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View Full Version : Windows 10 Free upgrade for one year

01-21-15, 01:49 PM
Win 10 for free news! (http://www.technobuffalo.com/2015/01/21/windows-10-is-a-free-upgrade-for-just-one-year/)

Includes upgrades from Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, along with smartphones running Windows Phone 8.1. Thought I would bounce this off the board to see how people trying out the Beta version think of the new system and if it's worth the update?

01-21-15, 03:30 PM
I have been running the Technical Preview since it came out and have not had any problems. The only thing is that you have to do a custom install and go through and turn off all of M$'s "spyware." Other then that it works great and I really like the start button. I currently have it on my new build which is an Asus Sabertooth H97 Mark 2 with a Intel 4790K running a 4.4ghz.

John P. Myers
03-23-15, 07:43 AM
Looks like as it stands, Win10 will prevent anyone from making a dualboot system with Linux (or anything other than another Windows flavor). They're leaving it up to the OEM to decide if they're going to go through the trouble of allowing users to disable it, at least on desktops. On laptops you're just out of luck.

03-23-15, 12:46 PM
A question on this, if I do the free upgrade to win 10 on my win 7 and 8 machines can I then take my old win 7 and 8 upgrade software and upgrade my vista and xp boxes to 7 or 8 and then upgrade them to win 10?

03-23-15, 03:48 PM
A question on this, if I do the free upgrade to win 10 on my win 7 and 8 machines can I then take my old win 7 and 8 upgrade software and upgrade my vista and xp boxes to 7 or 8 and then upgrade them to win 10?

From what I've read online the free upgrade process takes place through windows update. This presumes the update software would then check your windows key to verify it to be genuine. Unless you have multiple genuine keys I doubt you will be able to use the same keys to update multiple units.

I've also seen that business/enterprise users might be pretty bummed to be left out as well, I don't know how they would block those multi-use keys though...

03-23-15, 05:37 PM
well That would be the answer I was expecting. but what the heck worth a try. :) I do have a corp version of xp guess it isn't worth much anymore.

03-23-15, 06:00 PM
I'm kinda curious if my upgrade key for win 7 that I purchased originally with my tower would work for this. I was unable to use it due to the fact when I purchased it I didn't know I had to use it within 6 months...guess who came off deployment and got stuck using Vista till the team stepped in...lol

03-23-15, 10:24 PM
be worth a try.

03-24-15, 08:51 AM
Looks like as it stands, Win10 will prevent anyone from making a dualboot system with Linux (or anything other than another Windows flavor). They're leaving it up to the OEM to decide if they're going to go through the trouble of allowing users to disable it, at least on desktops. On laptops you're just out of luck.

And now you have another reason to never buy a prebuilt system

03-24-15, 11:43 AM
And now you have another reason to never buy a prebuilt systemthat means I have to learn a new os, not likely. i know it is easy, after you know it. :)

03-24-15, 11:59 AM
And now you have another reason to never buy a prebuilt system

Do you think MS is trying to "make" it difficult to install any other OS on purpose, or is that just a side effect, and this is all to make boot time faster for the average Joe? Because we have to remember that the VAST majority of these computers will never see anything but Windows OS on them. Although I wouldn't put it past MS to make switching OSes harder than it needs to be! ;)

03-25-15, 12:38 AM
Actually, this first came up when Win 8 was coming out. They had the same requirement, except that it was allowed to be disabled. (After public uproar against it.) Linux Distros came up with ways to provide boot code that had a suitable signature to let it work. This article implies that approach may still work if Mfg's don't allow you to disable UEFI.


This doesn't cut out Linux entirely—there have been some collaborations to provide Linux boot software with the "right" set of signatures, and these should continue to work—but it will make it a lot less easy.

04-25-15, 02:20 PM
How would you like your system to restart every so often without warning (http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/windows-license-expiration/)....oh, wait, Windows update already does that...;)

04-25-15, 02:38 PM
How would you like your system to restart every so often without warning (http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/windows-license-expiration/)....oh, wait, Windows update already does that...;)
You can turn off auto updates. If you are running the Win 10 preview there have been a couple of new builds lately and that will restart the computer. (10049,10051 and 10061) I have the updates set to ask me about the updates and it works fine.

04-25-15, 05:06 PM

Snark was completely intended, despite being a windows user myself...;)

04-26-15, 10:51 AM

Snark was completely intended, despite being a windows user myself...;)

I missed that one. Must be old age creeping in. O wait, it isn't creeping in it's here already!;)

06-01-15, 05:56 PM
ok all you computer geeks, is it a go on the win 10 upgrade. I'm getting notices from windows about the free upgrade. got about 5 now. my thoughts are if you get a full version free then they will force you to it sooner or later, might just as well get it free. well maybe free

06-01-15, 06:42 PM
I'm still getting updates for the preview. I'm up yo 10130 now and according to the Technet, a lot of people are having problems installing this update. The computer goes into a constant reboot, repair your computer, reboot loop and you can't get it to boot. I'd hold off on the updates even though they are supposed to be free.

06-01-15, 07:37 PM
Shiva, I would wait just a little bit longer. Give them a few more weeks, I think by end of June / July they will have most of the kinks worked out. You're right, it's coming so might as well get it ... eventually. I'd let a few more thousand folks be the beta testers first though! :D ;)

06-01-15, 07:41 PM
well one thing for sure, if you guys think you need to wait the I damn sure need to. will hold on stand by for now.

06-02-15, 12:15 AM
Yep, me too.

06-02-15, 01:13 AM
Folks, win10 is not even released yet. What's out there are just pre-releases. If you like playing with those, go for it. Otherwise, there is no reason to upgrade for now. Most rumors have it that the release will be sometime in mid-summer. We're sill in spring.

Once win10 is released, you will have a whole YEAR to upgrade for free. There is no rush.

John P. Myers
06-02-15, 06:05 AM
July 29th ;)

06-02-15, 09:52 AM
I like playing with the Beta stuff and have been running 3 boxes with it. 2 have nothing but Boinc and Windows and the 3rd is my main box. The main one and one of the others have taken all the updates and are working fine. The 3rd one will not take the last update and goes into the boot cycle. I would definetly wait on doing any upgrading until the final version is out and a lot of people have tried it. I will say that I do like it but n order to use some of tthe features you have to turn things on such as your location. So beware.

06-20-15, 09:35 AM
Hey folks, just keep in mind that Redmond (Corp. home of M$) will at some point in the future change all their software licensing to a subscription based model. That will include Windows. At that point all their crappy code will get even crappier. Sometime after all this, M$ will fail as a company.

So, now is a good time to learn Linux....

John P. Myers
06-28-15, 08:27 PM
Windows 10 introduces something new and highly unpleasant for its millions of consumers: the complete loss of control.

This revelation comes as Microsoft drip feeds nuggets of information ahead of Windows 10’s July 29th release and it is sure to spark anger and frustration as awareness grows. In a nutshell all upgraders to Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro (whether free or paid) will be forced to install every feature, patch and fix Microsoft throws at them or have their security updates cut off.

I'm so excited... :-s

09-18-15, 01:39 PM
Windows 10 introduces something new and highly unpleasant for its millions of consumers: the complete loss of control.

This revelation comes as Microsoft drip feeds nuggets of information ahead of Windows 10’s July 29th release and it is sure to spark anger and frustration as awareness grows. In a nutshell all upgraders to Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro (whether free or paid) will be forced to install every feature, patch and fix Microsoft throws at them or have their security updates cut off.
I'm so excited... :-s

And now we find out just how deep this rabbit hole goes......


"The staffers at iTS explain (https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/3hhtgy/its_bans_users_using_windows_10/) that Windows 10 is off-limits now because of the extensive amount of data it shares. This includes connections to MarkMonitor, the brand protection company which is also involved (https://torrentfreak.com/isps-and-tracking-company-ready-to-start-six-strikes-anti-piracy-scheme-120928/) in the U.S. Copyright Alert System.
“Unfortunately Microsoft decided to revoke any kind of data protection and submit whatever they can gather to not only themselves but also others. One of those is one of the largest anti-piracy company called MarkMonitor,” iTS staff note.
“Amongst other things Windows 10 sends the contents of your local disks directly to one of their servers. Obviously this goes way too far and is a serious threat to sites like ours which is why we had to take measures,” they add....

Luckily, the most invasive privacy concerns can be dealt with by configuring Windows properly. Or any other operating system, application or social network for that matter.
Instead of banning something outright, it may be a good idea to inform the public on specific dangers and educate them how they can be alleviated.

F$ Edit: Yeah, right! We know how astute the general public is when it comes to computers and the internet.....

Original TorrentFreak Article (https://torrentfreak.com/torrent-trackers-ban-windows-10-over-privacy-concerns-150822/)