by Published on 08-21-11 09:23 PM  Number of Views: 4892 

    Whilst Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) about BOINC can be found at various Web Sites, I am going to be upfront and state that the contents here can be mostly found at other sites and is repeated here, pruned or added to to suit our purpose. The idea is to find most FAQ's in one site not only making it convenient but saving download time which on slow computers could be quite time consuming. The document contains the following sections:

    Distributed Computing.
    BOINC In General.

    It would be appreciated that if you think we should include other FAQ's here, either write the Article yourself or suggest it in the Forum titled "Suggestions".
    by Published on 08-21-11 09:28 PM  Number of Views: 6404 

    The computers we use today have powerful processors and lots of memory. The average user does not need all that power, yet when the machine is switched on it consumes power wheather you use it or not. The machine is actually idling when you are browsing, checking your email or reading what is going on in your favorite forum or web site. When you leave your machine to have a break, answer the phone or a nature call, it just sits there using electricity for nothing. If you don't believe me, do the three finger salute (Control, Alt, Del), click the processes tab and you'll see the majority of processing power is devoted to "System Idle Process". Distributed Computing Projects harness your underused computing power. All are Scientific Research projects, some medical, some trying to find cures for illnesses or new drugs, some looking for signs of Extra Terrestrial life. The combined power of the spare capacity available from millions of computers vastly exceeds the most powerful supercomputers.

    What is Volunteer Computing?

    Volunteer Computing is an arrangement in which people (volunteers) provide computing resources to projects, which use the resources to do distributed computing and/or storage.

    Volunteers are typically members of the general public who own Internet-connected PCs. Organizations such as schools and businesses may also volunteer the use of their computers.
    Projects are typically academic (university-based) and do scientific research. But there are exceptions; for example, GIMPS and distributed.net (two major projects) are not academic.
    Several aspects of the project/volunteer relationship are worth noting:

    Volunteers are effectively anonymous; although they may be required to register and supply email address or other information, they are not linked to a real-world identity.
    Because of their anonymity, volunteers are not accountable to projects. If a volunteer misbehaves in some way (for example, by intentionally returning incorrect computational results) the project cannot prosecute or discipline the volunteer.
    Volunteers must trust projects in several ways:
    The volunteer trusts the project to provide applications that don't damage their computer or invade their privacy.
    The volunteer trusts that the project is truthful about what work is being done by its applications, and how the resulting intellectual property will be used.
    The volunteer trusts the project to follow proper security practices, so that hackers cannot use the project as a vehicle for malicious activities.

    How does it work?

    Each project takes a big computing task and break it down to tiny segments called Work Units (WU's). These WU's are processed, (crunched) by your computer with the results returned for analysis and checking (validation). Most projects sends the same WU's to three or perhaps more computers and comparing the returned results for validity. There can be a time limit for the crunching the WU's and returning the results to ensure that there are not too many incomplete WU's are kicking about.

    Each Distributed Computing user has an account with the project's of their choice. The project will provide client software, often in the form of a screensaver. This client software handles the download, upload and crunching of the WU's.

    What's the Catch?

    You may be concerned that by allowing the software to be running on your computer, it won't be available to offer you full power on your computer when you need it. Distributed Computing (DC) Projects are designed to run in the background, at low priority mode. They only use spare capacity. When a program such as word-processing comes along, the computer automatically pause the DC process. It will restart only when computing again becomes idle. Should you distrust that process, you can always suspend the DC project for the duration and restart it manually when you are ready.

    You are volunteering your computer to the project. There will be no reward, other than knowledge of participation in a scientific endeavor and to see your score in league tables of your fellow project participants.

    Over years of use by thousands of participants there is no evidence to say your computer will be harmed. Inevitably you will wish to trust the project you are running that it's software is safe. But these days we all have firewalls and anti virus software? Your computer will be working hard while it is running the project, but then it's designed to offer full power all the time. Thus it's unlikely, that your computer will suffer physical damage. Perhaps the biggest issues are of temperature. As the computer is running intensely, the processor memory and other components might get quite warm. Keeping your computer well ventilated is important.

    The software for the project is freely available. The cost to you is your electricity, and time to install the project. If the computer would be on anyway for your normal use, you aren't adding to your power consumption. If however, as many participants chose to do, so as to boost their results, the computer is left on 24/7 even when you don't use the PC, you will burn power Dependant on your computer's power supply.

    What do I need?

    The faster your machine the greater will be your potential contribution. Most projects, simply because of the potential user base, run under Windows, but Linux and Mac computers are also well supported by some but not all projects. An Internet connection is also required - though this need not be broadband, but downloads and uploads can depending on the project be 10 or more MB per day - though often a machine can be "preload" (or cache) several (tens of) WU's in advance for off line crunching.

    The more recent projects are becoming more demanding of computer resources and can require a good Athlon XP/64 or higher equivalent, a dual or quad core computer. Usually they are heavily Dependant on the floating point performance. Plenty of memory and a small amount of hard disk space are useful too. Many projects are clever enough to only send you WU's that your computer can handle.

    You will need to setup a user account with each project. That may require you to have a valid email address. Once you have downloaded the client software and completed the registration process, the WU processing should commence automatically.

    In most cases you can only run one project's software on your computer at a time. Although projects all run at low priority, some are better at this than others. The exception is where you have dual or hyper threaded type processors where each processor can be assigned a different project. This can be a little geeky to get right. The BOINC based projects, allowing users to decide what percentage of computer time each gets, set via the project's web site.

    The projects and Teams

    It is perfectly acceptable just to donate your spare computing capacity to a project. There is no reward for your donation, other than your personal satisfaction of seeing your credit accumulate. Most find this rather dull and seek greater motivation. That's where teams come in.

    Teams provide a friendly competitive spirit amongst participants, a common cause to beat other teams. This encourages participants to crunch more. It can all be quite addictive - not to mention expensive. Active teams also provide a base where experiences and problems can be shared. Projects have recognized the ability of teams to enhance the crunching spirit. SETI.USA participate in the majority of projects that are available and have our own Forum to share experiences make friends and exchange ideas. I urge you to join us and give us a try.
    by Published on 08-21-11 09:35 PM  Number of Views: 6917 

    Cobblestones: The speed of the reference computer against which all computers participating in a BOINC project is measured. A reference computer would perform work to the credit equivalent of 100 cobblestones per day.

    Credit: The number of cobblestones claimed or granted for completed Work Units (WU's) that successfully complete and are accepted by the project. First credit is claimed for a WU based on the amount of time it took. Then when validation occurs (see below) a possibly different credit is granted. The total claimed credit for which no credit has been granted is referred to as the Pending Credit.

    Crunching: The processing of a downloaded WU using the projects application to look for whatever it is the the project is trying to do.

    Recently Averaged Credit (RAC): This shows the measure of the rate at which your granted credit is growing If it goes up, you are accelerating, if it is dropping then either you or the others crunching the same WU's as you are slacking or the project is having validation problems and dropping behind.

    Scheduling: This is the process of communicating with the client computer to tell it to tell it information from the central server. This includes both information on the current state of the users and teams statistics and what WU's to download when the client asks for some more.

    Transitioning: The process of the projects servers examining a WU's state and deciding on what to do with it next. This can be to either send it out, pass it on for validation (enough matching results have been received) or send another copy out (as one/more of the existing ones have exceeded their return date or had errors returned. The most important to crunchers of these is the step of passing a WU for validation. On SETI@Home (and most other projects but not all) a WU is sent to three or more computers initially and when three have returned a result - and all three agree on the result then the result is transitioned for validation and credit is designed. Where there is a difference of opinion (for example one of them may have a hardware or overclocked problem and may return in invalid result or it may be running a beta version of a client) then additional copies are transitioned and sent out and the users who have already completed the WU wait for the additional results to be returned before it is considered for validation again.

    Trickle: Some BOINC projects (e.g. CPDN) have very large WU's which often take several weeks to process. To inform the project that work is taking place and where you are up to - as well as return results and grant interim credit they implement the trickles every so often during the crunching of the WU. CPDN implements 72 trickles within its present WU's averaging about 6 trickles per day on a fast system.

    Validation: The process of the projects servers granting credit for returned work. When three matching ones are found, then the Highest and lowest claimed credits are ignored and all three (or more) who return the result are granted the claimed credit of the middle one.

    Work Units (WU's): The small segment of the overall program sent to the client computer to process and return as a result.
    by Published on 08-21-11 09:33 PM  Number of Views: 6633 

    BOINC Versions

    BOINC recommends to always run the latest public release of the BOINC Core Client (CC) for your platform. This will often support the majority if not all projects. Having said that, sometimes some projects (usually new ones) will need the new features of a new version of the client - and that client may not be fully compatible with all projects. So it is best to check what version you need for the projects you decide on a particular system before installing the latest and greatest.

    As part of BOINC framework, projects can require that the CC be part of a certain minimum version - so from time to time (fairly infrequently) it will become mandatory to upgrade your CC before more work can be downloaded. If the CC is not upgraded, then it will complete processing on existing WU's and then run out of work. The "Messages" tab on the CC will display messages similar to "your core client is out of date, please upgrade to version Vxyz".

    Project Application Download

    It is not necessary to download the project applications. The BOINC CC will communicate with the project website the version each computer has installed (if any) and will download the required version if it is not available. From time to time, the project will issue a new version of their applications and will then force the CC to download the required new versions when they next receive new WU's. This has caused some consternation with the larger users about having a program download other programs from a potentially unsecure/untrusted source. The rule here is that if you're not happy with the concept in general or a project in particular then don't use that project or BOINC.

    A means to bypass this is to download the source code of both this CC and the project application (if they are available - not all are) and compile them for yourself. The BOINC CC application for each platform identifies itself as being for that platform - e.g. the windows BOINC CC has "windows" as its identifier - and will only run project applications which also have this "windows" identifier. Using this and changing the identifier in the BOINC CC to "AA" for example will only permit project applications called "AA" as well. More about this will be documented later for adventurous explore

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