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09-26-16, 03:09 PM
Unfortunately, I need to move again. I thought I was going to be here for another year; however, it is now necessary that I part ways with my 26-year-old, very blonde female (but cute) roommate.

I know what you guys are thinking… don’t. I’m not that good looking and I don’t have THAT much money. =)) I can assure you that dating someone half your age isn’t as much fun as you would think.

Anyways… I need to be out by December 1st so the bad news is that I will be down for a week maybe two at that time. The good news is that I’m going back to an old place that I call the “pink house” some of you may remember. I call it that because… well… it’s pink… I kid you not. It's not good because it’s pink, it’s good because I don’t pay for power. So you know what that means boys and girls… I can get more rigs and very little downtime. :cool:

09-26-16, 03:23 PM
That pink must be a California thing. I would be hard pressed to live in a pink house even if I didn't pay for the power.:cool::cool::cool:=))=))=))

09-26-16, 05:28 PM
That pink must be a California thing. I would be hard pressed to live in a pink house even if I didn't pay for the power.:cool::cool::cool:=))=))=))

I do understand. The pink was tough to ignore for a while when I lived here years ago; even the interior walls are faux painted with pink and a couple of other colors added.

I don't think he ever lived in California but it's in Las Vegas and the owner is a nice older man who retired from being a dancer on The Strip a number of years ago. I lived here for about 4 years; it's quiet and well kept. It's approximately 12,000 square feet, 9 bedrooms, 10 baths and a pool. The area that I will be renting is 1,100 square feet, has a private entrance and is completely self contained. Besides the owner and his partner, there are only 2 other renters that live here. The rent is way below market level and it never goes up. The smallest bedroom was bigger than my last apartment and with my lease due, staying in my current place would cost more than moving here.

The house does tend to get egged every Halloween... go figure. :)


09-26-16, 10:14 PM
Dancing must pay well :D

Duke of Buckingham
09-27-16, 05:05 AM
Dancing must pay well :D

So I will start dancing very soon and congratulations STMahlberg.

09-27-16, 10:48 AM
Looks and sounds like you got a great deal!

10-01-16, 09:17 PM
Nice talking to U on the fone!

10-01-16, 10:35 PM
I can assure you that dating someone half your age isn’t as much fun as you would think.

Been there, done that and 100% concur. Mine turned into a royal PITA near the end. I had to get a restrainer order because she wouldn't accept that we were done. I think getting arrested after she crashed her car through the guard gate finally convinced her.

10-03-16, 02:09 PM
Been there, done that and 100% concur. Mine turned into a royal PITA near the end. I had to get a restrainer order because she wouldn't accept that we were done. I think getting arrested after she crashed her car through the guard gate finally convinced her.

Yup. After we broke up I came home to find my front door kicked in and stuff missing. Her and her friends had fun filling up their cars with fuel on my credit cards.

10-03-16, 05:05 PM
Yup. After we broke up I came home to find my front door kicked in and stuff missing. Her and her friends had fun filling up their cars with fuel on my credit cards.
Holy bejesus...makes me love my boring life.

10-03-16, 05:51 PM
Yup. After we broke up I came home to find my front door kicked in and stuff missing. Her and her friends had fun filling up their cars with fuel on my credit cards.
WOW! If that happened to me people would be going to jail. And from the FWIW dept that's one reason I always have any exit doors installed so they only open outwards and can't usually be kicked in and back that up with a well trained Rottweiler.

10-04-16, 12:18 PM
Holy bejesus...makes me love my boring life.

You're telling me! I don't think I've ever been as thankful for marrying my high school sweetheart and being together all this time more than I am at this moment! :o

@STM - sure hope it all works out good for you this time around at the Pink House and in all other areas of life. We're rooting for you, bro!

10-04-16, 03:08 PM
You're telling me! I don't think I've ever been as thankful for marrying my high school sweetheart and being together all this time more than I am at this moment! :o

@STM - sure hope it all works out good for you this time around at the Pink House and in all other areas of life. We're rooting for you, bro!

That's cool. I married my high school sweetheart as well; that lasted for 18 years and I have 2 wonderful daughters and 1 granddaughter, so no regrets.

The dating scene was pretty crazy so I have opted out. :) Life is good now.

10-05-16, 07:30 PM
Sounds to me, Steve, U need to fire up a pot and make that cajun I sent U....
Takes all the pain away, at least for a little while!

10-06-16, 02:12 AM
Sounds to me, Steve, U need to fire up a pot and make that cajun I sent U....
Takes all the pain away, at least for a little while!

I will as soon as I'm home long enough to cook. I've been babysitting my granddaughter.

Thanks again for the grub, looking forward to trying it out. :)

11-01-16, 02:36 PM
Just scheduled to have my internet transferred over to the new place on the 14th. I should be moved in as well. Looking forward to getting all of my rigs running including my GPU's. :D

11-01-16, 10:55 PM
Just scheduled to have my internet transferred over to the new place on the 14th. I should be moved in as well. Looking forward to getting all of my rigs running including my GPU's. :D


11-10-16, 03:56 AM
The last of the move is today and my isp won't be transferred until the 14th... so if all goes well, I should be back online by Tuesday the 15th.

11-14-16, 08:29 PM
Getting the isp transfered has not gone as planned. b-( They need to have a crew dig a trench to install a lat to the house, then the installer has to come back and run 300 feet of cable. They said perhaps I'll be up by the end of the week. On a bizarre note, I have to have one of the tenants move his vehicle so they can trench... sounds easy enough; however, he's refusing to answer his door. Did I mention he's crazy?

Right now, I'm on my tablet and I'm already getting a data limit warning. :(

11-18-16, 09:09 AM
I'm finally up and running... at least the internet. It only took 4 days, 2 trench crews, 2 installers and 1 supervisor to get it all done.

I've got my main rig back crunching and will have my laptop up shortly. I have to order a couple of 5 GHz wireless adapters to get the other two running again; although, I have a 2.4 GHz somewhere... in some unmarked box. :-??

11-18-16, 09:14 AM
I'm finally up and running... at least the internet. It only took 4 days, 2 trench crews, 2 installers and 1 supervisor to get it all done.

I've got my main rig back crunching and will have my laptop up shortly. I have to order a couple of 5 GHz wireless adapters to get the other two running again; although, I have a 2.4 GHz somewhere... in some unmarked box. :-??
Yeah! Glad to hear it! I still have you beat on the install...almost 60 days from start to finish to get AT&T Fiber. I hate to admit it, but it WAS worth the wait. Glad to have you back full time.