View Full Version : Monitor-less Computers

03-20-15, 04:59 PM
I remember, back in the day, that boxes with NVidia cards could be run headless without problem, but AMD cards required a monitor attached, or at least a dummy plug. Is that still the case, or can boxes with AMD cards be run headless now?

03-20-15, 05:10 PM
I run PCs (win 7 or better) and Macs (10.7 or better) headless with AMDs all the time.

With a PC, don't use Remote Desktop, it will kill your GPU processes and boinc will revert to "no GPU detected". Run VNC or Teamviewer instead.

03-20-15, 05:23 PM
Like Vic said...

03-20-15, 06:27 PM
Thanks, guys. That'll make life easier.

And TeamViewer all the way!

03-20-15, 08:12 PM
One exception: If you are trying to crunch on the Intel HD graphics *and* a discrete GPU, you will likely have to plug in a monitor into the video port on the mobo. Otherwise it won't see both. Additionally, you will probably need to fiddle with the BIOS to get BOINC to see both.