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View Full Version : Collatz: Corrupt Index Caused Authentication Errors

03-05-15, 07:13 PM
Summary: An index on the user table in the database was corrupt and has been fixed. If you have issues or notice something that is out of sync somehow, please let me know. Details: The email address index on the user table was corrupted. This kept people from being able to authenticate when connecting. Ever heard that the definition of lunacy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? If that is true, some of you need some serious counselling. ;-) When people couldn't connect, they attempted to authenticate and BOINC's logic is that if it can't find you, you must be new. So, it created another record because the index used to look up your existing record was corrupt -- or for some lunatics, another and another and another and another... That resulted in multiple user records with the same email address and because of that, I couldn't just drop and re-create the corrupt index because there were now duplicate data values that needed to first be removed. So, after cleaning up hundreds of records each of which had to be manually evaluated to determine whether any other data was associated with the user record (since BOINC doesn't have any data integrity between tables because it uses no foreign key relationships in the database it will allow me to delete records that do have data associated with them which means I have to be very careful when fixing things). Once they were all removed, I was able to rebuild the index and allow everyone to access the project again.

More... (http://boinc.thesonntags.com/collatz/forum_thread.php?id=1251)

03-05-15, 07:55 PM
Thank you Slicker for your hard work.

03-05-15, 08:04 PM
count me in Slicker, I followed instructions and detached and re attached one box lost 40 completed wu's in the process. decided to wait before I did that again.

03-08-15, 11:00 PM
Once, I get. But detach and re-attach 15 times? If it didn't work the first couple times....