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View Full Version : Citizen Science Grid: [wildlife] image review interface and general status update

11-09-16, 08:55 AM

I've been working on some interface tweaks to the image review system (http://csgrid.org/csg/wildlife/image_selector.php), and am pleased to say that it should work a little more smoothly now.

The major enhancements have been focused on getting consistent zooming working. The old algorithm and methods would sometimes allow the picture to go out of frame and wasn't saving the last zoom location correctly; everything should be smooth sailing on that front now.

I'm still looking into an issue where trackpads can have issues panning around the image and I'm looking into a way to condense the observations section on the left side.

We've also got a whole new set of aerial imagery and we're ready to start allowing you to go through our large collection of aerial images. Look for a post on that tonight or tomorrow :D.

Another large update will be BADGES! Finally (sorry, it's my fault for waiting this long), we'll be giving out credit and badges for reviewing the images. We're working on the final details in a meeting today and should have them working by the end of the week. There will be one set of badges for making observations and another set of badges when the observations are validated.

Any work you've done on the images will be counted retroactively, so don't worry about missing out on points.


More... (http://csgrid.org/csg/forum_thread.php?id=2282)