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UBT - Chris
12-13-14, 05:43 AM
Hey from the UK!

12-13-14, 06:41 AM
Hello Chris from the UK, how you doing. I'm Rick and sometimes I'm around here. Welcome to the boards and the team, glad to have you on board. Got questions ask away, one thing we have is lots of guys & gals that know lots of things. :)

Duke of Buckingham
12-13-14, 08:56 AM
Good that someone finnaly gives use to this thread. Our Welcome to a member from the UK,

I am Duke of Buckingham and I am Portuguese.

12-13-14, 10:20 AM
Welcome aboard. Glad to have you with us.

12-13-14, 04:29 PM
Aloha and welcome!

12-13-14, 09:06 PM
Hi there! I'm Jed and I'm in Ventura, in Southern California, USA. Glad to have you on the boards with us! :)

12-14-14, 05:08 PM
Hi, welcome. I am Carlos, Portuguese living in the UK. Where are you from in UK?

09-11-17, 06:25 AM
Hello front Barcelona

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk Pro

Duke of Buckingham
09-12-17, 12:10 AM
I am Ricardo from Portugal and use Duke of Buckingham here on Boinc. Be very WELCOME and don't be a stranger.