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View Full Version : Universe: Recognition for gravitational waves discovery

05-17-16, 03:02 PM
I have a pleasure to inform you, unless you already know, that prof. Krzysztof Belczy?ski,
the PI of Universe@Home project, in recognition for his involvement in discovery of gravitational
waves, was awarded recently with the Medal of Nicolas Copernicus and the Breakthrough Prize.

The former is the most prestigious prize awarded by the Polish Academy of Sciences. The latter is an
international award bestowed for remarkable scientific outcome. It was awarded for the whole group,
which took part in the research.

The results from the Universe@Home project are still used to increase our understanding of
gravitational waves and their role in the Universe.


Mam przyjemno?? poinformowa? Was, cho? mo?liwe, ?e ju? wiecie, ?e prof. Krzysztof Belczy?ski,
kierownik projektu Universe@Home, w uznaniu swoich zas?ug w odkryciu fal grawitacyjnych, zosta?
nagrodzony Medalem im. Miko?aja Kopernika i Breakthrough Prize.

Pierwsza nagroda jest najbardziej presti?? przyznawan? przez Polsk? Akademi? Nauk. Druga
natomiast to mi?dzynarodowa nagroda przyznawana za znacz?ce odkrycia naukowe. Zosta?a ona
przyznana ca?ej grupie bior?cej udzia? w badaniach.

Wyniki otrzymywane w ramach projektu Universe@Home s? ci?gle u?ywane do poszerzania naszej
wiedzy na temat fal grawitacyjnych i ich roli we Wszech?wiecie.

More... (http://universeathome.pl/universe/forum_thread.php?id=148)