But as long as they don't put something in their name... STMahlberg [SomethingRandom] it's not going to change how they see themselves, right?
My personal stats page has not changed at all (except for the fact that I changed my name). Everything is exactly the same.

01-31-11, 05:08 PM
Correct, if you don't change your name nothing at all happens. If you already had the square brackets prior to this it creates a new subteam, but as nothing was implemented before it's not like they are losing anything..

01-31-11, 05:16 PM
Any news about how LAF and SG have liked it?

01-31-11, 05:20 PM
We need the emoticon of the guy running around in circles waving his arms. The sky is falling. Someone posted stats I don't want to use.

01-31-11, 05:29 PM
We need the emoticon of the guy running around in circles waving his arms. The sky is falling. Someone posted stats I don't want to use.

LOL You got my vote for the emoticon guy. :)

How's this? http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/254/panic2.gif

01-31-11, 05:47 PM
LOL You got my vote for the emoticon guy. :)

How's this? http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/254/panic2.gif

That's the one. I can't believe such serious crunchers have such a big problem with something so trivial.

No good deed goes unpunished.

01-31-11, 09:24 PM
I'm no programer so forgive me if it sounds like too much to ask for but maybe you could create some parameters so that only teams that want subdivisions will get them.

01-31-11, 09:49 PM
I'm no programer so forgive me if it sounds like too much to ask for but maybe you could create some parameters so that only teams that want subdivisions will get them.
Or simply run a script to block it from Sici's team to shut them up. ;)

01-31-11, 10:17 PM
Or simply run a script to block it from Sici's team to shut them up. ;)

echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

01-31-11, 10:22 PM
I'm no programer so forgive me if it sounds like too much to ask for but maybe you could create some parameters so that only teams that want subdivisions will get them.

I could, but then it's more manual work on my behalf to add in teams as and when they ask for them. And of course I'd have to somehow identify that whoever asks for them can speak for the team. What if I got conflicting requests from different members of the same team. Would it then be up to me to decide who is right ?

I just don't see how hard it is for the teams that don't want them not to look at the subteam pages instead :)

01-31-11, 10:24 PM
trigggl, you are hilarious. I love that... =D>

01-31-11, 10:25 PM
echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

I think they've mostly done it themselves. Only a couple of their users now have [] and I ran the cleardown of 'old' data earlier.

All backend scripts are perl btw, so you'll have to dig out your regexp ;)

01-31-11, 10:29 PM
I think they've mostly done it themselves. Only a couple of their users now have [] and I ran the cleardown of 'old' data earlier.

All backend scripts are perl btw, so you'll have to dig out your regexp ;)

All I know is bash, so when all you have is a hammer...

02-01-11, 01:09 AM
I'd like to request the insight of the members here...

Am I just missing something completely ? Sic posts (http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?26875-Subteams-Divisions&p=150015&viewfull=1#post150015)

I'm convinced people are seeing something I'm not!

Hopefully I've addressed the concerns, I just don't see the need for any at all!

I will try to be civil.....

Bok, In a nutshell, you should ignore those imbeciles in the same way they SHOULD be ignoring stats pages they have no use for!!!
Its like the guy who goes to the dealership to buy his new Mustang in Red and the whole time he's filling out the paperwork, he's complaining about the color of the Green Fiesta........
His statement about "most teams not wanting sub-teams"? Well of course they don't since the average team has like 20 members. But three of the largest teams in the BOINC universe can make good use of sub-teams. IMHO, he can go stick it where the sun never shines......

Well, I TRIED to be civil.

BTW: Bok, isn't Free-DC your stats site? Mr. Unhappy didn't create it, did he? Does he maintain your servers? Does Sic pay your bills? ALL your bills?

Nuff said.

Bok, keep doing what your doing. You Rock in my book!!!


02-01-11, 09:05 AM
echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

Very funny. =))

02-01-11, 12:07 PM
echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

Very funny. =))

OK, I'll bite. Please explain the "joke"?

02-01-11, 01:26 PM
OK, I'll bite. Please explain the "joke"?

I have to admit, I don't understand the rest of the code but the [echo "no soup for you"] killed me. It's a line from Seinfeld "Soup Nazi".

02-01-11, 01:32 PM
echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

Very funny. =))

I tested it to make sure it worked before posting it. :-B

EDIT: At the risk of killing the joke, assume USERNAME=sic_user*. The first line searches for the "*" at the end of the user name. The second line tests if it was found. Then, of course, the response if it is found.

Here's an exercise for a Linux user. Create this in a file and make it executable.


echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"
Then type this into the terminal.

./devstat.sh steve*

By the way, "!" creates an error which is why I didn't use it.

[-XThe above is for the emoticon [-X

Crazybob's Son
02-01-11, 04:06 PM
EDIT: At the risk of killing the joke, assume USERNAME=sic_user*. The first line searches for the "*" at the end of the user name. The second line tests if it was found. Then, of course, the response if it is found.

Joke Killed, but hilarious when I read the initial :)

I agree with the consensus here. If you don't like it, don't pay attention to the pages.

Jason aka Crazybob's Son

02-01-11, 07:19 PM
echo $USERNAME | grep "*"
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "no soup for you [-X"

Just be careful there. In bash, I believe that "*" should get expanded by globbing. You probably meant '*' to avoid commandline expansion. :)

02-01-11, 11:38 PM
Just be careful there. In bash, I believe that "*" should get expanded by globbing. You probably meant '*' to avoid commandline expansion. :)

Ok, now you're over my head. What does "expanded by globbing" mean?

02-02-11, 12:42 AM
Ok, now you're over my head. What does "expanded by globbing" mean?

I found this article on "The Art of Globbing" (http://www.itjungle.com/mpo/mpo052302-story04.html) though its mostly all Greek to me...

02-02-11, 07:12 AM
I found this article on "The Art of Globbing" (http://www.itjungle.com/mpo/mpo052302-story04.html) though its mostly all Greek to me...

Well, I found this at that link.

Preventing Globbing

The following echo command displays the file names that begin with a lowercase p and end with .qsh, with any number of intervening characters:

echo p*.qsh

But what if you want to display the six-character string p*.qsh? In that case, you have to tell Qshell you don't want globbing. Here are three ways to do that:
# Put the expression in double or single quotation marks.

echo "p*.qsh"
echo 'p*.qsh'

I didn't know that using a wildcard is called globbing. Anyways, it appears that my double quotes are valid.

02-02-11, 08:02 AM
Yup. It seems double quotes work fine in Linux. My background is sh/ksh in Unix, where the double quotes still process the wildcard expansion, but the single quotes didn't.

Still, was a good excuse to learn you youngun's a new term. :)

02-02-11, 01:54 PM
Yup. It seems double quotes work fine in Linux. My background is sh/ksh in Unix, where the double quotes still process the wildcard expansion, but the single quotes didn't.

Still, was a good excuse to learn you youngun's a new term. :)

Well, at least now I know what to use to get it to work on AIX at work. I'll have to test that. It's probably a good practice to change to using single quotes. Anything I run with an 'at' command will be run /bin/sh.

EDIT: What was the original topic again?

EDIT2: The shells must have all been updated. I tried sh and ksh on AIX and they both worked.

02-02-11, 07:29 PM
I found this article on "The Art of Globbing" (http://www.itjungle.com/mpo/mpo052302-story04.html) though its mostly all Greek to me...

I think you meant say Geek, not Greek.

02-02-11, 08:01 PM
I think you meant say Geek, not Greek.

I think you meant to say, "I think you meant to say Geek...".