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02-07-11, 08:53 PM
Probably going to be putting 2 cards into 1 system this week in Crossfire configuration. As I have never done it before, I have a question: What is involved in doing this? Just plug them in, put on the crossfire cable and go? Teach me ow wise ones. :confused:

02-07-11, 09:11 PM
Can't claim the wise one title, but can I ask the reason for Crossfire? You get more credits without the crossfire on, if that's what you're after.

Of course...if you want a hopped up GAMER rig for stunning fast graphics on one monitor, then Crossfireing them might be the way to go.

As far as I know, you hook up the little crossfire bridge cable between the two cards, and then check the Crossfire option in the tab of CCC.

I think Maxwell and Harley have more experience with this than I do, so I'm curious as to what they'll say. BTW, which cards are you thinking about putting together in that rig? It ought to fly! ;)

02-07-11, 09:40 PM
Did not know that I got less credits using crossfire. :-( I dont have knowledge about what a dumby plug is and don't want to hook up to a second monitor.

Edit: Just a pair of 5830s.

02-07-11, 09:58 PM
Actually, the loss in credits because you are running in Crossfire is negligible at worst. Matt over on TM did some pretty good testing, and figured that one out. I didn't believe him until I saw his results, but it convinced me... :p

General steps:
1. Uninstall the ATI driver all all its components.
2. Run DriverSweeper (http://www.phyxion.net/Driver-Sweeper/Driver-Sweeper/Version-2-8-5/).
3. Turn off the computer.
4. Stick the cards in the slots (yes, joker, interpret as you may...).
5. Hook up the Crossfire bridge (just push it in). It will look something like this:
Note: depending on the card, you may need to hook up two Crossfire bridges. I had to do that on my dual 5870 setup at work.
6. Turn on the computer.
7. Install your ATI driver of choice (make sure it's one of the "app" versions that includes OpenCL).

That should make you good. The driver installation will default to running in Crossfire mode. You should be set up and ready to go. Then you can start overclocking in CCC (or some secondary program if you're braver than I).

If you have further questions, let me/us know.

02-07-11, 10:27 PM
Guess I was just perpetuating the bad myth, then. That's all I'd ever heard was that Crossfire dropped your points per day, so I never ran it.

@ Joker - I think a dummy plug was included. ;)

02-07-11, 10:35 PM
Guess I was just perpetuating the bad myth, then. That's all I'd ever heard was that Crossfire dropped your points per day, so I never ran it.
Ditto. Of course, I started running it out of necessity. But then I saw Matt's results and felt better about myself... :D

02-07-11, 10:57 PM
Thx for all the info people! Hey max, you know, your avatar looks a little like a dancing gummy bear....:p

02-07-11, 10:57 PM
+ 1 for the way Maxwell said to install the second card and enable crossfire. That's the best way and should eliminate any potential problems.

I also never noticed much of a difference (if any) with crossfire enabled or not.

02-07-11, 11:41 PM
Thx for all the info people! Hey max, you know, your avatar looks a little like a dancing gummy bear....:p
Hehe... Actually I got it from this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJYxCSXjhLI) video. My avatar starts around the 5:45 mark.

Good luck with the install!

02-08-11, 12:09 AM
Joker, that's a great avatar. Get that from your better half? =))

02-08-11, 12:26 AM
Hehehe I just noticed it too! What a hoot. You know it must separate all the old timers from the newer croud if they see Joker's new Avatar and bust out laughing! :D;)

03-11-11, 05:43 PM
Ok, got the new system up and running with 2 video cards in it. A 5830 and a 5850. CCC is all installed and to recognizes that I have 2 cards but wont let me turn on Crossfire. Any thoughts?

03-11-11, 06:15 PM
Ok, got the new system up and running with 2 video cards in it. A 5830 and a 5850. CCC is all installed and to recognizes that I have 2 cards but wont let me turn on Crossfire. Any thoughts?
Stupid questions first - you did install the Crossfire bridge, right?

And what driver are you using? And do you see two cards but not Crossfire option, or do you see the Crossfire option, but it gives you some weird message?

03-11-11, 07:02 PM
Bridge installed. I see the Crossfire option but there is a message saying I have to close the 3D application or video playback that is currently running. Got this message with both the 10-12 and 11-2 AMD drivers. As this is a completely new install, there is nothing on the system accept for BOINC (which I have tried shutting down to see if that was the problem and it was not), and SP3 (XP).

03-11-11, 07:08 PM
Do you have a monitor and/or dummy plug plugged into the other card? If so, remove it. If that doesn't let you start Crossfire, try reinstalling the driver.

03-11-11, 10:40 PM
Bridge installed. I see the Crossfire option but there is a message saying I have to close the 3D application or video playback that is currently running. Got this message with both the 10-12 and 11-2 AMD drivers. As this is a completely new install, there is nothing on the system accept for BOINC (which I have tried shutting down to see if that was the problem and it was not), and SP3 (XP).

Question: How did you stop the BOINC Manager? IIRC, when you shut down BM, it will by default NOT stop the apps from running. You have to set "Enable Exit Manager Dialog" by checking the options checkbox in Menu > Advanced > Options tab.

03-11-11, 11:03 PM
Ok, I finally got it to work. Ended up reinstalling Windows and installing stuff in a different sequence. Installed windows, then SP3, then the MB drivers, then video card drivers. Then installed BOINC and all seems to be well now.....for the time being. Not sure about the speeds but it takes an average of 10 minutes and 9 seconds to run a DNETC WU. Thx to all for your imput and I hope that my lack of skill might help someone else.

Last WU took 9 minutes and 32 seconds! :)

03-12-11, 02:02 AM
That's pretty quick. Are you on the DNETC Challenge? We could use you. I'm currently #2 on the team in the challenge, and I know there's a lot more firepower here... :D