View Full Version : ATLAS@Home: New application version - 1.39

10-30-15, 11:45 AM
Dear All,

In the next hour a new application version for all platforms will be released.

This version will include a new VM image that will support the following improvements:

Multiple Console Support
The image now supports multiple (5) consoles.
They are organized as follows:
tty1: runtime_log ---> This is the job log
tty2: runtime_log.err
tty3: cron.out ---> This is the log of the cron job that starts the job
tty4: cron.err
tty5: top

From the BOINC manager, you should choose the ‘Show VM console’ option (in order to have this option you should install the Virtual Box extension and you have to have remote desktop installed).

To switch between console you should press Alt+F1—>F5

Graphics Support
A Web sever has been configured in the image to support the BOINC graphics function. For now only a default index page is provided that shows a log directory where the logs shown in the consoles can be downloaded.

From the BOINC manager, you should choose the ‘Show graphics’ option.

Your inputs are important,
Please let us know if you are having problems.

Thank you all

More... (http://atlasathome.cern.ch/forum_thread.php?id=383)