View Full Version : Mighty Mumps Meeting @ Milwaukee

11-12-14, 04:32 AM
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Mighty Mumps yesterday in the Milwaukee area. We had a coffee together & talked @ leisure for about 40 min's, it was a pleasure to talk with him ... Also now I have a Metal Picture of who my Adversary is, not that it will do me any good ... lol ... j/k ...

11-12-14, 08:47 AM
so that's two on the team that have met you. :-bd

11-12-14, 08:49 AM
so that's two on the team that have met you. :-bd

I'm a Popular Guy ain't I ... lol

Yeah, I told M I met you down around the Detroit area a few year's back ... :)

11-12-14, 10:15 AM
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting the Mighty Mumps yesterday in the Milwaukee area. We had a coffee together & talked @ leisure for about 40 min's, it was a pleasure to talk with him ... Also now I have a Metal Picture of who my Adversary is, not that it will do me any good ... lol ... j/k ...
Adversary? I thought we were working towards the same goals? :))

It was a treat meeting you and your wife. Glad to see your GPS got you back on the road better than this guys (http://fox6now.com/2014/11/11/developing-semi-trailer-truck-stuck-on-foot-bridge-near-north-point-lighthouse/) this morning. :))

11-12-14, 10:47 AM
lol ... I might let a GPS lead my down an Alley but I put my foot down when it comes to driving onto a Foot Bridge ... ;)

Yeah it was smooth sailing after we left Starbucks & meeting with you, it was light traffic the rest of the way ...

11-12-14, 11:14 AM
I didn't know you would be visiting in this area. I'm located about 25 miles SW of Milwaukee. Would have been a pleasure I'm sure. Maybe next time you are nearby.

11-12-14, 04:03 PM
That's awesome! Wish we could do a big team reunion someday.
:) So far I had the privilege of meeting up with Mr. Hankey and Cineon_lut. It's really cool to be able to put a face to the name and have a good chat.
If anyone's ever going through Southern California, please let me know! :)

11-12-14, 04:58 PM
I have managed to meet DrBob and Shadowlurker at the Mall of America Hooters, and then Trigggl and JPM in Memphis. In fact, I've shared a beer with all of them (well, we each had our own beers, but we drank them at the same table/bar).

11-12-14, 06:30 PM
I have managed to meet DrBob and Shadowlurker at the Mall of America Hooters, and then Trigggl and JPM in Memphis. In fact, I've shared a beer with all of them (well, we each had our own beers, but we drank them at the same table/bar).

I'm in Memphis. I drink beers!

I've met with JPM a couple of times... unfortunately we weren't able to share beverages - next time John!

11-12-14, 06:45 PM
That's awesome! Wish we could do a big team reunion someday.
If in NC, I supply the beer. That should get Maxwell here anyway.:P

11-12-14, 09:01 PM
If in NC, I supply the beer. That should get Maxwell here anyway.:P
I wish I still active on the boards while I lived there. I lived in Raleigh for 1.5 years, but that was during my "hiatus." :mad:

11-12-14, 09:54 PM
Copy what drpop said! Also, I'm in Lafayette Louisiana many times through the year and I know we have susa members there

Vic (mobile)

11-12-14, 11:37 PM
Nice man !
I hope you guys discussed how awesome this team is crunching
and you both plan to stay here and help in the future cuz we are gonna need you big gun guys to take down Planet3D
in the Pentathlon.


John P. Myers
11-13-14, 12:23 AM
I hope you guys discussed how awesome this team is crunching
and you both plan to stay here and help in the future cuz we are gonna need you big gun guys to take down Planet3D
in the Pentathlon.When Maxwell, Trigggl and i got together, we discussed alcohol and where to get it :D

Duke of Buckingham
11-13-14, 08:27 AM
Do you know why Portuguese drink?

... Because it is liquid, if it was solid we had to eat it with fork and knife ...