View Full Version : Theft tends to annoy...

08-22-14, 01:17 PM
Let the dog in last night around 12am and everything was fine. Woke up at seven to let the dog out and the back gate was open. I didn't remember leaving it open when I came home and so I look around to see what was up. My Gary Fisher Marlin was gone.

I'm going through the motions with the police, need to get some photos to the local pawn shops and start checking craigslist as well as the facebook garage sales in the local area. It's just a bike but the fact the individual came onto my property and took it rubs me wrong. My boss had his own loss yesterday, his pickup was stolen in broad daylight from the side of the business. Needless to say work this morning has been distracting for both of us.

08-22-14, 01:57 PM
Too bad you let your dog in last night. Hate to see people lose anything but that is society tody for you. You have something. I want one but I don't want to work for it so I'll just take yours. You must owe me something.

08-22-14, 03:06 PM
I'm sure every one of us can relate Sarge. I've lost more than my share of things that people borrowed without telling me. Each time it happens, it brings up an overwhelming feeling from deep inside. Going through the motions of dealing with police and insurance companies is just that most of the time. Feeling your loss and sharing in your anger right now. BIG HUGS!!!

08-22-14, 04:02 PM
Much appreciated all, the sad thing was I had just got done shopping for the wife's birthday late that night so I was feeling pretty accomplished as I went to bed. She is in Seattle with her mother squealing with joy at the orca's. I felt bad telling her this morning because I didn't want to ruin her trip with my bad news.

Of course she goes on facebook and calls our friends while I'm dealing with the police and getting ready for work. I'm thankful for her support as well but hate that I had to intrude on her birthday trip.

Went and talked to the neighbors at lunch and got kinda mixed signals from one of them. The wife had already told me about one of them eying things in the yard the week before so I was already wary during the meeting. Told them what happened and cautioned them to take a look around their own property to make sure their own items were safe and referred them to the police if anything was missing.

Not even five minutes later the neighbor in question showed up with his daughter in tow. She told me she saw someone in the yard the day before, right as I was getting off work. Now this could be true, I'm not 100% certain that I saw my bike in the yard yesterday due to not specifically moving it or looking at it directly. The fact the time was right as I was getting off work and the dog was still in the yard during that time is what strikes me as wrong. The dog probably would not have bitten the person but certainly would have raised a commotion as they approached the fence. A stranger would not know it wouldn't bite but I've allowed the neighbor kids to come in to retrieve their toys so they know that he will not.

I do know that after coming home from the shopping trip I had to unload my items through the gate that was opened this morning. I know I wouldn't have left that gate open while the dog was still out and I let the dog in late that night and didn't see anything amiss. So here is the question, why make a child lie for you?

Still, if I don't get the bike back it is just a lesson learned. There is no easy way to replace it due to the fact it was fairly expensive but not expensive enough to be claimed under the house insurance. I sold all my old bikes and now we only have the wife's bike but at least we still have that. The police offer a free service to tag the bike when I get the next one so hopefully that and more attention to chaining it up will deter the next attempt or two.

08-22-14, 04:03 PM
There is a different mind set among folks today. They interviewed a couple of the "looters" in Ferguson, MO and they said; "We deserve this stuff!" They didn't work for it or earn it, but they deserve it anyway.

08-22-14, 05:15 PM
I'm happy to report that my boss just got word his pickup was just found in a nearby city. Nobody knows how it made it there, its old and can barely do 50mph, much less 70...lol. Nearly 200 miles someone traveled before they ditched it. I'm happy for him and it gives me hope. :D

It's a lot like this one but has not been treated with much love until the boss got a hold of it and filled the holes in the body panels

08-24-14, 07:46 PM
Kinda makes you wanna plant some land mines in you back yard. I hate when someone steals something from me!

08-25-14, 11:23 AM
Boss was able to retrieve his truck over the dreary and very rainy weekend. So far he says the only loss is a quarter tank of gas. I'm very happy he was able to get his pickup back but I'm a little disappointed in the police response. He called our local PD to report that the truck had been possibly found on Thursday in the next city over. We expected some response before he went to pick it up but no notification or anything until he talked to the PD in the next city as he picked it up. Today they called to ask if he had found his vehicle...lol.

Distributed flyers at the local eating establishments and gave the serial number for my bike to the local pawn shops and the police during the weekend. Need to start calling the nearby reservations as well since I have reasonable doubt the local PD will share the info I gave them.

04-18-15, 11:55 PM
Just a quick update on the bike front. Received a totally free bike the other day. The in-law didn't ride it any more so they allowed me to pick it up. Spent about 80 dollars installing no-flat tires, lights, new seat, back rack, and greasing the bearings but at least now I've got something that doesn't guzzle gas and will allow me to save enough to get a better bike in the future.2040

04-19-15, 10:05 PM
Nice to have giving family members. Enjoy to new ride.